Shared Links is the best way to see what’s up on the web. When you’re in the mood to read something new, quirky, or cool, open Shared Links in the Safari Sidebar, where you can view links from people you follow on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can scroll seamlessly from one story to the next, no clicking required. So they’re quick and easy to read. Share anything you come across on the web without leaving Safari. Just click the Share button, then choose how you want to send it off. Safari has advanced power-saving technologies built in. Safari takes advantage of power-saving technologies such as App Nap, which puts background Safari tabs into a low-power state until you start using them again. Power-saving technologies let you browse longer compared with Chrome and Firefox.1 Memory management technologies help Safari — and the rest of your system — stay responsive.2 Safari Baseline Firefox 1.29x more memory usage Chrome 1.35x more memory usage 1 2 Third-party data and cookie blocking.
Style Master CSS Editor for Windows and Mac OS X
Cool Tools and Toys for Web Developers John, the lead developer (ok, pretty much the only developer) of Style Master is an avowed hacker. He loves exploring and experimenting with the latest features in browsers.
Our popular photo organizer for the GNOME desktop. Import Photos Easily import photos from folders or from your digital camera or phone. Organize Shotwell automatically groups photos taken at the same time. You can also use tags and ratings to organize your photo collection.
s Web O'(pen) Wonder
Mozilla supports a wide variety of exciting open web technologies, and we encourage their use. This page offers links to interesting demonstrations of these technologies, including some that were popular in the Demo Studio, which has since been retired. If you know of a good demonstration or application of open web technology, please add a link to the appropriate section here. 2D Graphics Justin's demo (works when saved locally) Canvas
Web Design
LESS « The Dynamic Stylesheet language
淺談HTML5中的 Mobile App Cache 與 Web Database
作者:李孟翰 / 臺灣大學工程科學及海洋工程研究所研究生 前言 隨著Android/iPhone等智慧型手機的狂賣,Mobile apps也如雨後春筍般產出。但大部分Mobile apps都需要上網連線才能正常運作,不管是3G上網或者Wi-Fi上網都可能遇到網路不穩或者擁塞等問題。HTML5的開發團隊注意到這個問題,提出使用 Mobile App Cache機制,不只是可以加快網站載入的速度,離現時還可以繼續使用。
Álbumes web de Picasa - diego ospina
One account. All of Google. Sign in to continue to Picasa Web Albums Find my account Forgot password?
Guía de HTML5 en PDF
aprende desde cero el nuevo lenguaje de la web En nuestro recorrido por Latinoamérica compartiendo historias y tendencias de HTML5 empezamos a redactar esta guía para nuestros alumnos. Con HTML5 se está construyendo la web moderna. Vídeo, audio, geolocalización, nuevos componentes y etiquetas que son la base del gran cambio de internet en esta época. Con la guía tomarás las bases para iniciar y crear sitios y aplicaciones en HTML5 para PCs y teléfonos móviles.
Must have set of 540 royalty free icons for web design from Tanya Maifat and MilkShark
Build Awesome Apps with CSS3 Animations
Today’s HTML5 applications can provide awesome experiences thanks to the new CSS3 specifications. One of them is CSS3 Animations. It can help you building rich animations on HTML elements. This can provide interesting feedbacks to the users and enables fast & fluid UIs.
Shufflr - Conversations over videos