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Tout est quantique

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ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment on USTREAM: ***QUICK NOTES ABOUT HDEV VIDEO*** Black Image = International Space Station (ISS) is on the night side of the ... Black Image = International Space Station (ISS) is on the night side of the Earth. No Audio = Normal. There is no audio by design. Add your own soundtrack. For a display of the real time ISS location plus the HDEV imagery, visit here: The High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment aboard the ISS was activated April 30, 2014.

Fully Automatic Wireless Hacking Station This article describes a working all-in-one standalone mobile wireless attack station that can perform MITM type attacks on clients automatically and without any internet access or other external connectivity or influence. In laypersons terms; this portable battery powered device can automatically entice wireless devices to connect to it, be that iPhones/iPads, Androids and other phones or laptops and PCs. Most devices will connect to it automatically without the user even realizing.

Tails: the operating system that blew open the NSA When NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden first emailed Glenn Greenwald, he insisted on using email encryption software called PGP for all communications. But this month, we learned that Snowden used another technology to keep his communications out of the NSA's prying eyes. It's called Tails. Astronomie - MESSENGER arrive aux abords de Mercure - AstroSurf Envoyé 03-01-2008 19:42 j'ai relevé ces precisions sur le site, où il s'avère que c'est bien pour diminuer la vitesse de la sonde afin qu'elle soit capturée par Mercure...Mais ça ne répond pas tout à fait à la question : pourquoi peut-on envoyer directement une sonde en orbite de Mars et pas de Mercure ? Rôle joué par le Soleil, faible masse de Mercure ?? Guide To…Direct Network Connection Raspberry Pi Remote Connections – Without A Network! No keyboard or screen available for your Raspberry Pi, but you have a laptop? There are often times when a HDMI monitor is not available to use with your Raspberry Pi. In those circumstances it can be very useful to remote connect using a nearby network and a laptop (see the Guide to…Remote Connections). However, sometimes there isn’t a network available either! So how can we make use of a laptop screen and keyboard when there is no network?

Astronomy Picture of the Day Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2016 April 15 grbv @ This tool is written in Lua, and can be modified quite easily without recompilation. Configuration files First several modules will try to read configuration files. The configuration file is named translucent = false

Build your own Google TV Using RaspberryPi, NodeJS and Hardware Components: The RaspberryPi (Tested on Raspberry Pi model I-B, I-B+ and II-B)A USB WiFi dongle or Ethernet cable (Tested on Edimax WiFi Dongle)SD/MicroSD card (8 GB+) (check out NOOBS) Software Stack: Aurora Much robotics research in recent years has been devoted to the subject of odometry. Knowing a robot’s precise location in the world is key for navigation and obstacle detection and avoidance. Currently a number of methods are used, including wheel odometry, GPS, and SLAM systems, but each of these has flaws in its current implementation.

Consumer Electronics Hacker - Aurora I needed to detail what I found out about the upgrade.bin file and how. If you want to know the format, just jump to the end of this post. I'm going to detail how I figured out the format. For hacking this, HxD is one of the best programs in the world. And free, too!!

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