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Flash mob at Copenhagen Central Station. Copenhagen Phil playing Ravel's Bolero.

Flash mob at Copenhagen Central Station. Copenhagen Phil playing Ravel's Bolero.

Leo Rojas ist "Das Supertalent 2011" Leo Rojas wurde von den Zuschauern zum "Supertalent 2011" gekürtFoto: RTL / Stefan Gregorowius Sieg mit "Der einsame Hirte" von Gheorghe Zamfir Panflötenspieler Leo Rojas ist "Das Supertalent 2011"! Im großen Finale bekommt der Indianer aus Ecuador im Kampf gegen die neun übrigen Finalisten die meisten Anrufe beim Zuschauervoting und ist nun um 100.000 Euro reicher. Platz zwei belegt Sänger Sven Müller und die Bronze-Medaille geht an den kleinen Pianisten Ricky Kam. Leo Rojas hatte sein Finalticket von "Das Supertalent 2011" mit dem südamerikanischen Panflöten-Klassiker "El Cóndor Pasa" gelöst und verzauberte schon im zweiten Halbfinale Publikum und Jury gleichermaßen mit seinem ganz speziellen Sound. Nun kann Leo ein Haus für seine Familie kaufen Sylvie von der Vaart bekennt schon direkt im Anschluss an Leos Auftritt: "Ich würde sofort eine CD kaufen von Leo."

Bagpipes and Drums Flash Mob #OccupyWallStreet Protesters March, Campout To Protest Big Banks, Corporations A few hundred demonstrators protesting against corporations march from nearby Zucotti park to Wall Street amid heavy police presence, Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2011, in the Manhattan borough of New York. The demonstrators, who have been camping overnight in the park since Saturday, have been surrounded by police officers around the clock with at least 12 protestors arrested in recent days. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) From StruggleVideoMedia: "#Occupy Wall St. demo Sept. 17, 2011. At the 54 second mark, watch footage of men in tuxedoes, women in dresses drinking champagne on a balcony while looking down at the protesters. Flash mobs 'The Daily Show' Celebrates 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal, Emmy Wins "The Daily Show" returned Tuesday after taking home a few Emmys Sunday night, and kicked things off with a look at the military after the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell." The policy that prevented openly gay individuals from enlisting in the military came to an end at midnight on Tuesday, allowing new gay soldiers to enlist as well as those who were kicked out to re-enlist. Jon Stewart was happy about the repeal but couldn't help but notice how anticlimactic the justice felt: "That's how ridiculous this policy was. The apology for the affront is, 'All right, sorry! To see get an idea of how the armed forces will be changed by the repeal, Stewart turned to correspondent Jason Jones reporting "live" from Afghanistan in his most revealing camo (while listening to Cher, of course). Watch the second segment below to hear Stewart reflect on how the military got to banning gays in the first place, and how profound it really is that DADT is finally gone. WATCH: Part one WATCH: Part two

DANCE TRAIN STATION BELGIUM do-re-mi - CAMERA 2 - The Sound of Music - Julie Andrews Government Shutdown Looms: House Rejects Short-Term Budget Bill WASHINGTON -- The House on Wednesday failed to pass legislation to keep the government funded past next week, a major defeat for Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who was banking on having the votes for a package that tied emergency disaster aid to spending cuts. The bill went down in a vote of 195 to 230. A whopping 48 Republicans sided with nearly all Democrats in opposing the measure aimed at keeping the government funded past Sept. 30, when current funding runs out, and through Nov. 18. Just six Democrats voted to pass the bill: Reps. Jason Altmire (Pa.), Tim Holden (Pa.), Larry Kissell (N.C.), Carolyn McCarthy (N.Y.), Michael Michaud (Maine) and Peter Welch (Vt.). The failed vote was not only an embarrassment for Republican leaders, who ended up nowhere near the 218 votes they needed to pass the bill, but it also eats into the small window of time left to avert a government shutdown. Rep. Freshman Rep. Rep. "They targeted a program that created jobs," Peters told The Huffington Post.

