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Documentaire Spiritualité et monde quantique

Documentaire Spiritualité et monde quantique

Ray Kurzweil: The Exponential Mind The inventor, scientist, author, futurist and director of engineering at Google aims to help mankind devise a better world by keeping tabs on technology, consumer behavior and more. Ray Kurzweil is not big on small talk. At 3:30 on a glorious early summer afternoon, the kind that inspires idle daydreams, he strides into a glass-walled, fifth-floor conference room overlooking the leafy tech town of Waltham, Mass. Desmodium, Polygalacée, Pygeum, plantes utilisées en Afrique A travers les siècles et les continents, nos ancêtres ont su observer la nature, expérimenter, acquérir et transmettre la connaissance sur les plantes et leurs effets thérapeutiques. La Pharmacopée Africaine fait partie des trésors thérapeutiques transmis oralement de génération en génération aux gens de confiance. Le décryptage scientifique des pratiques traditionnelles, puis la transformation des résultats de recherche en produits finis ont donné naissance au sein de notre laboratoire au Desmopar®, le premier complément alimentaire à base de Desmodium et à la Sélongénine® produit inédit et spécifique au CRP. Le Desmodium Adscendens existe sous différentes présentations :Sachet de 100g de plante sèche : Desmodium AdscendensSoluté concentré en flacon de 150 ml : DESMOPAR®Boite de 60 gélules : Desmopar FortBoite de 60 gélules : Desmopar 5

Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton address "Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes" at event hosted by the UN Interagency Task Force on Engaging with FBOs for Development and the Interagency Framework Team on Preventive Action The Evolutionary Leaders followed up on their June gathering at the United Nations with an Evolutionary Round Table on October 29, 2013. Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden are both distinguished scientists, best-selling authors and Evolutionary Leaders. They joined with esteemed members of the United Nations community to offer new perspectives on science and society that can radically shift our approach to the challenges facing our world today. Gay Rosenblum-Kumar hosted the event as part of a series of "brown bag lunches" by the Interagency Framework Team on Preventive Action on innovative approaches to issues facing UN staff members in their work at headquarters and around the world. Gregg stressed that climate change will bring about unprecedented change.

Entretien avec Serge-Reiver Nazare : la vibration de l'univers
