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Using Technology Vs Technology Integration

Using Technology Vs Technology Integration
Are you using or integrating technology in your teaching ? At the face of it, it seems like a game of semantics but in fact it is more than that. When we talk about technology integration in the classroom we are talking about a planned and highly structured and purposeful use of technology with students whose ultimate goal is to engage students and help them develop new thinking skills. Using technology, on the other hand, is a random and sporadic process whose main goal is to instruct students on content not to engage them with content. Check out the full chart from this page. Related:  Teaching with Technology

Utiliser ou intégrer les TIC Un courriel de Stéphane Lavoie me fait connaître ce tableau qui peut être utile lors de formation en lien avec l'«intégration» des TIC dans l'apprentissage des élèves. Quelle est la différence entre l’utilisation de la technologie et l’intégration de la technologie par un enseignant dans le cadre de ses activités d’enseignement? La réponse à cette question peut se trouver au travers ce tableau comparatif d’Aditi Rao pris sur Teachbytes (que j’ai librement traduit) : Tableau mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons By-NC-SA 3.0 Il s’agit d’une reprise de cet article. J’aime particulièrement la septième. Merci Stéphane pour la traduction! PS: Le modèle SAMR illustre, selon moi. les effets/impacts possibles de l'«intégration» des TIC dans l'apprentissage des élèves: Mise à jour 6 mai 2013: Source: Oui les TIC, mais pas tout le temps et pour tout.

Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps I am conducting a series of workshops in Florida and was asked to share a rubric to help teachers evaluate educational apps as part of the workshop. In 2010 Harry Walker developed a rubric, and I used his rubric (with some modifications by Kathy Schrock) as the basis for mine. (Read Harry Walker's paper Evaluating the Effectiveness of Apps for Mobile Devices.) I kept in mind that some apps are used to practice a discrete skill or present information just one time. Others are creative apps that a learner may use again and again, so it's a challenge to craft a rubric that can be used for a wide span of purposes. My rubric also emphasizes the ability to customize content or settings and how the app encourages the use of higher order thinking skills. Here's what I chose to spotlight in my rubric: Relevance The app’s focus has a strong connection to the purpose for the app and appropriate for the student Customization Feedback Student is provided specific feedback Thinking Skills Engagement Sharing

Appropriate Technology in Education | Technology for Learners Appropriate technology is transparent technhology in the classroom. Education and technology have always been strongly related. This is demonstrated by the many technologies, old and new, that are used in classrooms everyday by teachers and students alike. In her book, Teaching as a Design Science, Dana Laurillard makes the interesting observation that education does not drive technological invention. Instead, education tends to be beholden to the inventiveness of other fields such as business and leisure. There are now a wide array of different “educational” technologies available (laptops, iPads, projectors, etc.), yet very few have their origins specifically within the classroom context. Appropriate technology in an educational setting should therefore be assessed for its potential to meet educational aims. Traditionally, the concept of appropriate technology has been discussed with respect to economic development. Appropriate technology can take the form of many different tools. M.

Comment va votre intégration des TIC? 2 modèles à découvrir La compétence professionnelle 8 demande aux enseignants québécois « d’intégrer les TIC aux fins de préparation et de pilotage d’activités d’enseignement-apprentissage, de gestion de l’enseignement et de développement professionnel ». Au fait, où vous situez-vous? Voici deux modèles d’intégration à découvrir. Intégrer les TIC de façon efficace « ne s’apprend pas en un seul cours universitaire ou lors d’une formation professionnelle ». Pour donner une idée aux enseignants d’où ils se situent et le chemin qu’ils peuvent encore parcourir, il existe différents modèles théoriques. Le modèle de Raby Selon ce modèle, le processus est non-linéaire et des étapes peuvent être permutées ou se chevaucher, selon les motivations de l’enseignant. La matrice TIM L’Université Northern Arizona, par le biais du Arizon K12 Center, propose pour sa part une intéressante matrice d’intégration des technologies (TIM, pour Technology Integration Matrix) qui se concentre principalement sur l’utilisation en classe.

