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Using Technology Vs Technology Integration- An Excellent Chart for Teachers

Using Technology Vs Technology Integration- An Excellent Chart for Teachers
Are you using or integrating technology in your teaching ? At the face of it, it seems like a game of semantics but in fact it is more than that. When we talk about technology integration in the classroom we are talking about a planned and highly structured and purposeful use of technology with students whose ultimate goal is to engage students and help them develop new thinking skills. Using technology, on the other hand, is a random and sporadic process whose main goal is to instruct students on content not to engage them with content. The chart below from Teachbytes , offers a more detailed explanation of the difference between Using Technology and Integrating Technology. Have a look and, as always, share with us your feedback in the comment form below. Check out the full chart from this page.

Related:  Teaching with Technology

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One easy way to make readings come alive for your students – Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog Want to make the subject matter come alive for your students? Most of us do. This is easier when we are in the classroom and can interact with students one on one and react to their blank stares when we are talking nonsense. But what about when they are at home? UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing is an application for moderating classes, meetings, or other group collaborations where participants can share whiteboards and screens, chat by voice or text, and engage in other ways like taking polls and answering questions. Canvas Canvas is UBC's primary learning platform for delivering online course content and the replacement for Connect (Blackboard Learn).

EdTechX: Educational Technology XSeries Program Skip the XSeries Program Main Overview A series of courses that add up to a rich understanding of an area of study. The Ed Tech XSeries allows students to explore educational technology and game design. The first two courses provide students with a foundation in educational theory and principles of game design. In the next course, students reflect on the game development process and consider how people learn from games. Science Access the interactive [Science] Activity Types taxonomy. The most recent version of the Science Learning Activity Types taxonomy is available for your use in PDF format here: Science Learning Activity Types (February, 2011) - English Science Learning Activity Types (February, 2011) - Spanish^^ Science Learning Activity Types (February, 2011) - Portuguese^^^ Please feel free to share this file, with attribution, with teachers, teacher educators, and school administrators. We will post both updates to this activity types taxonomy and periodic summaries of any changes on this page. Many thanks for your interest in this work!

Science Access the interactive [Science] Activity Types taxonomy. The most recent version of the Science Learning Activity Types taxonomy is available for your use in PDF format here: Science Learning Activity Types (February, 2011) - English Science Learning Activity Types (February, 2011) - Spanish^^ Science Learning Activity Types (February, 2011) - Portuguese^^^ Please feel free to share this file, with attribution, with teachers, teacher educators, and school administrators. We will post both updates to this activity types taxonomy and periodic summaries of any changes on this page. Many thanks for your interest in this work! Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching with technology can deepen student learning by supporting instructional objectives. However, it can be challenging to select the “best” tech tools while not losing sight of your goals for student learning. Once identified, integrating those tools can itself be a challenge albeit an eye-opening experience. The CTL is here to help you (novice, expert and everyone in between) find creative and constructive ways to integrate technology into your class.
