+300 Herramientas y Recursos Gratuitos Para Crear Materiales Educativos Didacticos #tics #educación
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Preparing for Problem Solving
Section 3: PREPARATION FOR PROBLEM SOLVING Being in the flow; being centered Training for a flowing and centered response Back to Table of Contents The key to successful problem solving starts within our own minds.
SoftChalk CLOUD
Getting Started SoftChalk Cloud is a community where educators create, share and manage interactive learning content. It's easy to get started — here's how: Try it FREE for 30 Days Sign up for a 30-day free trial of SoftChalk Cloud. You'll have access to all of the features of the full subscription (See About SoftChalk Cloud).
Happy Friday: my top 5 favorite Moodle sites
Welcome to Moodlenews.com A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! I’ve seen a lot of Moodles. I can’t resist a new Moodle link, to see the theme, the apparent activity on the front page and the various courses that are available (even though they might be closed). Checking out a new Moodle always gives me new ideas for posts, and how to design my own Moodle sites or courses.
Twitter as a tool for learningScoop
Social media often gets a bad rap for being a driving force behind people falling out of touch, neglecting in-person relationships, and reducing productivity for people around the world. Naysayers blame it for shorter attention spans and proliferation of bad grammar, and the most vehement of those naysayers believe that social media has led to privacy being a thing of the past. To be fair, there have been many times where I’ve been trolling my Twitter feed only to be thoroughly horrified by TMI moments and tHingz Speld lIKE THIZ. But if you look past the rough surface Twitter can sometimes present, you find an amazing tool for learning.
Make in minutes, share online. Build a web booklet from your own content or convert an existing PDF. Our design tool is code free, drag and drop simple. One click publishing to multiple locations on the web and a curated classroom web booklet gallery.
Evolutionary history of plants
A late Siluriansporangium. Green: A spore tetrad. Blue: A spore bearing a trilete mark – the
What is Livestream?
Broadcast to millions, live in HD with our Platform, Producer, Broadcaster and Studio products. Visit livestream.com, or any of our free Livestream apps for Roku, Apple TV, iPad, iPhone and Android to watch live sports, news, education, music and more. To enable organizations to share experiences through live video, unlocking a world where every event is available live online. Founded in 2007
Connect with the Moodle community on #Googleplus
Welcome to Moodlenews.com A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! If you’re looking for more ways to connect with Moodlers you can check out and join a moderated Moodle community (moderators include Helen Foster and Martin Dougiamas) on Google+ that was recently created.