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Inanimate Alice - Homepage

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Klondike - Rush for Gold In the summer of 1897 two ocean going steamers landed on the west coast of the United States. One ship, The Excelsior, landed in San Francisco and three days later The Portland landed in Seattle. Down the gangplank of these two ships went a rag-tag group of men and women carrying sacks of gold. Some walked down the docks with $5,000 worth of gold while others had over $100,000 worth. The miners told of the rich claims they had staked one year earlier on a series of small creeks flowing into the Klondike River. This new goldfield, in the northwest corner of Canada, was said to be the richest gold find in all of history with enough work for tens of thousands of people.

Literature Learning Ladders Welcome to the Literature Learning Ladders website. For a presentation on this topic, go to Literature Ladders: Linking Books and Internet Resources. This web project will help you make the connection between theory and practice by exploring some online resources related to literacy, themes, literature circles, technology, and learning. Put your favorite children’s book in a discovery bottle! I am joining a few of my fellow bloggers today to bring you some new ideas for making Affordable and Amazing Discovery Bottles! I have been making a new collection of discovery bottles this year which I call Literacy Discovery Bottles. I consider this set of discovery bottles amazing in that they are a fun way to extend a favorite children’s book in the classroom. They are affordable in that you can use simple toys or items you have around the classroom or house to make your own set of bottles.

30 Ideas for Teaching Writing Summary: Few sources available today offer writing teachers such succinct, practice-based help—which is one reason why 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing was the winner of the Association of Education Publishers 2005 Distinguished Achievement Award for Instructional Materials. The National Writing Project's 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing offers successful strategies contributed by experienced Writing Project teachers. Since NWP does not promote a single approach to teaching writing, readers will benefit from a variety of eclectic, classroom-tested techniques. These ideas originated as full-length articles in NWP publications (a link to the full article accompanies each idea below). Table of Contents: 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing 1.

Kate Pullinger - writer Here’s a list of urls for what I’ll be discussing next week in Karlskrona Sweden. plus another chance to see the fab episode created by Primary 6V class in Carronshore PS Falkirk earlier this year. There are so many great new episodes of ‘Inanimate Alice’ out there now made by students and teachers, it’s fantastic to have so much to choose from. Inanimate Alice: You Have The Power Understanding energy and energy solutions is necessary if current and future generations are going to help solve our energy challenges. Being armed with a greater understanding of energy allows us to be better decision-makers and to make wiser choices in our personal lives, as well as in our communities. Energy-related decisions usually require the work of many experts to address economic, political, environmental, social, and other factors. But in this interactive, the decision belongs to students. Use or adapt these prompts to engage your students in the interactive: What does it mean to make an informed energy decision?

Literature Learning Ladders WebQuests provide an authentic, technology-rich environment for problem solving, information processing, and collaboration. This inquiry-based approach to learning involves students in tasks that make good use of Internet-based resources. A literature-based WebQuest uses a book(s) as a focal point for activities. Tasks might involve the theme, characters, plot, or setting of the book. Library Patch: Reading Passports: Where Can Reading Take You? We all know that students need to read EVERY. DAY. But, I am sure that all of you have seen THOSE kids. You know the ones. The ones that drive you crazy.

I Keep a Writer's Notebook alongside my Students. Do you? I began requiring journal writing way back in 1990--my first year of teaching. I had taken a methods class at my university that stressed the importance of having students keep journals to record daily responses to topics. I said, "Why not?"

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