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Le Guide de la Curation (3) - Les outils

Comment créer les conditions pour favoriser le travail collaboratif ? -, web-tv Dans la foulée du premier plateau sur la collaboration en entreprise, cette seconde partie explorera les conditions pour créer un environnement propice à la collaboration. Qui doit le mettre en place ? Et comment ? Pour répondre à l'invitation à participer à ce tournage, veuillez sélectionner l'option appropriée ci-dessous. 4 Promising Curation Tools That Help Make Sense of the Web Steven Rosenbaum is a curator, author, filmmaker and entrepreneur. He is the CEO of, a real-time video curation engine for publishers, brands, and websites. His book Curation Nation is slated to be published this spring by McGrawHill Business. As the volume of content swirling around the web continues to grow, we're finding ourselves drowning in a deluge of data.

Content Curation – How To Quickly Add Value As Information Marketers March 16, 2011 Content Curation – How To Quickly Add Value As Information Marketers By Dr. 20 Free and Fun Ways To Curate Web Content Do you suffer from info overload? Is your RSS reader bursting at the seams? Have your bookmarks gone bonkers? Like that alliteration? Me neither. How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network. 1.Back Track Today we’re going to run down, step-by-step, how to crack a Wi-Fi network with WEP security turned on. Dozens of tutorials on how to crack WEP are already all over the internet using this method. Seriously—Google it. This ain’t what you’d call “news.”

quelques livres sur la recherche d’informations et la veille dans ma bibliothèque <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Bienvenue sur <strong>les zed</strong> ! Vous pouvez vous abonner gratuitement aux <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>flux RSS</strong></a> pour rester informé des derniers articles.<div style="clear:both"></div><div class="greet_block_powered_by">Powered by <a href=" title="WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin" style="text-decoration:none;" onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/');">WP Greet Box</a> <a href=" title="WordPress Plugin" style="text-decoration:none;" onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/

Buzzing with Social Curation Tools! Today, we are all facing information overload, and it is often difficult to find what we are looking for, especially if we are looking for updated collections of resources to support a topic, issue or idea. Major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo don't exactly do a great job in assisting either, which might also be partially due to the growing influence and spam of 'Search Engine Optimization (SEO)' gurus, engines and companies. It is amazing how much spam comments I get on this blog alone (10 - 20 spam comments a day!), thanks to SEO strategies. Amazingly annoying! Open Source Software Tools And Directories: Where To Find Them, How To Evaluate Them If you are searching for Open Source software, where do you find good directories and collections of OSS tools, and how do you evaluate the many candidates available? Photo credit: Ophelia Cherry Unless you are looking for popular popular open source software - such as the ones available in the SourceForge top downloads or the few ones backed by vendors like Apache, Linux, MySQL, PHP, eMule, GIMP, OpenOffice or VLC, Google search might not be your best solution to find specific open source software to suit your needs. For example, if you search for an open source web editor on Google, you won't find BlueGriffon, a web editor based on the Firefox rendering engine Gecko (a tool I recommend to try either if you are an experienced or a beginner web author).

The 50+ Best Ways to Curate and Share Your Favorite Social Media and News Content There’s so much information online just begging to be curated: news, social media, images, video, websites… the list goes on. Reading great content from my favorite blogs and websites is one of my favorite down-time activities. It’s also an important part of my job as an IT Director because I need to stay on top of the latest trends, announcements and tech news.

Related:  Outils et techniques de recherche d'informationsOutils de veilleGuide de la CURATION (partage infos en ligne)Sites sur la curationQuelques Définitions !VEILLE - #CURATIONCurationMon RPTréseaux sociauxArticles FrCuration, veillemissjewell2.0CurationchloekaoriBI