11 Ways to Teach Math with Google Drawings
Google Drawings is one of my favorite parts of the Google Drive suite, even though it seems to often get overlooked. Perhaps that is because Google itself hides the Drawings link under the “More” menu in Drive rather than letting it sit at the grown up table with Docs, Sheets, and Slides. However, I think Drawings deserves much more attention especially in the classroom where it has so many educational uses. These include: Graphic organizers - see hereDesktop publishing - see here Interactive multimedia posters (Googlinks) - see here In addition to those ideas, one of my favorite uses for Google Drawings is teaching math. Drawings lends itself very well to mathematics with its shapes, rotations, tables, lines, and much more.
Resources > ECML.resources
The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) is a Council of Europe institution to which thirty-three countries currently subscribe. The ECML assists its member states in addressing challenges within their national education systems by: promoting innovative approaches to language education; advancing the quality of learning and teaching languages; supporting the implementation of language education policies; fostering dialogue between language education practitioners and decision makers. The work of the Centre focuses primarily on priority areas in member states such as migration and language education, plurilingual education, mobility and intercultural learning, new media in language education, evaluation and assessment, early language learning, content and language integrated learning, employment and languages. Teacher education is at the core of its work.
Diseñando un simulador de ecosistemas. Una experiencia STEM de enseñanza de dinámica de los ecosistemas, funciones matemáticas y programación
Akerson V.L., Burgess A., Gerber A., Guo M. (2018) Disentangling the meaning of STEM: Implications for Science Education and Science Teacher Education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(1), 1-8. DOI: Bell-Basca B. S., Grotzer T.
image from www.igbp.net Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological materials, or other harmful materials into the Earth's atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment.It is estimated that more than 1 billion people are exposed to outdoor air pollution annually. Urban air pollution is linked to up to 1 million premature deaths and 1 million pre-native deaths each year. Urban air pollution is estimated to cost approximately 2% of GDP in developed countries and 5% in developing countries.
Bring your lessons to life with Expeditions
The Google for Education team is committed to supporting teaching and learning from anywhere, at any time, on any device. For the past 5 years, we've been proud to enable immersive VR and AR learning experiences for millions of students around the world with Google Expeditions and Tour Creator. As schools around the world reimagine education from the ground up for a hybrid world, we've also been thinking deeply about how to adjust our tools to meet the moment and simultaneously build for the future. We've heard and recognize that immersive experiences with VR headsets are not always accessible to all learners and even more so this year, as the transition to hybrid learning has presented challenges for schools to effectively use Expeditions. To make Expeditions VR tours available to everyone, we're migrating the majority of them to Google Arts & Culture's free site and application. For additional information, please see the Expeditions Help Center.
20 strumenti gratuiti per creare fumetti online
In rete possiamo trovare diversi strumenti gratuiti per creare fumetti e cartoni animati, sia per pc desktop, sia come app per tablet e smartphone. Ecco dunque un elenco di 20 risorse per... sviluppare creatività e capacità di creare storie dei nostri bambini. ToonDoo: : www.toondoo.com BitStrips: www.bitstrips.com/create/comic
English Online France
Stress and the Schwa Sound Stressed syllabes The rhythm of EnglishThe Schwa soundThe General Rule 1The General Rule 2Words with Latin or Greek suffixes 1Words with Latin or Greek suffixes 2Words in -ion Limericks
Critical Thinking and STEM Education - Insight Assessment
Highly competitive STEM programs depend on our research-based, validated assessments delivered via state-of-the-science online testing technology, to screen applicants. Educators use Insight Assessment’s critical thinking and reasoning measurement tools to quickly, and easily, document the skills and mindset attributes of new applicants, current students and graduates. Admission tools that generate objective information about skills in analytical thinking, interpretation, inference, evaluation, and explanation – namely, critical thinking – have proven to be powerful predictors of success at the graduate and undergraduate levels. More than skills alone, strong applicants possess a positive mindset toward learning. This means attributes such as inquisitiveness, organization, foresight, maturity of judgment, open-mindedness, and truth-seeking are equally valued. Thinking well is the key to effective problem solving and decision making.
10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals
Neil Jakson Great post but Writing Numbers. Except for a few basic rules, spelling out numbers vs. using figures (also called numerals) is largely a matter of writers’ preference. Again, consistency is the key. Policies and philosophies vary from medium to medium Sara I’ve always spelled out any number less than ten, since that is what I was definitely taught by my wonderful journalism teacher in high school.