Website Accessibility Testing Evaluate HTML content for accessibility problems Accessibility Guidelines that DYNO Mapper checks against. BITV 1.0 (Level 2)Section 508Stanca ActWCAG 1.0 (Level A)WCAG 1.0 (Level AA)WCAG 1.0 (Level AAA)WCAG 2.0 (Level A)WCAG 2.0 (Level AA)WCAG 2.0 (Level AAA) Review all known, likely, and potential problems for each website page. Known problems: These are problems that have been identified with certainty as accessibility barriers. Export your accessibility reports to CSV and PDF.
Accueil - Page 1 sur 49 - Tentatives Accessibles IE NetRenderer - Browser Compatibility Check - Index to Adaptive Computer Hardware and Software The Blind Readers' Page--Main Menu Last revision: November 12, 2002 This list is intended as a quick-reference index to a wide variety of adaptive computer hardware and software, as well as many other sorts of adaptive equipment for blind or visually handicapped people, including magnifiers and reading machines. It also includes references to retailers and other sources of information about all sorts of adaptive equipment. Given the rapid growth of the field, the Index cannot be comprehensive; it is as up to date as I can make it, but inevitably there will be dead links and some outdated models of equipment. For each category, however, it does cover most of the the spectrum of possibilities. Biolink Accessible MP3 Player. ALVA 544 Satellite: HumanWare. Braille Lite M20 and M40: notetakers with 20- and 40-cell refreshable braille displays: Freedom Scientific.
Accessibilité du Web - Centre de ressources et de recherche sur l'accessibilité du Web 960 Grid System AFB Press AFB Press, the publishing arm of the American Foundation for the Blind, is the leading publisher in the field of blindness and visual impairment. It produces books, journals, videos, and electronic materials, offering a wide range of information for students, professionals, researchers, and blind and visually impaired people and their families. AFB Press provides more texts for college and university programs and more professional books on visual impairment than any other publisher in the field and is a catalyst in developing and encouraging new authors and scholarship. It is also the publisher of the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, the international journal of record on blindness and visual impairment, and the AFB Directory of Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons in the United States and Canada, the primary online information resource on services to persons with visual impairments.
RGAA - Accessibilité | RGAA - Accessibilité Présentation du Référentiel Général d'Accessibilité pour les Administrations L'article 47 de la loi n° 2005-102 du 11 février 2005 pour l’égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées, fait de l’accessibilité une exigence pour tous les services de communication publique en ligne de l’État, des collectivités territoriales et des établissements publics qui en dépendent. Nouveaux usages, hausse de la qualité, nouveaux emplois, obligation de service .… En savoir plus Le RGAA accessible à tous D'autres formats du RGAA, du document d'accompagnement et des annexes sont disponibles afin de faciliter l'accès au RGAA à l'ensemble des internautes et d'aider à la mise en oeuvre du RGAA : Une version "en ligne" des critères de succès et tests de conformité est en cours de réalisation et sera prochainement mise à disposition sur le site. Statut du document Les grandes dates