Raúl Santiago. Aula al revés: Una clase al revés. 100 herramientas para invertir tu clase (para empezar) Hemos actualizado el mapa de recursos para la flipped Classroom que ya presentamos en una entrada hace varias semanas.
Si conocéis alguna herramienta interesante para cualquiera de los apartados contemplados, os agradeceremos que nos las indiquéis en el apartado de comentarios. Muchas gracias. Si no lo podéis ver en pantalla, haced clic aquí. Artículos relacionados <img src=" srcset=" 1x, 2x" width="500" height="383" alt="¿Cómo mejorar la evaluación de mis estudiantes? " <img src=" srcset=" 1x, 2x" width="500" height="383" alt="¿Qué herramienta elijo? " La Innovación educativa - What is the Flipped Classroom. El Flipped Classroom (FC) es un modelo pedagógico que transfiere el trabajo de determinados procesos de aprendizaje fuera del aula y utiliza el tiempo de clase, junto con la experiencia del docente, para facilitar y potenciar otros procesos de adquisición y práctica de conocimientos dentro del aula.
Sin embargo, “flippear” una clase es mucho más que la edición y distribución de un video. Se trata de un enfoque integral que combina la instrucción directa con métodos constructivistas, el incremento de compromiso e implicación de los estudiantes con el contenido del curso y mejorar su comprensión conceptual. ¿Conoces las diferencias entre la WEB 1.0, 2.0 y 3.0? “La WEB 2.0 ha supuesto un posterior nivel de desarrollo de la web “tradicional” que ha significado, de hecho, alcanzar un elevado grado de colaboración-cooperación e interacción entre los, cibernautas, que tiende a ser masivo para un gran número de aplicaciones”(*).
Por otro lado, estas pueden ser señas de identidad de la WEB 3.0. 100 herramientas para invertir tu clase (para empezar) Un vistazo al futuro del aprendizaje. Los cuatro pilares del Flipped Learning ¿los conoces? Todo -o casi todo- lo que necesitas saber sobre ‘The Flipped Classroom’ Flipped. Classroom Management and the Flipped Class. Editor's Note:This post was co-authored by Aaron Sams, CEO of Sams Learning Designs, LLC and founding member of the Flipped Learning Network.
Let's face it. We teachers spend far too much time and energy trying to keep students quiet so that they can listen to us. We have taken countless courses and workshops on classroom management in our careers, and it seems that the underpinning goal of classroom management is for teachers to keep kids quiet so that they can learn. Is there a better way to think about classroom management? What if the goal of class was for the students to actively engage in the content and participate in tangible ways in the learning process? The Flip: Why I Love It, How I Use It.
Culture Teaching Strategies Flickr: Mike Baird By Shelley Wright I love the flip.
I do. Flipped Classroom 2.0: Competency Learning With Videos. The flipped classroom model generated a lot of excitement initially, but more recently some educators — even those who were initial advocates — have expressed disillusionment with the idea of assigning students to watch instructional videos at home and work on problem solving and practice in class.
Biggest criticisms: watching videos of lectures wasn’t all that revolutionary, that it perpetuated bad teaching and raised questions about equal access to digital technology. Now flipped classroom may have reached equilibrium, neither loved nor hated, just another potential tool for teachers — if done well. “You never want to get stuck in a rut and keep doing the same thing over and over,” said Aaron Sams, a former high school chemistry teacher turned consultant who helped pioneer flipped classroom learning in an edWeb webinar.
Publication Network - Youblisher.com - turn pages / flippable pdfs - pdf's zum umblättern. Flipped Classroom Examples. Clase invertida. 7 Must-Have Tools For The Flipped Classroom. 7 Must-Have Tools For The Flipped Classroom by first appeared on gettingsmart.com The flipped classroom uses technology to allow students more time to apply knowledge and teachers more time for hands-on education.
It’s a continually changing strategy that evolves with technology. Innovative educators are usually on the lookout for the latest technology breakthroughs that will help them better organize and conduct flipped classrooms. The following tools are listed from most basic to most sophisticated and can be used alone or in tandem to make flipped classrooms more engaging. Google Drive Google Drive (Docs) has many advantages over traditional word processing programs, including real-time automatic updates visible to all users, a feature that enables robust discussion and sharing. Flipboard. Five Ways to Flip Your Classroom With The New York Times. Jim Wilson/The New York TimesSalman Khan in the offices of his company, Khan Academy, in Mountain View, Calif.