The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have By EdTech Team Updated on march 2, 2015 : The original list that was created in 2011 comprised 33 skills , after reviewing it we decided to do some merging and finally ended up with the 20 skills below. The 21st century teacher should be able to : 1- Create and edit digital audio Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Free Audio Tools for Teachers 2- Use Social bookmarking to share resources with and between learners Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : A List of Best Bookmarking Websites for Teachers 3- Use blogs and wikis to create online platforms for students Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill : Great Tools to Create Protected Blogs and Webpages for your Class 4- Exploit digital images for classroom use Here are some tools for teachers to develop this skill :Web Tools to Edit Pictures without Installing any softwareTools to Convert Photos into Cartoons

SEI Videos Videos produced by the University of Colorado Science Education Initiative (CU-SEI) and the University of British Columbia Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI). Other Videos Non-SEI videos that we recommend: iBiology Scientific Teaching Video Series - active learning module (produced by A collection of short videos that provides current and future undergraduate biology instructors with the rationale and tools to design and implement active learning in their classrooms, featuring biology faculty at a variety of colleges and universities. Eric Mazur shows interactive teaching A short video showing Eric Mazur (Harvard University) implementing Peer Instruction using clickers. SEI Videos licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike license. Back to top

Intégration des TIC 1 Modèles Il existe plusieurs modèles portant sur l'intégration des TIC. Quelques auteurs ont proposé des modèles traçant les étapes que traversent habituellement les enseignants lors de l’incorporation des TIC à leur enseignement. Moersch (1995, 2001) a développé un outil de mesure - Levels Of Technology Implementation (LoTi) - pour évaluer le niveau d’implantation des TIC en classe par les enseignants. Le niveau zéro représente la non-utilisation, étape durant laquelle l’enseignant perçoit le manque d’accessibilité et de temps comme des freins à l’utilisation des TIC.Le niveau suivant, celui de la sensibilisation, peut être vécu différemment par chaque enseignant. pour identifier et résoudre des problèmes réels liés à un thème central ou à un concept. Le niveau de l’intégration est, dans le modèle révisé (Moersch, 2001), divisé en deux sous-niveaux : intégration mécaniqueintégration routinière 2 Instruments de mesure 3 Références Coen, PF. Depover, C.

A Printable Guide to Social Media [#Infographic] Cram a dozen educators into a conference room and ask them to name the most popular social media tools used by students, and it’s a safe bet everybody at the table could rattle off the top two: Facebook and Twitter. But those are far from the only online applications making inroads in schools. As administrators warm to engaging students through social media, the list of potential resources at their disposal grows longer by the day. Facebook and Twitter are the obvious choices. But there are other options — Tumblr, the online blog tool, for instance; YouTube, which doesn’t always get the social credit it deserves; and Google+, the less popular but still-growing social network launched by the search engine giant as an alternative to Facebook, to name three. Of course, if naming the latest social media tools seems tough, learning how to use them all is harder still. Is there a social media application not listed here that you’d like to learn more about?

One easy way to make readings come alive for your students – Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog Want to make the subject matter come alive for your students? Most of us do. This is easier when we are in the classroom and can interact with students one on one and react to their blank stares when we are talking nonsense. But what about when they are at home? In a recent conversation with Peer Instruction Network member Ives Araujo from IF-UFRGS in Brazil, I learned a simple approach to enlivening the readings we ask students to do outside of class: embedding video into pdfs. Of course, this approach will only work with content you create, versus preexisting materials or texts. Figure 1 is an example of a pdf with video instruction from another Peer Instruction Network member, Vagner Oliveira, who flips his high school classes using Just-in-Time Teaching and Peer Instruction. To see how complicated embedding a video into a pdf would be for teachers, I tried it out myself. Fig 1. What you need: Have cool examples of lessons with videos embedded in pdfs? Like this: Like Loading...

Intégrer les TIC dans l'activité enseignante Les dix articles du volume sont regroupés en cinq parties. 1) Conceptions pédagogiques, rapports aux savoirs et transformation des pratiques médiatiques en contexte scolaire Les pratiques médiatiques de l’enseignant au cœur des situations de formation Séraphin Alava (Université Toulouse le Mirail) À partir des recherches conduites au sein de dispositifs de formation ouverts ou à distance, l’auteur propose de définir les conduites médiatiques de l’enseignant. Il insiste sur les nouvelles modalités de formation en ligne de même que sur l’apparition des campus numériques et il s’intéresse également aux problèmes méthodologiques et de recherche soulevés par cette approche médiatique de l’acte d’enseigner. Être branché, un atout important pour faire son entrée dans la profession enseignante Thérèse Nault et Geneviève Nault (UQAM) Les auteurs s’intéressent à la question du soutien à l’insertion professionnelle d’enseignants novices.
