> Lisamellen2
Helping Middle and High School Students Reacclimate to Being With Others All Day. The start of the 2021–22 school year has been rough.
Students across the world are experiencing “broken belongings”—a detachment from others—as the pandemic created conditions of relative isolation and a significant amount of chronic unpredictability within communities and home environments during the past 20 months. We can observe this detachment in student behaviors, which are signals of a nervous system dysregulated by often toxic levels of stress. Our schools are being challenged to return to some type of normalcy even as we move through the third academic year of a global pandemic. The social loss our students are carrying is palpable. Two mornings and afternoons a week, I am co-teaching in seventh-grade classrooms in a large middle school, and as I walk down Hallway B, I feel the tension in the air. We need to harness students’ energy and attachment to each other, and follow the nature of the child.
: Quartet Glo-Write Fluorescent Markers, Wet-Erase, Assorted Colors, 5 Pack (5090) : Dry Erase Markers : Office Products.
Website Accessibility
Parent Resourcees. The Easton, Redding, and Region 9 School Districts acknowledge the uniqueness and varied experiences of all students, staff, families, and community members, as well as the uniqueness and experiences of people in our state, country, and the world.
Our current and future students and staff deserve equitable and inclusive teaching and learning environments that are emotionally, socially, and physically safe, free from intentional or unintentional barriers that are the result of bias, prejudice, and discrimination. Creating a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive environment requires an ongoing collaboration of all stakeholders.
Summer 2021. Setting up a Network Printer in Mac OS X. 123apps – Free Web Apps. Virus and malware removal instructions, PC security. BigHugeLabs: Do fun stuff with your photos. Goal Writing/Reflecting. Research Revealed- TCEA 5-2020. Zoom. Distance Learning Studies. Digital Whiteboards. Choice boards, Teaching, Teaching reading. Online Tools-for Remote Learning. Writing. See the World While Social Distancing With These Virtual Tours. As the world continues to watch the effects of COVID-19 unfold, many people are being encouraged to practice social distancing or isolating themselves completely.
Additionally, many travel plans have been canceled for the foreseeable future, leaving the feelings of wanderlust more intense than usual. While many still have to work from home, the question remains: What to do with the free time available when trips to the movies, a museum or the theater are out of the question? Here is a list of museums and other popular tourist attractions that have entire collections or performances available online. You can also get a bird's-eye view of some of the world's most beautiful sights. From India's Taj Mahal to the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C., and the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, there are many opportunities to explore culture around the world from the comfort and safety of your home.
Audio - Create
How Design Thinking Works. Design Thinking is a buzz phrase that has been thrown around companies for many years now.
It is not a new concept but there are still many large companies that are yet to embrace this modern day mindset and methodology. To put it simply, Design Thinking is a human-centred approach to problem-solving. But how is Design Thinking any different from the way companies have always approached problem-solving? The differences between the traditional approach and Design Thinking are highlighted in the table below.
Blooms Taxonomy questions.
Posters- Create. Firefox. Parent/Home-Filtering & Monitoring. Summer 2019. Podcasts. Cybersecurity. Simulation Sites. CleverPDF - 20 Free Online PDF Tools. CaptiVoice. App Creation. Matrix. Emojis/ Icons. Computational Thinking. Gizmodo. Microsoft. Deep learning in and for the real world.
Primary Resources
Security Related Websites. Tech Evaluation. Edweb 88 - Transforming learning with digital Content. ISTE. Web-Presentation Design. Skype. Websites to Check Out. Windows. Mindmapping. How-to Tech Help/Repairs.
Slideshow-Create. Support for the Supporters: Staying Current with the Latest Tech. Want to keep your technology support fresh and current?
Keep learning! There is no better way to ensure tech is being used efficiently than through an approach of continuous professional development. Below is a sampling of ways you can do this collaboratively and continuously without spending a fortune. YouTube and other video-sharing sites provide many crowd-sourced tutorials for supporting Google Apps for Education (GAFE) implementation, configuring active directories by department, student information system customizations, and much more. Reviewing teacher-specific uses of innovative technologies on these sites may provide more concrete examples of implications for teaching and learning. As you find new online content to these offerings, begin to curate these resources so that new staff members have access to relevant and effective learning opportunities. One surefire approach to a PLC format can be found in TechTalks.
What do your vendors provide? Dr. .
■ Provide ongoing support.
Citation. iOS. Responsible Use Policies. Hyperdocs. Personalized Learning. PBL. Apps to Try. AppSmashing. PD. Create Fliers. SmartBoard. 3D Printing. Global Collaboration. Sketchnoting. Word Clouds. QR Codes. Standards & Crosswalks. Portfolios. Resources by Subject/Topic.
Timeline Creation
VR & AR. ALA/AASL. Curation. Student Tech Team. Microcredentials. Gamification. Genius Hour. Student Privacy. Mindset. Research. Robotics. Video- Creating & Editing. Signs. Infographics.
Makerspaces. Text. Reading. Comics. Google Certification. Google. Coding/Computer Science. Digital Storytelling. Technology Integration. Copyright. Flipped Learning/Class.