Position y Float El valor predeterminado para todos los elementos es position:static, que posiciona al elemento según el lugar donde fue definido en el HTML. Por lo general no hay necesidad de definir position:static, a menos que querramos caerle encima a alguna regla anterior que haya modificado el posicionamiento. Si le definimos position:relative a un elemento, entonces podemos utilizar top, bottom, left y right para mover el elemento con relación a la posición en la que aparecería normalmente en el documento. Movamos el div-1 20 pixeles hacia abajo y 40 pixeles hacia la izquierda: Fíjate que en el lugar donde hubiese aparecido el div-1 ahora hay un espacio en blanco. Parecería que position:relative no es muy útil, pero tendrá una tarea muy importante más adelante. Cuando utilizamos position:absolute, el elemento es removido del documento y colocado exactamente donde nosotros queremos. Movamos el div-1a a la esquina superior derecha de la página: Un momento, ¿qué sucedió con los demás elementos?
Building trello.com for multiple devices We built Trello from the ground up to work on just about any device. It’s not a simplified version with limited features, either. Trello responds to your device’s screen size and capabilities. But we also have an iPhone app. Everything we do for mobile translates back to a better desktop experience. All the interface elements are mobile-friendly, which means they are also more desktop-friendly. There are no redirects. Scaling, zooming, and resizing work seamlessly. We can deliver updates to all devices seamlessly. So how does it all work? Here are some of the tools and tricks that made developing a responsive interface much easier. Use a limited library of mobile-optimized, reusable components. Think twice about navigation. Use a vector-based image editor like Illustrator to produce icons. That being said… We’re developing for the browsers and devices of today and tomorrow. And we still love native apps!
Training Center: Certification FAQs Find your answers below to common questions on Google for Education certifications. Exam Privacy and Policies Following is the Exam Privacy and Policies agreement that is presented to the examinee during the registration process. Instructions to examinee: Read the following terms carefully. If you accept the terms, please click the checkbox at the end of this agreement. Privacy. All Exam Information you submit to Google is collected by Google or its authorized agents in the United States, as well as the jurisdiction where you take the Exam. For individuals located in the European Union, by submitting your Exam Information you are agreeing to the transfer of that information outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area ("EEA") to countries where privacy standards may differ. How will Exam Information be used? The Exam Information you submit is used for the following purposes: Your Choices Submitting your Exam Information is voluntary. Who may access your data? Contacting Us
How To Work With Linear, Radial, And Repeating CSS Gradients Any time you can replace a bitmapped image with code you should. The code is going to weigh less and be more maintainable. That’s not to say we shouldn’t use bitmapped images, but where appropriate go with the code instead. A few years ago designers would create large images of a solid color. While they’ve been with us for a couple of years now, I’ve only recently started using css gradients in the sites I build. As a reminder to use them more I though I’d write about them here. Browser Support Since I’m saying we should use css gradients more, I should probably back that up with some data. As with a lot of css, IE is a potential stumbling block as there’s no support in IE9 and below. You might argue that suggests we should wait a bit longer, but there should never be a time where the inability to display a gradient breaks your design. Gradients are things of progressive enhancement and not usability requirements. How to Work with Gradients There are 4 types of gradients. Linear Gradients
HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners 10 minutes, 20 seconds 35 minutes, 14 seconds 29 minutes, 21 seconds 25 minutes, 25 seconds 48 minutes, 58 seconds 20 minutes, 18 seconds 6 minutes, 59 seconds 15 minutes, 30 seconds 13 minutes, 0 seconds 27 minutes, 27 seconds DomainTools 32 Indispensable Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Designers | Speckyboy Design Magazine All of these bookmarklets/favelets will be useful to all web designers and developers, they are the quickest method for testing, analyzing and tweaking any web page. A Bookmarklet or Favelet is a small application tool, stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page. To use these bookmarklets you can drag and drop the links to your Bookmark Toolbar or right click and save link as, this way you will always have quick access to these great tools Layout Grid and Overlay Bookmarklets Bookmarklet Javascript Code (Copy and Paste) : javascript:void(d=document);void(el=d.getElementsByTagName('body'));void(el%5B0%5D.style.background='url( MRI from WESTCIV Bookmarklet Javascript Code : Spry Medias Design Bookmarklet Quick Accessibility Page Tester Reload CSS Slayer Office Mouseover DOM Inspector (Domi) Slayer Office Favelet Suite Wave – Web Accesibilty javascript:void(window.open(' CSS Bookmarklets
nuovo-internet-marketing.com Buy this domain. nuovo-internet-marketing.com How Does Auto Positioning Work In CSS? A few weeks ago Andrei raised an interesting question on one of my older posts. The post shows how to create a navigation bar. Andrei noticed the submenu was positioned absolutely, but none of its ancestor elements had positioning applied. Why then did the submenu display directly below its parent link in the menu? I honestly didn’t know. Like Andrei my expectation was the submenu should be positioned relative to the html element given the absence of other positioned elements and should appear in the top left corner of the browser, but it didn’t. The reason turned out to be very simple, though it took some investigation to find it. Containing Blocks Set Positioning Context As a quick review when you use css positioning on an element its position is relative to some containing block. In the post I was using the Suckerfish system to create a drop down menu. At first glance the submenu seems to be ignoring the above information about containing blocks. How Should a Browser Interpret Auto?
CSS3 Transitions And Transforms From Scratch There are some amazing examples of CSS transforms and transitions, and whilst you may be blown away by them, there's a good chance that you're also overwhelmed and a bit intimidated! This tutorial will take you back to the very basics. We're going to create some fundamental CSS3 transitional movements, step by step. A Quick Note on Browser Support: Support across browsers is already pretty reasonable. The Axes and Grid To help understand the movement easily we'll be working on an axis grid (which you'll probably recognize from basic math). The only (crucial) difference is that on our axis the -y value is above the x axis, whilst it would ordinarily be below it. Note: I'm going to assume that you're already familiar with HTML and CSS file structure. 1: Horizontal Movement The first movement we'll demonstrate is "horizontal"; we'll animate the object to move to the right and to the left. Moving to the Right Open your favorite Text Editor and enter the following html markup, then save the file.
Initializr - HTML5 Boilerplates 50 Twitter Tools and Tutorials For Designers and Developers | De Twitter appears on innumerable personal and professional websites nowadays, whether it is a simple “Follow me” badge in the header or a display of the author’s latest tweets in the sidebar. No longer a fad, Twitter is now a necessity for every website, not just for sharing your thoughts and keeping in touch with people, but also for marketing, advertising and even searching. But you may be wondering, How can I make Twitter work the way I want on my website? Here Is A Great Educational Tool for Digital Curation March , 2016 Candy is a cool Chrome extension that allows you to capture ideas and thoughts from any web page and use them in your writing projects. You simply highlight the sentences or portion of text you are interested in and Candy saves and displays it in a card together with the author and the source information. You can embed these cards in your documents (online and offline), share them via email or on popular social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook or embed them in your blog or website the same way you embed a YouTube video. Candy can be of great help to students. They can use it to insert quotations from any webpage right into the document they are working on.