Rick Perry’s Vasectomy: The Governor's Reliance on What He Denies to His Fellow Texans Rick Perry has only two children?! As the biographical information flashed by on television during a recent debate of Republican presidential hopefuls, it was strangely incongruous to see that the rising star of the religious right was so woefully behind his competitors. Rick Santorum and Jon Hunstman led the pack with seven kids each, followed by Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachman with five (and the 23 children she had fostered). To be sure, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain also had a paltry two, but they, unlike Perry, were not considered to be the new favorite of the social conservative wing of the Republican. Recent polls show Perry supplanting Bachman in that role, not withstanding her impressive numbers. Perry’s late entrance into the race saved him from the awkwardness of having to deal with the “pro-marriage pledge," put forth by a leading Iowa conservative activist, and signed by some of his fellow candidates who had competed in that state’s straw poll.

UPDATED: The HB Gary Email That Should Concern Us All As I wrote yesterday , there is a leaked email that has gotten surprisingly little attention around here. It's the one where Aaron Barr discusses his intention to post at Daily Kos - presumably something negative about Anonymous, the hacking group. But that's not the email I'm talking about here. As I also mentioned yesterday, in some of the emails, HBGary people are talking about creating "personas", what we would call sockpuppets. But for a defense contractor with ties to the federal government, Hunton & Williams, DOD, NSA, and the CIA - whose enemies are labor unions, progressive organizations, journalists, and progressive bloggers, a persona apparently goes far beyond creating a mere sockpuppet. Persona management entails not just the deconfliction of persona artifacts such as names, email addresses, landing pages, and associated content. Yes!!! In another Word document, one of the team spells out how automation can work so one person can be many personas: Really? That's me. Link

Obama Avoids 'Green Jobs' Talk, Skirts Political Quagmires WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's jobs speech on Thursday night was infused with the passion that many who campaigned for him in 2008 had been waiting to hear again. Yet despite his combative rhetoric, the president largely avoided the “green jobs” talk formerly at the center of his economic message. "From an energy policy perspective there was really nothing there, which is a little surprising given the historical focus of the Obama administration on green jobs and given the number of significant provisions that are set to expire at the end of this year," said Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program, in an interview with HuffPost. Still, the president's zeal won over a number of green advocates, including BlueGreen Alliance's David Foster, who said Obama's call to action could help pass clean energy tax incentives that have been stymied by political bickering. Obama also announced a $25 billion effort aimed at modernizing more than 35,000 public schools.

That’ll Do It, Man Most Upvoted 1762 votes Watch This Hilarious Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Do Her Thing 1037 votes By Watching This Video, You Give Money Directly to Dog Adoption Funding in New Zealand 636 votes You've Been Marked! 653 votes This is What Movie Posters Would Look Like if Their 1-Star Amazon Reviews Were on Them 385 votes "The Wig & Pen Is Open for Business" Share Tweet Email That'll Do It, Man Favorite By Unknown Share: 1 Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on pinterest_share Share on stumbleupon Share on reddit Share on email Reposted by and 229 more... Cheezburger Comments No items at this time... social networking by Facebook Comments Featured Hot Today This is What Movie Posters Would Look Like if Their 1-Star ... This Teen Learns the Hard Way Not to Joke About a Terrorist ... deviantART User Sakimichan Imagines What Famous Animated ... Meet the 12 Gods of the Internet Being a Creep in Public? WTF! How Frozen Should Have Ended People on Instagram Are Ditching Their Musical Instruments ...

Apple Wins Injunction Against Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 In Germany By Nicola Leske DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - A German court upheld an injunction sought by Apple Inc barring Samsung from selling its Galaxy 10.1 tablets in Germany, marking a victory for the U.S. company in its battle across the globe with its South Korean rival. However retailers such as German consumer electronics chain Media Markt will still be able to sell the device, if they are getting rid of existing stock or obtaining new supplies from the South Korean group's parent Samsung International. Giving the ruling, Judge Johanna Brueckner-Hoffmann said in court in Duesseldorf the overall impression of the tablet was too similar to the design of Apple's iPad. "It (the tablet) is distinguished by its smooth, simple areas," Brueckner-Hoffmann said. Samsung, which can object to the decision, has been locked in a battle with Apple over smartphone and tablet patents since April. Samsung, whose tablets are based on Google Inc's Android software, has counter-sued Apple.
