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Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando

Instant City Projet de ville nomade, Instant City marque l'aboutissement d’une démarche d'aporie architecturale entamée par Archigram avec Plug-in-City (1964). L'architecture disparaît, laissant place à l'image, à l’événement, à l'audiovisuel, aux gadgets et autres simulateurs environnementaux. Instant City développe l'idée d'une « métropole itinérante », un package qui s’infiltre provisoirement dans une communauté. Cette ville superpose, le temps d'un instant, de nouveaux espaces de communication à une ville existante : un environnement audiovisuel (des mots et des images projetés sur des écrans suspendus) s'associe à des objets mobiles (des ballons dirigeables avec des tentes suspendues, des capsules et des mobile-home) et à des objets technologiques (des grues à portique, des raffineries, des robots) pour créer une ville de consommation d'informations, destinée à une population en mouvement.

HORTA MUSEUM Horta naît le 6 janvier à Gand. Son père est cordonnier. S'inscrit à la section d'architecture de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Gand. Il continue à fréquenter l'Athénée Royal de Gand, de 1874 à 1877. Part à Paris où il entre dans l'atelier d'un architecte décorateur: Jules Debuysson.

AD Classics: Church on the Water / Tadao Ando “You cannot simply put something new into a place. You have to absorb what you see around you, what exists on the land, and then use that knowledge along with contemporary thinking to interpret what you see.” This philosophy of Tadao Ando is ever apparent in his design, as he is celebrated for the attention he pays to nature and the relationship between interior and exterior spaces of his buildings. Bohlin Cywinski Jackson This is a time in which belief is often overwhelmed by exponential change. Even in the most serious architectural circles, intellectual games and superficial dogma can take the place of affirmation, and the mediocrity and deadness of much of our environment continue to spread. Yet, in all of our surroundings there is great richness and power. Belief in the sensuality of place, the emotive qualities of materials, and the ability to give pleasure and insight, to comfort, and to transport, can produce humane and spirited architecture. It is our belief that exceptional architecture comes from the search for solutions which respond to the particular circumstances inherent in each situation. Increasingly, we have come to see that, in a sense, circumstances are infinite and that working within any one set of habits is too limiting.

BIG architects: national gallery of greenland feb 10, 2011 BIG architects: national gallery of greenland ‘national gallery of greenland’ by bjarke ingels group in nuuk, greenland all images courtesy bjarke ingels group danish architects bjarke ingels group has won the invited competition to design greenland’s new national gallery of art in the capital city of nuuk. a collaborative effort with TNT nuuk, ramboll nuuk, andarkitekti, the proposal was unanimously selected over six other nordic architects including norwegian snøhetta and finnish heikkinen-komonen. view to the fjord conceived as a projection of a geometrically perfect circle on the sloped site, the new 3000 m2 museum is a courtyard building that combines a comprehensive layout with a sensitive adaption to the landscape. the resulting form resembles a melted ring that follows the natural topography to imply the metaphor of a glacier or drifting snow.

Laboratoire Urbanisme Insurrectionnel: Architecture Mobile Archigram L’éphémère est sans doute la vérité de l’habitat futur. Les structures mobiles, variables, rétractables, etc., s’inscrivent dans l’exigence formelle des architectes et dans l’exigence sociale et économique de la modernité. Jean Baudrillard | Utopie, n°1, 1967 [1] Après la seconde guerre mondiale, la notion de mobilité, qui s'applique aux hommes, aux objets, aux capitaux, aux techniques, aux structures (politiques, sociales, économiques, juridiques...), occupera une place prépondérante dans les visions prospectives politiques ; elle intéressera particulièrement le monde de l'industrie – du tourisme, de l'automobile ou de l'aviation civile -, et bien sûr, à la suite, les urbanistes et les architectes. « Le progrès technique, pouvait-on lire, permet à l'homme de disposer de loisirs plus longs dont il profite pour voyager, mais il oblige le travailleur au déracinement (changement de domicile, changement de métier).

Alvar Aalto : architect biography Alvar Aalto Alvar Aalto (1898-1976) is considered a modern architect, yet his work exhibits a carefully crafted balance of intricate and complex forms, spaces, and elements, and reveals a traditionalism rooted in the cultural heritage and physical environment of Finland. Over the course of his 50-year career, Alvar Aalto, unlike a number of his contemporaries, did not rely on modernism's fondness for industrialized processes as a compositional technique, but forged an architecture influenced by a broad spectrum of concerns. Alvar Aalto 's is an architecture that manifests an understanding of the psychological needs of modern society, the particular qualities of the Finnish environment, and the historical, technical, and cultural traditions of Scandinavian architecture. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto was born in the Ostro-Bothnian village of Kourtane in 1898.

Architect Day: Tadao Ando He was a truck driver and boxer, he taught himself architecture as he didn't like school and preferred to study his way, visiting and analyzing the works. Tadao Ando has consolidated his name by performing an architecture that's pure, allowing the user to experience space and nature in his works. Tadao Ando was born in Osaka, Japan, on September 13, 1941 and was raised by his grandmother. At 10 to 17 years of age, he worked with a local carpenter where he learned to work with wood, building model airplanes and ships. massimiliano + doriana fuksas: tbilisi public service hall first image 'tbilisi public service hall' by massimiliano + doriana fuksas, tbilisi, georgia image © moreno maggi all images courtesy of fuksas architects after two years of planning and construction, the 'tbilisi public service hall' designed by italian architects massimiliano and doriana fuksas of fuksas architects has been recently inaugurated in tbilisi, georgia. eleven diversely-shaped petals rise 35 meters above neighboring buildings of the urban and centrally located site to overlook the kura river. beneath the overlapping canopy, seven stacked volumes contain four levels of office space. their positioning envelopes a centralized public square, offering employees upward views to the underside of the roof and tree-columns. the branching pillars are positioned inside and outside the building to majestically support the roof entity, lifting it to be entirely separate from the building beneath. internal footbridges connect each of the levels for ease of circulation. project info:

James Stirling (architect) Sir James Frazer Stirling (22 April 1926 – 25 June 1992) was a British architect. Among critics and architects alike he is generally acknowledged to be one of the most important and influential architects of the second half of the 20th century. His career began as one of a number of young architects who, from the 1950s onwards, questioned and subverted the compositional and theoretical precepts of the first Modern Movement. Stirling's development of an agitated, mannered reinterpretation of those precepts – much influenced by his friend and teacher, the important architectural theorist and urbanist Colin Rowe – introduced an eclectic spirit that allowed him to plunder the whole sweep of architectural history as a source of compositional inspiration, from ancient Rome and the Baroque, to the many manifestations of the modern period, from Frank Lloyd Wright to Alvar Aalto.
