Audio Recorders for Chromebooks, iPads, Laptops, and More.
TouchCast creates broadcast style videos that can literally be "touched." Students can add interactive content such as web pages, Twitter feeds, and Google Maps to their original videos. Completed TouchCast videos can be shared as interactive videos to the TouchCast web site (login required) or to the camera as non-interactive videos (no login needed). Price: FreeEase-of-use: HardUsefulness: 5 out of 5
Online Drum Machine
Drumbot is the next best thing to a real drummer. Full song loops and tons of grooves. Designed specifically for non-drummers for use as backing tracks during song composition. We've partnered with real drummers, (can you think of a better beat maker?) who've created entire songs, from intro to outro, then organized everything to help you discover that perfect groove.
6 Ed Tech Tools To Try In 201 6
About a year ago, I published an e-book called the Teacher’s Guide to Tech. Over the last month, I have been updating it for 2016, adding over 30 new tools and refreshing the information I had about the original ones. I have to say, the 2015 version was excellent, but now it’s SO MUCH BETTER. (To take a peek at the guide, scroll to the bottom of this post.) In the process, I discovered some tools that I absolutely fell in love with, and I wanted to share them with you here. Each of these tools can make your teaching more efficient and effective, and your students’ learning deeper and more engaging.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 6 Very Good Music Creation Apps for Teachers
November 8, 2016 Today’s collection features some interesting iPad apps for music teachers.They can be used with students to create and share beautiful songs and tracks. Think of them like simplified music studios with a number of excellent features and tools that make music creation simpler and more engaging. Most of these apps allow you to shared your final products through social media websites, direct links, emails or upload them to music hosting sites such as SoundCloud.
Takes you through the world of discovery. Each level offers new possibilities of play, while continually expanding on challenges. This is NOT a “more of the same game” scenario; we spent a lot of time crafting a lush campaign that expands, bends, twists, and creates new elements of gameplay that will completely alter the way you view the game. Sometimes, it’s just nice to have a controlled environment.
Site d'italien de l'Académie de Paris - Ressources pédagogiques
Here Is A Great Web Tool to Easily Record, Upload and Share Audio Clips
November 8, 2016 Clyp is an excellent web tool that allows you to easily record, upload and share audio. Clyp does not require any software installation and you don’t even need any account to record or upload audio.
Aviary Audio Editor Myna : une web app pour monter sa musique gratos
Whoah! You broke something! Just kidding! You tried going to which doesn't exist, so that means I probably broke something. The following is a list of the latest posts from the blog. Maybe it will help you find what you're looking for.
Audacity vs. Ocenaudio – Comparing Free Audio Editor Programs
Image courtesy of Kris S. If you have been involved in language teaching for any length of time, you have probably had some experience in using the free, open-source audio program, Audacity. In fact, for some schools, this is installed on all of the lab computers and is the primary audio recorder for both students and teachers. It comes in various versions, such as a portable version you can take with you on your USB drive, and for multiple platforms, such as Mac and Windows.