GameMaker: Studio
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Why Kids Should Make the Video Games They Love to Play
When educator Lynn Koresh hears from kids that they want a career doing something with computers, she asks, “To do what with computers?” Adults often encourage kids to pursue science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills, and computing classes are usually a first stop. But Koresh knows it’s the real-world applications of computational thinking and coding language skills that bring such knowledge to life. She reasoned that most middle school students are already playing video games and might respond well to a unit on how to design, create, test and promote video games. Along the way, she’s also teaching them about digital citizenship and entrepreneurship.
Addimal Adventure - Teachley creates apps based on cognitive science research.
Welcome to Addimal Adventure Addimal Adventure for the iPad teaches single-digit addition for grades K-2. Produced by teachers and researchers, award winning game designers and noted voice talent Addimal Adventure teaches effective math strategies.
Sokikom Math Game: an MMO Education Through Social Interaction
Sokikom math game teaches through social interaction Educational games have come a long way since The Oregon Trail and Math Blaster. Sokikom is a MMO math game that aims to help teachers educate their students by using this interactive and math-based online world. After receiving a $2M startup grant funded by The Institute of Educational Sciences as well as former Intel Chairman and CEO Dr. Craig Barrett and Zynga co-founder Steve Schoettler, the game is finally ready to be unveiled to the world and evolve out of beta. Similar to many MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) that have many different worlds, regions, and countries, Sokikom has different math regions that each correlate to a different subject in math.
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Here Is A Great Tool for Creating Educational Video Games to Use in Class
February 10, 2016Pixel Press is an excellent application that enables you to draw your own video games. Teachers can create educational video games to use in class without the need for any coding skills. The process is very simple: use pen and paper to draw your game, take a picture of it via your iPad’s camera and Pixel Press does the rest and bring your game to life. You can either create on paper with ‘Draw-on-Paper’ and take a picture of it or use ‘Draw-in-App’ to directly draw on screen. When your game is created, you can then share it with the entire community in the ‘Arcade’. There is also a section in Pixel Press that provides free downloadable lesson plans for teachers.
Teaching Kids to Code
Every era demands—and rewards—different skills. In different times and different places, we have taught our children to grow vegetables, build a house, forge a sword or blow a delicate glass, bake bread, create a soufflé, write a story or shoot hoops. Now we are teaching them to code. We are teaching them to code, however, not so much as an end in itself but because our world has morphed: so many of the things we once did with elements such as fire and iron, or tools such as pencil and paper, are now wrought in code.
News-O-Matic Reviews
***One of The Best News Sources for Kids – Common Sense Media******Best App for Teaching and Learning 2013 by AASL*** ***Featured by Apple in the Education section ****** kidSAFE® certified *** Here is what users say about News-O-Matic: “I would like to thank you and your team! My son has finally been reading independently for the past two weeks. He looks forward to reading News-O-Matic every night!” – Melissa, Mom of an 8-year-old
Interactive Fiction Game Design
// Crossposted on my blog with video at The Pew Research Center reports that approximately 97% of teens play video games in their free time. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subject-areas have used programming and game design to teach 21st Century skills, but what can an English class do to leverage the potential of game-based learning?
5 best iPad apps to teach programming - (Private Browsing)
While Scratch continues to be my favorite gateway-drug to computer programming, my current students don’t have ready access to desktop or laptop computers. We do, however, have iPads so I’ve been looking at apps to introduce the concepts of branches, loops and conditional statements. Here are my top 5 favorites so far:
The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning
Part 5 of MindShift’s Guide to Games and Learning. Nobody likes high-stakes testing. The problems are well documented.
9 great free activities for Hour of Code
Annual Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week, encourages educators and students to participate in one hour of coding Computer science skills have enjoyed more time in the spotlight as educators, policymakers and celebrities tout the importance of coding and programming skills. This year’s Hour of Code reinforces computer science’s growing importance. The Hour of Code asks students, teachers, and anyone who is interested to devote at least one hour to coding during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 7-11). Participants can choose from guided tutorials or can join in scheduled Hour of Code activities that education or community groups have organized. According to, the group behind the Hour of Code, there will be 1 million more computer science jobs than students by 2020, based on Bureau of Labor Statistics projections.
Math Champ Challenge – Math Skills Practice iPad App
Math Champ Challenge is the latest iPad app from INKids Education. Math Champ Challenge is designed for students in grades four through seven to practice their math skills in timed and un-timed challenges. All of the practice activities are aligned to Common Core Standards. When a student uses the app she selects her grade level and the category of Common Core Standards math skills that she needs to practice. Students earn virtual trophies for reaching new skill levels. Math Champ Challenge provides a blank workspace below each math problem.