His math lessons are popular on YouTube.Go to related article » What is a “flipped classroom”? It’s an “inverted” teaching structure in which instructional content is delivered outside class, and engagement with the content – skill development and practice, projects and the like – is done in class, under teacher guidance and in collaboration with peers.
A flipped class swaps explanation and lecture, which are usually given in the classroom, with homework activities like math problem sets or writing practice activities. Homework becomes classwork and vice versa. Usually, teachers flipping their classrooms convey content using technology tools like videos, podcasts or PowerPoint presentations, which students explore on their own time. Flip your classroom with Voicethread. In this webinar, community college instructor, Michelle Pacansky-Brock, will demonstrate how she used VoiceThread to flip her lecture-based art history class.
The foundation of the “flipped classroom” model is a series of mobile lectures paired with formative assessments that students complete prior to coming to class. VoiceThread is a single, easy to use tool that masterfully delivers mobile content with voice, visuals, and video and invites students to participate in engaging assessment activities. This model empowers an instructor use class time on the topics that matter to students. With passive listening taking place outside of class, students become active participants and engage in discussion, debate, and critique to foster higher order thinking skills. The mobile lectures provide the flexibility to pause, rewind, and learn in a way that meets individual needs. 8 Crucial Resources For Flipped Classrooms. Have you “flipped” yet? My colleagues have this week; it’s PSSA week in Pennsylvania (PSSAs are standardized tests.).
Flipa con este nuevo proyecto literario: Glosobook. 10 Tools to Help you Flip Your Classroom. Two years ago I "flipped" my high school Anatomy & Physiology class.
Read my previous post for the full story. I learned by trial and error. I have also found some very helpful resources that I would like to share with you. 1. : The leading screen casting software title on the market. La literatura medieval. Flipped classroom. Flipping the Classroom to Differentiate teaching - Home. EduClipper. All That Teachers Need to Know about Flipped Classroom- Tutorials, Tools and Apps.
How to Flip Your Classroom.mp4. The Flipped Classroom: Turning the Traditional Classroom on its Head. - 30 Online Multimedia Resources for PBL and Flipped Classrooms by Michael Gorman. 1 Comment May 28, 2012 By: Michael Gorman May 28 Written by: 5/28/2012 12:30 AM ShareThis Welcome to the another in a series of PBL Mania Posts here at Tech & Learning. In this PBL Mania Post I explore Online Multimedia Resources.
WGBH Teacher Domain - Teachers' Domain is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. PBS Teachers – Launched within the last year, PBS Teachers is an awesome place for all kinds of educational multimedia. The Khan Academy – At Khan, students and teachers are encouraged to “Watch… Practice… Learn almost anything for free”. YouTube – Let’s not forget YouTube and its amazing searchable collection. Thinkfinity – This site is worth an entire write-up in itself and will provide a wealth of activities for PBL products. NeoK12 - Take a look and you will find a vast collection of resources and Web 2.o tools that might fit into any lesson. PicsForLearning - Not everything has to be video.
PowToon : Online business presentation software to create free, cool, animated, powerpoint video alternatives. SCS Flipped Classroom Resources. FlipYourClass. Flipped Learning Network Ning - A professional learning community for teachers using screencasting in education. Knowmia Adds an Automatic Scoring Option to Flipped Lessons. Knowmia is a website and a free iPad app for creating, sharing, and viewing video lessons.
Six months ago Knowmia introduced a feature that they call an Assignment Wizard. The Knowmia Assignment Wizard allows teachers to design assignments that their students have to complete after watching a video. Students can check their own Knowmia accounts to see the assignments that their teachers have distributed. This week Knowmia added an automatic scoring option that teachers can activate when they distribute flipped lessons to their students.
Center for Teaching and Learning. Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom. Ok, I'll be honest. I get very nervous when I hear education reformists and politicians tout how "incredible" the flipped-classroom model, or how it will "solve" many of the problems of education. It doesn't solve anything. It is a great first step in reframing the role of the teacher in the classroom. It fosters the "guide on the side" mentality and role, rather than that of the "sage of the stage. " It helps move a classroom culture towards student construction of knowledge rather than the teacher having to tell the knowledge to students. It also creates the opportunity for differentiated roles to meet the needs of students through a variety of instructional activities. 1) Need to Know How are you creating a need to know the content that is recorded?
The Third Hurdle to Flipping Your Class. About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation.
