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Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

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Grow your gardening skills on campus: News at IU: Indiana University Winter is nearly over; spring is near. These transitional weeks between the seasons offer no better time to anticipate the foreseeable warmth and plan a garden or gardening-related activity. While Indiana is in the midst of an unseasonably warm winter, IUPUI's director of sustainability Jessica Davis has spent this season plotting. "The offseason is a good time to plan what you want to grow the next year," Davis said. "We've been thinking about what we want to grow on campus, and we help make those decisions by understanding what kind of foods the campus wants." While a green thumb isn't required, the Office of Sustainability oversees a variety of resources and volunteer opportunities for students, faculty and staff who want to learn and participate in the campus's gardening activities.

Big Picture Challenge The PBS Big Picture Challenge App Can you guess the zoomed in image? Test your skills and download PBS Big Picture Challenge for FREE now. Download the PBS Big Picture Challenge Now: Over 300 challenging photos to guess. Grammar Ninja <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="640" height="360" id="grammarninja"><param name="movie" value="grammarninja.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><!--[if !IE]>--><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="grammarninja.swf" width="800" height="600"><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><!--<!

Teaching Empathy Through Digital Game Play Digital Tools Quandary The playful approach to learning a new concept that kids usually take when playing a video game can be just the right jumping-off point for diving deeply into a topic. Games can’t do all the teaching, but can engage kids to start thinking. At least that’s how MIT’s Education Arcade and the Learning Games Network are approaching their new free game Quandary. The two groups designed the video game to teach ethics while aligning with Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts for third through eighth graders. Jeux de vocabulaire The Games are not only fun and entertaining but also very educating. How great would it be to learn new words without studying your vocabulary lists by heart? With the Games you will find it easier to remember the new words you learnt and you will enjoy language learning! Learning a language can be a real challenge. It is difficult to remember all the new words, grammar rules and expressions. It is rather simple for children to learn a new language; the older you become the less you have the ability to remember words and coordinate different languages in your head.

'Nature is taking back Venice': wildlife returns to tourist-free city Look down into the waters of the Venice canals today and there is a surprising sight – not just a clear view of the sandy bed, but shoals of tiny fish, scuttling crabs and multicoloured plant-life. “The water is blue and clear,” said Gloria Beggiato, who owns the celebrated Metropole Hotel a few steps from St Mark’s square and has a view over the Venice lagoon. “It is calm like a pond, because there are no more waves caused by motorised boats transporting day-tripper tourists. And of course, the giant cruise ships have disappeared.” Under Venice’s strict rules of self-confinement to prevent the spread of the coronavirus – all journeys but a trip to walk the dog or buy food are forbidden – the ancient city has been transformed almost overnight. La Serenissima’s hundreds of canals have been emptied of speeding motorboat taxis, transport and tourist boats.

Zoom In - Set Up Your Class Create a Teacher Account Teacher accounts allow you to assess student progress and manage student accounts. Create a Class Each of your classes should be a separate Zoom In class. Add a Lesson to Your Class Spelling Bees Spelling Bees is a multiplayer spelling game that allows students from anywhere in the world to compete against each other while practicing spelling! Content: Spelling Standards: L.3.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English spelling Play Academy Island Practise your English with our Academy Island game! An unknown alien life form lands on earth and has to learn English to get by in a range of social situations. Players of Academy Island have to progress through different difficulty levels by helping the alien use English in a range of situations such as shopping in a bakery and visiting places such as an art gallery and library.

Air pollution falls as coronavirus slows travel, but it forms a new threat NASA’s Earth Observatory pollution satellites show “significant decreases” in air pollution over China since the coronavirus outbreak began. Courtesy of NASA. Canal water in Venice has cleared up without boat traffic. Air pollution in China has plunged amid unprecedented lockdowns. In Thailand and Japan, mobs of monkeys and deer are roaming streets now devoid of tourists. The coronavirus pandemic is shutting down countries across the world, causing a significant decline in air pollution in major cities as countries implement stricter quarantines and travel restrictions.

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