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Deck.js » Modern HTML Presentations

Deck.js » Modern HTML Presentations

HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches. Instead, by the billions, they all burst open at once. Seemingly overnight, the ocean of green that was the Valley turned into a low, soft, dizzyingly perfumed cloud of pink and white. Then came the wind. It roared off the Pacific Ocean, through the nearly uninhabited passes of the Santa Cruz Mountains and then, flattening out, poured down into the great alluvial plains of the Valley. This perfumed blizzard hit Stevens Creek Boulevard, a two-lane road with a streetcar line down its center, that was the main road in the West Valley.

nemec/deck.lazyload.js Comparatif de 12 solutions de curation Dans le cadre du dossier sur la curation que jai eu le plaisir de coordonner pour la revue Documentaliste et Sciences de linformation de mars 2012 ( ), jai eu loccasion de réaliser un comparatif de 12 solutions dont je vous propose ci-dessous quelques éléments complémentaires. Vous pouvez aussi télécharger cet article au format PDF sur Slideshare Plutôt que de nous concentrer sur les services dont le positionnement marketing est explicitement celui de la curation, nous avons donc choisi de « brasser large » en choisissant des services qui, à minima et sauf exception répondent à la définition proposée par la Wikipedia : « La curation de contenu () est une pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager les contenus les plus pertinents du Web pour une requête ou un sujet donné ». Les douze solutions sélectionnées Images Vidéos Conclusion

S5: An Introduction It's a Simple Standards-based Slide Show SystemOne XHTML document provides all of the slide show's contentCSS handles the layout and look of the slidesJavaScript handles the dynamic aspects of the showThat's all there is to it! Opera 4 introduced Opera Show, a projection-mode style sheet technologyAllows a single XHTML document to be turned into a PowerPoint-like slide showAdding screen and print style sheets allows for multi-medium views of a single documentHighly efficient, but highly browser centric... When Opera 7.5 for OS X came out, the banner ads persisted in projection modeTantek Çelik created a JavaScript-driven slide show technique that worked on multiple browsers Unfortunately, it required each slide to be ID'ed ahead of time, making additions and rearrangement difficultNavigation was only linear; no way to jump to an arbitrary slideThere was also no facility to "switch off" the slide show styles short of killing all CSSMotive and opportunity combined to point the way...

20 Snippets You should be using from Html5 Boilerplate I recently, as many web designers and developers will have, became aware of a fantastic resource put together by web developer, Paul Irish, and Divya Manian. Html5 Boilerplate, as they have named it, is a powerful starting off point for any website or web application. As Paul Irish describes it; “It’s essentially a good starting template of html and css and a folder structure that works., but baked into it is years of best practices from front-end development professionals.” It is absolutely packed full of fantastic snippets of code that are still very much worth using even if you don’t want to start using html5 boilerplate as your base template. Html We will start off by checking out some of the html snippets used in the resource. Favicon and Apple icons The favicon is pretty much normality these day. the interesting bit here is the apple-touch-icon which is used if you save a bookmark to your home screen on an apple touch device such as an iPad or iPhone. Faster page load hack Css

RoyalSlider - Touch-Enabled Image Gallery and Content Slider Plugin Features of jQuery version Modular Script architecture allows you to create your own version of the script using online tool and include in build only features that you need. Touch-friendly Touch navigation for slider and thumbnails, vertical or horizontal. Responsive down to mobile Size of slides and thumbnails can be dynamically changed (all sliders on this site are responsive). For developers: Cross-platform & cross-browser Slider works and has been tested on IE7+, iOS, Opera Mobile, Android 2.0+, Windows Phone 7+, BlackBerry OS and even black&white Kindle Keyboard browser :). View pricing or View demos

Revue DocSI - Volume 49: n 1/ Mars 2012. Dossier : La curation : entre usages individuels et pratiques professionnelles Présentation de la revue Au cœur de ce nouveau numéro, vous trouverez un dossier sur la curation et ses multiples facettes. Coordonné par Christophe Deschamps, consultant et formateur, il réunit de nombreux intervenants d'horizons variés qui, au travers d'articles fouillés, éclairent les débats et discussions parfois acharnés sur la pertinence et le bien-fondé de la curation. A découvrir également dans cette nouvelle livraison : une étude de Karine Aillerie sur les comportements des jeunes internautes lors de leurs recherches d'information sur Internet et les habituelles rubriques d'actualité où de nombreux sujets relatifs à l'évolution de notre domaine sont évoqués. Sommaire Edito. Métiers et compétences. Métiers et compétences. Métiers et compétences. Méthodes, techniques et outils. Méthodes, techniques et outils. Méthodes, techniques et outils. Méthodes, techniques et outils. Méthodes, techniques et outils. Droit de l'information. Droit de l'information. Droit de l'information.

reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework Initializr - Start your HTML5 project in 15 seconds!
