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Education as it should be – passion-based.

Related:  Inglése formateur

An education for the 21st century means teaching coding in schools **The Edvocate is pleased to publish guest posts as way to fuel important conversations surrounding P-20 education in America. The opinions contained within guest posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of The Edvocate or Dr. Matthew Lynch. Leon Sterling, Swinburne University of Technology Bill Shorten’s recent announcement that, if elected, a Labor Government would “ensure that computer coding is taught in every primary and secondary school in Australia” has brought attention to an increasing world trend. Estonia introduced coding in primary schools in 2012 and the UK followed suit last year. There is merit in school students learning coding. There is also a strong case to be made that Australia’s future prosperity will depend on delivering advanced services and digital technology, and that programming will be essential to this end. Being introduced to coding gives students an appreciation of what can be built with technology. Drag and drop

Le modèle IMAIP : Coopérer et s’entraider par le numérique Opens in a new window Opens an external website Opens an external website in a new window This website stores and accesses information on your device, such as cookies. Personal data may be processed, such as cookie identifiers, unique device identifiers, and browser information. Third parties may store and access information on your device and process this personal data. You may change or withdraw your preferences by clicking on the cookie icon or link; however, as a consequence, you may not see relevant ads or personalized content. You may change your settings at any time or accept the default settings. Storage Preferences Third Parties Le modèle IMAIP : Coopérer et s’entraider par le numérique Signaler Marcel LebrunSuivre Ancien President chez AIPU Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire à AIPU Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire 31 Mar 2015•0 j'aime•17,445 vues 1 sur 68 Télécharger pour lire hors ligne Formation Recommandé Contenu connexe Tendances Tendances(20)

Screen Recording and Screencasting Software - ScreenFlow Overview - Telestream Highest Quality Recording ScreenFlow has the best screen recording available – whether you are recording multiple screens at once, or using retina displays. Built in Stock Media Library Spice up your videos with access to over 500,000 unique images, audio & video clips and more directly from within your ScreenFlow projects. iOS Recording Record your iPhone or iPad screen for high quality app demos. Easy to Learn, Easy to Use ScreenFlow’s intuitive UI allows everyone to create amazing content in minutes. Powerful Video Editing Tools Add pro touches to your videos with transitions, text animations, video animations, freehand annotations, multi-channel audio and more. Professional Animations & Motions Graphics Animate graphics, titles and logos with built in video and text animations. Better Tools for Software Tutorials Use Styles and Templates to make editing a series of Software tutorials quicker and easier. Streamlined Media Management Closed Caption Support More Publishing Options

60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know 60 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know by Ryan Schaaf, Notre Dame of Maryland University When I was a high school student, I had the privilege of having a wonderful English teacher. She was kind, often helped her students, and created a wonderful classroom environment that was rare in my high school experience. To this day, I regard her as a great educator; one of the very best. Due to her help, I improved my writing abilities to the point I moved ahead to an Honors course the very next year. As I now reflect upon her and my learning experiences fondly, I had only one criticism – I did the same type of work day in and day out. Nowadays, many educators use the same methods over and over again in their lessons for students to express themselves and demonstrate their new knowledge. Below is a diverse list adapted from resources found at of potential student products or activities learners can use to demonstrate their mastery of lesson content.

Réunions à distance : 10 astuces pour créer de la convivialité Les nostalgiques des rencontres physiques peuvent trouver les réunions à distance quelque peu austères. Il est vrai que la distance force à plus de rigueur, tout simplement parce que notre capacité d’attention devant un écran est plus courte qu’en mode mammifère. Cependant, il existe de multiples manières de créer de la convivialité en utilisant les ressources techniques des systèmes de réunion à distance. Ou en animant comme à la radio. 1. Accueillir chacun de façon individualisée L’accueil commence quelques minutes avant le début de la réunion. 2. Les webcams sont un très bon outil de convivialité, surtout pour des équipes éphémères (projet) qui se voient rarement ou ne se connaissent pas encore. Dans le cas où tous les participants ne disposent pas d’une webcam, et si l’équipe se réunit pour la première fois, l’animateur peut anticiper en actionnant un plan B. 3. Le tour de table express a lieu au top départ de la réunion. À lire >> Mettez le digital au service de votre efficacité 4.

Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction A little over a year ago I wrote a post about the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it. I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now. And in some ways, I think that matters. Here’s the thing. When I wrote that post, I imagined the flip as a stepping stone to a fully realized inquiry/PBL classroom. What is the flip? The flipped classroom essentially reverses traditional teaching. When I first encountered the flip, it seemed like a viable way to help deal with the large and sometimes burdensome amount of content included in my senior Biology & Chemistry curricula. My flipped experiments I first encountered the flip in a blog post. My students loved the idea of trying something that very few other students were doing. We began to shift As I shifted my classroom from teacher-centred to student-centred, my students began to do lots of their their own research. What was my role? The flip faded away The flip is gone for good No.

Three Good Ways to Use All Those Pictures Students Take Take a look at almost any student's cell phone and you're bound to find hundreds or thousands of pictures and videos that they taken. As teachers we should put our students' picture-taking and video-taking habits to good use. There are three ways to utilize students' picture-taking habits in your classroom. Create a b-roll gallery. Create digital portfolios of physical work. Tell a story. Are you trying to get students to tell stories about themselves? Storehouse, Adobe Slate, Thematic, and Pic-Collage are all good options for telling stories with pictures.

Newsletter #74 : Dernières tendances et innovations du Digital Learning : que nous réserve 2017 ? — La Digital Learning Academy Une fois n’est pas coutume, nous laissons la parole cette semaine à 2 reporters pour dresser un bilan des dernières tendances et innovations du digital learning révélées lors de LearnInnov. Immersion dans l’évènement majeur dédié à l’innovation en formation. « Si l’innovation est désormais au cœur des stratégies des professionnels de la formation, il est encore difficile de choisir les dispositifs appropriés et surtout de faire le tri dans la kyrielle d’offres innovantes qui voient le jour. 290 participants sont ainsi venus découvrir les dernières tendances, les nouveaux acteurs, mais aussi appréhender et expérimenter les dernières technologies, méthodes ou approches pédagogiques adaptées à la formation qui nous promettent des expériences d’apprentissage toujours plus engageantes. Le format, pour sa troisième édition, s’enrichit. Cette année, ce sont trois acteurs très différents qui ont été élus “Genius de l’année”. Tout d’abord que le sujet n’a jamais été aussi d’actualité. Le replay

6 Truths About Technology in Education I recently had the opportunity to Keynote the University of Pennsylvania Literacy Network’s Winter Symposium. Penn Literacy Network founder Mort Botel (who was also a former President of the International Reading Association) wrote one of the most influential works in my teaching career, “The Plainer Truths of Teaching/Learning/Assessing Across the Curriculum“; and with his passing this past year, I hoped to honor him in this address by framing my talk around the Truths of Technology in Education. Truth #1 is the reason we educate students. Truth #2 comes from a quote I first heard Tom Murray say on stage, “Every child in your class is someone else’s whole world.” Truth #3 is all about the story. Truth #4 is something I firmly believe and try to say in every conference and school I speak to: Our job is to help students prepare themselves for anything. Truth #6 is something all of us know who work in education. Join 25,128 other learners (and teachers) Awesome!

LMS, LCMS, LEP, LXP... De quelle(s) plateforme(s) s'équiper ? À tort ou à raison, le fait de disposer d'une plateforme de formation est souvent considérée comme un prérequis indispensable lorsque l'on se lance dans des projets de digitalisation de ses formations. Pour les responsables formation qui font le choix de s'équiper, une analyse de ses besoins suivie d'une étude du marché sont des étapes nécessaires. L'évolution rapide et permanente de ce marché des plateformes permet d'en tirer des enseignements intéressants, l'un d'eux étant notamment une plus grande cohérence entre notre conception de la formation et la manière dont celle-ci est outillée. D'où venons-nous et où allons-nous avec nos plateformes de formation ? À l'origine, il y avait des plateformes LMS Les premières plateformes LMS (Learning Management System) ont été inventées il y a près de 30 ans. Les reproches faits aux plateformes traditionnelles étaient majoritairement de deux ordres : Puis vint le temps des plateformes LEP L'avènement des plateformes LXP À suivre...

