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Les 15 meilleurs outils en ligne pour les enseignants

Les 15 meilleurs outils en ligne pour les enseignants

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HYPERACTIVIT et TROUBLES des APPRENTISSAGES Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use only and may not be sold or licensed nor shared on other sites. SlideServe reserves the right to change this policy at anytime. While downloading, If for some reason you are not able to download a presentation, the publisher may have deleted the file from their server. 1. Monique TOUZIN Orthophoniste HYPERACTIVIT? 5 tools to leverage augmented reality - Page 2 of 2 - eCampus News The University of Maryland also is home to the Virtual and Augmented Reality Laboratory, also known as the Augmentarium. The Augmentarium’s main technology is the highly popular Oculus Rift. Augmented reality’s applications within learning could be limitless, because any concept with a special or physical component can be better understood through a student’s firsthand use of the technology, and would likely make learning even more interesting and exciting for most students, university representatives said. Cogswell Polytechnical College has launched a new virtual reality and augmented reality certificate program, which addresses the development of content for both technologies. The program is a six-course set of specialized classes that will be offered weekday evenings and weekends to accommodate the schedules of industry professionals. Augmented reality tools include:

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