Ten Questions You Should Ask Before You Flip Your Classroom - Turning Learning On Its Head. As the school year starts, many teachers are wanting to implement flipped learning into their classes. Before you begin, I encourage you to answer each of the questions below. The purpose of the questions is to help teachers BEGIN the process of flipping their class. This is only the first step. Flipped Class 101 can lead to Flipped Learning, which is a second stage of the Flipped Class. Many teachers are asking for some step by step guidelines as they begin. What will you flip? This list should get you started.
Teachitworld Newsletter – Blended Learning and the Flipped Classroom. Flipped Classroom. The Teacher's Guide To Flipped Classrooms. Since Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams first experimented with the idea in their Colorado classrooms in 2004, flipped learning has exploded onto the larger educational scene. It’s been one of the hottest topics in education for several years running and doesn’t seem to be losing steam. Basically, it all started when Bergman and Sams first came across a technology that makes it easy to record videos. They had a lot of students that regularly missed class and saw an opportunity to make sure that missing class didn’t mean missing out on the lessons. Once students had the option of reviewing the lessons at home, the teachers quickly realized the shift opened up additional time in class for more productive, interactive activities than the lectures they’d been giving.
And voila: a movement began. A Wonderful Graphic on Flipped Learning. The last time I posted about Flipped Learning I got an email from an " angry" reader telling me that the concept of flipped learning is not new and that it was first coined by Dewy and Socrates long before it was rediscovered recently. Well this was a new piece of information for me. I asked the guy to send me any reference to substantiate his claim but unfortunately I did not get any answer back. I did some research online and in my university library but was not able to find this fact anywhere . I am hoping that somebody would send me a reference if there is any. The Tools to Flip Your Classroom Collection by Jake Duncan. Edshelf. Aprendizaje. Flipped Learning Network / Homepage.
Gameshow-style Quiz Boards for Educators. Free Online Classes. Flipping Faculty Meetings and PD. As a former director of instructional technology, my job was to provide embedded technology professional development (PD) to a district of 4,000 teachers. Each day was filled with new and exciting challenges, trying to figure out how to best help our teachers understand technology and to integrate it into their teaching, while at the same time keeping the PD fresh and engaging. I’ve been a part of a lot of successful PD and a part of a lot of not so good PD, too. The Flipped Class: Myths vs. Reality. Editor's Note: On the heels of our viral posts in over 100 countries about the flipped classroom earlier this year (links below), we asked Jon Bergmann if he could share some of the feedback he was receiving in light of the notable interest about this topic.
The timing couldn't have been more perfect since he was about to leave for a conference about you-guessed-it, the flipped class. Here is Part 1 of our three part series The Daily Riff. Flipped Classroom Training & Technologies. An Annotated List of Flipped Class Tools and Resources. FLIP_handout_FNL_Web. What Is A Flipped Classroom? Free online video presentation software. List. Flipped-classroom. Jamie’s Flipped: (almost) a year with a flipped classroom. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 7 Fabulous iPad Apps to Create Sh...
Flipped Learning Network Ning - A professional learning community for teachers using screencasting in education. Examples of Videos / Videos. Flipping the Classroom Facilitates 5 Active Learning Methods. Jamie’s Flipped: (almost) a year with a flipped classroom. Five Best Practices for the Flipped Classroom. Flipteaching. The Flipped Classroom: Turning the Traditional Classroom on its Head.
FlippinTeachers. What is a flipped Classroom. Learn to Blend & Flip with Technology. Do 'flipped classrooms' get a pass or fail? 5 Tips for Flipping Your PBL Classroom. Flipping over the Flipped Classroom? How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning. 4 Pillars & 11 Indicators Of Flipped Learning. Why Blended Learning Is Better. The Flipped Classroom Infographic. All That Teachers Need to Know about Flipped Classroom- Tutorials, Tools and Apps. The Flipped Classroom: Turning the Traditional Classroom on its Head. Flipped Classroom Visually Explained for Teachers. Flipped-classroom.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 1000 × 5184 Pixel) EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative 7 Things You Should Know About Flipped Classrooms - Flipping-the-Classroom.pdf.
Flipped Classroom Higher Education. Benutzer:Cspannagel/Die umgedrehte Mathematikvorlesung. Flipped Classroom. Informationen zum Konzept des umgedrehten Unterrichts. Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education. Flipping the Classroom Facilitates Active Learning Methods. The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture. The Flipped Classroom Jackie Gerstein - Scoop.it. The Flipped Classroom.