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Definition Of Digital Citzenship

Definition Of Digital Citzenship
The Definition Of Digital Citizenship by Terry Heick As more and more students interact digitally–with content, one another, and various communities–the concept of digital citizenship becomes increasingly important. Which begs the question: what is digital citizenship? Well, first citizenship, which is formally defined as “the quality of an individual’s response to membership in a community.” This makes citizenship far more complex than a simple legal matter, but rather one that consists of self-knowledge, interaction, and intimate knowledge of a place, its people, and its cultural history. So digital citizenship is nearly the same thing–“the quality of a response to membership in a digital community” would be a good first crack at the definition. But that leaves out the idea of content itself, which leads us to a pretty good definition for educators: “The quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities.” Still too wordy?

Fabienne Brugère, philosophe : “L’individu a besoin de supports collectifs” Fabienne Brugère, philosophe, enseigne à l’université Bordeaux III. Elle a écrit de nombreux ouvrages sur l’esthétique et la philosophie politique, mais elle est aussi un intellectuelle impliquée dans la cité. Proche de Martine Aubry – elle a travaillé avec elle sur la notion du “care”, l’éthique du soin –, elle n’hésite pas à confronter ses recherches théoriques et philosophiques à l’action politique et sociale. Dans son nouveau livre La Politique de l’individu, s’appuyant sur les travaux de sociologues comme Robert Castel, elle propose une nouvelle définition de l’individualisme, dépassant le narcissisme et le repli sur soi de la vision néolibérale, et imagine des outils politiques qui favoriseraient l’implication et la protection de l’individu moderne dans la collectivité. La notion d’individualisme reste souvent mal définie. Pourquoi invitez-vous à dépasser ces quatre usages courants de l’individualisme ? Certains pointent le risque d’un “paternalisme moral de l’Etat”.

flipped classroom An excellent tool for your flipped classroom is EDpuzzle. With this tool you can crop a video to only use the portion you need for your specific class. Another feature is you can add your own voice by inserting audio notes or recording over the video. The embed quiz feature allows you to add questions at random points in the video to engage students and check their understanding of the material. With EDpuzzle you can locate video from a number of sources including Youtube, Teacher Tube, Khan Academy, TED and LearnZillion. Once complete you can upload your completed video to the EDpuzzle library. Click here to visit the site. INTRODUCING EDpuzzle Edpuzzle Demo Playlist My First Edpuzzle Video I have uploaded both my edited video and the original for you to see the difference between the two and get an idea of the options available to edit your video with EDpuzzle. Below is the original video from My Smart Hands.

Collective intelligence as networking collectives | Digitally enabled (intelligent) collectives Innumerable texts have been written on the subject of collective intelligence; what it is, what it isn’t, what it might be1. This blog focuses on the collective aspect of collective intelligence in light of shifts attributed to Web 2.0 technologies. “Web 2.0” shifts are altering not only what we exchange, but also how, when and why we exchange. Two concepts are often upheld with respect to collective intelligence. So, on the one hand we have deliberative, online communities that co-curate information towards consensus. In both cases net-based collective intelligence-wisdom is… ”…by definition highly distributed, both in its implicit and explicit forms. It is this highly distributed, often unstructured co-elaboration of data, with attributes of relatively open means to engage, mentor, connect and authorize that underly the construct of net-based collectives in this blog.

Mobile Barcodes If you are looking to download a QR-Code reader (software) so that you can scan and read mobile barcodes (QR-Codes), you have come to the right place. We have compiled a list of the best QR-Code reading software available to download on the internet. If the QR-Code reader is not on our list, it's not worth worrying about. Please find below available reading software and information about how to download and install the QR-Code readers. Software Please select a software vender from the list: KAYWA Reader Instructions You can download the KAYWA reader directly to your PC or MAC and then use bluetooth or a USB cable to transfer the files to your mobile phone (requires registration) or you can download it directly to your mobile phone by visiting the following web address: - Kaywa will then check to see if your mobile phone is compatible with their software. Compatibility Quick Links Nokia Reader i-nigma Reader Lynkee Reader UpCode QuickMark SnapMaze BeeTagg NeoReader ScanLife

L’imaginaire urbain et les jeunes Penser le rapport contemporain des jeunes face au monde urbain c'est, à l'image de l'épreuve d'artiste, penser l'expérience de la création. La matière à traitement changera pour trouver à nouveau une autre « forme tendue », « une espèce de noyau de violence ». Dans les formes que prend l'expérience créatrice des jeunes, il y a la violence des refus et les risques du hasard. Refus du passé pour retrouver la vie, et risques de la chute ou du rêve dans ce qui veut exister. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage étudient la place de l'urbain à travers différentes expériences créatrices de jeunes à partir de la matière que leur présente la ville post-industrielle.