Tech Tools That Have Transformed Learning With Dyslexia Fifth-grade teacher Kyle Redford remembers with emotion the day she unwittingly put an iPad in the hands of one of her 10-year-old dyslexic students, a day she called “a complete game changer.” While the rest of the class was working in a writers workshop, she handed the student an iPad and told him to try and experiment with its speech-to-text feature. With minimal expectations, Redford figured that the newness and the boy’s curiosity would at least keep him busy during writing time, which he usually found frustrating. While Redford described the boy as “very bright,” he “couldn’t even compose a sentence to save his life” because of his dyslexia. Any classroom assignment having to do with writing made him moody. So, as Redford guided the rest of the class through the workshop, the student stepped outside the classroom and spoke his ideas for his writing assignment into the iPad. At first, it was difficult. The Rise of Technology Helpful Tech Tools

Digital Learning : les 10 grandes tendances pour la formation de demain | Le blog du Digital Learning Créer un écosystème de formation accessible, efficace et innovant, capable de booster les performances des entreprises, nécessite aujourd’hui de saisir toutes les opportunités offertes par le Digital. La question reste de savoir comment en tirer pleinement parti… Définir le Digital Learning Bien plus que des modules de e-learning, le Digital Learning couvre un large éventail de formats digitaux. L’enjeu fondamental est de créer ou d’exploiter des ressources pédagogiques digitales en phase avec les objectifs, les futurs utilisateurs, le contenu et les contraintes éventuelles (techniques, humaines ou financières). Dix grandes tendances pour la formation des années à venir Toutes ces tendances suggèrent que, pour être performantes, les entreprises doivent anticiper et s’adapter en permanence. Pour aller plus loin Découvrez nos solutions digitales.

Digital Reporting Digital reporting tools are not seen to improve student instruction or assessment but have had a significant negative impact on teacher work, according to teachers and principals surveyed in a new Alberta study. Researchers from the University of Alberta and the Alberta Teachers’ Association surveyed over 1,000 teachers and conducted focus groups with teachers and administrators as part of a study on digital reporting and assessment tools being released today. Nearly two-thirds of teachers reported that digital reporting tools, like PowerSchool and TeacherLogic, have not improved the level of instruction and assessment in classrooms. The same proportion of teachers also indicated that the tools have had a significant impact on their workload. This study found that digital reporting tools are inflexible and have been mandated on teachers with very little consultation and poor provisioning of professional development and technological support. - Dr Jason Daniels, University of Alberta

Newsletter #50 du 20 juin 2016 : Comment améliorer l’engagement en formation ? — La Digital Learning Academy Se former, ça prend du temps, toujours plus qu’on ne le pense, et surtout toujours plus qu’on en dispose. Pour contrer cette équation apparemment perdue d’avance, la recette de la réussite passe par l’engagement de l’utilisateur. Il n’est pas facile à gagner, et encore moins à conserver, cependant la mission n’est pas impossible. Promis, demain je m’y mets ! Qu’est-ce que l’engagement ? Les formateurs le savent bien, capter l’attention des apprenants, et être capable de la garder n’est pas simple. Cette dynamique vertueuse que nous attendons tous n’arrive pourtant pas à chaque fois. Pourquoi est-il si dur d’obtenir l’engagement en formation ? Les MOOCs ont démontré qu’il était possible d’attirer un grand nombre d’utilisateurs. Cet exemple des MOOCs est révélateur des principales difficultés à conserver l’engagement des apprenants tout au long d’une formation. Heureusement, il existe des moyens de contrer ces effets négatifs. Comment améliorer l’engagement ? Voyons 2 exemples :
