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Une Vérité qui dérange

Une Vérité qui dérange
Related:  Climate Crisismanipulations

Oil Investors at Brink of Losing Trillions of Dollars in Assets. Gore: It's That Road Runner Moment Climate: Now or Never A major threat to fossil fuel companies has suddenly moved from the fringe to center stage with a dramatic announcement by Germany’s biggest power company and an intriguing letter from the Bank of England. A growing minority of investors and regulators are probing the possibility that untapped deposits of oil, gas and coal -- valued at trillions of dollars globally -- could become stranded assets as governments adopt stricter climate change policies. The concept gaining traction from Wall Street to the City of London is simple. A Global Push to Save the Planet With representatives from more than 190 countries gathered to discuss climate rules in Lima, the argument that burning all the world’s known oil, gas and coal reserves would overwhelm the atmosphere is moving beyond the realm of environmental activists. Selling Out Former U.S. Big Oil Energy majors such as Exxon Mobil Corp. George Shultz Gone Solar. Stronger Resolve ‘Overstated Potential’ The industry disagrees.

Militer face aux Nouveaux chiens de garde : entretien avec le réalisateur (...) Gilles Balbastre est le réalisateur de nombreux films documentaires de télévision (Le chômage a une histoire ; Moulinex, la mécanique du pire ; Fortunes et infortunes des familles du Nord...) et le co-réalisateur au cinéma, avec Yannick Kergoat, des Nouveaux chiens de garde, sorti en janvier 2012. Le film a pour cible le monde des grands médias. Il s’inspire du livre du même nom de Serge Halimi, avec qui Balbastre publiait, dans les années 2000, les journaux « sardoniques » Pour Lire Pas Lu et Le Plan B, où ce thème était déjà central. La sortie du film s’est accompagnée pendant de nombreux mois de débats à travers toute la France, avec les réalisateurs ou, notamment, des membres de l’association de critique des médias Acrimed. Autre Futur : Peux-tu faire un premier bilan sur le succès (entrées...) du film Les nouveaux chiens de garde, sur son accueil par les médias (que tu critiques), mais aussi par le public ? Gilles Balbastre : Le film est sorti le 11 janvier 2012.

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2015) Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged. As Andersen approaches leaders in the environmental movement, he increasingly uncovers what appears to be an intentional refusal to discuss the issue of animal agriculture, while industry whistleblowers and watchdogs warn him of the risks to his freedom and even his life if he dares to persist. EPA.

Importance of Having a Plan for Promoting Art In the past I have shared many great websites and promotional opportunities with all of you. There are literally hundreds of ways for artists to promote art on the internet. It is easy to feel overwhelmed with all that is available. Of course, it is impossible to be active with everything the internet has to offer. Trying to do so may be one of the biggest mistakes an artist can make. You may find yourself spending much more time on the computer than in your studio. How can an artist who has just begun promoting art online know where to begin? I will give some examples of some commonly used plans for art promotion, which should help you create your own. Plans for Artists Looking for Gallery Representation Artists who are searching to be eventually represented by an art gallery may have to be careful about what they become involved in online, and how they promote their work. Here is an example of a plan for those searching for gallery representation. Focussed Plans Create an art blog.

Evidence The Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000 years there have been seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat, with the abrupt end of the last ice age about 7,000 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives. Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal. The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years.1 Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling: Sea level rise Global temperature rise Warming oceans Glacial retreat

Les médias français dans le lit du pouvoir - (The Financial Times) par Simon KUPER Il serait facile de faire l’erreur de penser que la France est un pays de gauche. Je vis à Paris sur le parcours des régulières marches de protestation - des manifestations, appelées affectueusement "manifs" . A la radio ce samedi matin, les gens se souhaitaient les uns aux autres : "Bonne manif !". Le socialiste François Hollande, favori pour remporter les élections présidentielles de ce printemps, déclare : "Mon adversaire est la finance." Il appelle à un taux d’imposition de 75% pour quiconque (sauf peut-être les footballeurs) gagne plus d’un million d’Euros. Mais le socialisme n’est que le vernis français. Quand je lis les journaux français, je suis généralement impressionné. Comme le journalisme français a atteint la classe moyenne supérieure, il s’est glissé encore plus près du pouvoir, indique Jean Quatremer. Une façon qu’ont les Parisiens de se mettre en valeur est d’échanger des commérages sur les politiciens. Source : The French media : in bed with power PlusAutres résultats Google Connexion Rejoindre Google+ Partagez ce que vous voulez avec qui vous voulez Accueil Profil Contacts Photos Collections Populaire sur Google+ Communautés Événements Hangouts Pages Paramètres Laisser un avis Aide · Région Confidentialité · Conditions d'utilisation · Conditions d'utilisation de Google Maps Créer un Hangout Jacques Gaudin Ajouter aux cercles 784 abonnés|1 047 166 consultations Lire ou relire "Bidoche : L'industrie de la viande menace le monde" de Fabrice Nicolino ! Franck B. est l'auteur de ce post : J'ai regardé ce documentaire hier, sur les recommandations d'un collègue, et c'est le documentaire le plus "choc" que j'ai pu voir depuis longtemps.Partagez le à tous vos amis environnementalistes, et à tous les autres aussi, ça vaut le coup.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur Notification :+Yannick Martin +Hubert Lambin +Jérôme CHOAIN +Nil Sanyas +Jacques Gaudin +Lionel Dricot +Olivier Palarbre +ALIMENT R  Teaser de "Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret" Ludo Drone

Art Marketing & Art Sales - How to Present Your Art to Buyers << Back to Articles for Artists Note: The following is the revised and updated text of a talk originally given to artists at the Indianapolis Art Center and to art students at the Herron School of Art at Purdue University. When I started out in the art business, I bought and sold art by artists who were no longer alive, art by older artists who had either stopped making art or were near the ends of their careers, and art that was in the families of descendents of artists. Through my experience selling these types of art, I've developed techniques that contemporary artists can use to maximize the value of their art now rather than later (aka posthumously), and to increase their chances for success both now and in the future. Let's start with a realistic look to the future. The most important first step towards becoming a full-time artist is to keep making art. So continue creating art no matter how difficult the process becomes. Take a lesson from the corporations. Art is no different.

RealClimate: Recent global warming trends: significant or paused or what? Les nouveaux chiens de garde Les médias se proclament « contre-pouvoir ». Pourtant, la grande majorité des journaux, des radios et des chaînes de télévision appartiennent à des groupes industriels ou financiers intimement liés au pouvoir. Au sein d’un périmètre idéologique minuscule se multiplient les informations prémâchées, les intervenants permanents, les notoriétés indues, les affrontements factices et les renvois d’ascenseur. En 1932, Paul Nizan publiait Les Chiens de garde pour dénoncer les philosophes et les écrivains de son époque qui, sous couvert de neutralité intellectuelle, s’imposaient en gardiens de l’ordre établi.

Art Blog for Creative Living: 7 Email Marketing Tips for artists Are you following these email marketing best practices? Email marketing expert, Kate Barrett shares her best advice in this guest blog post. This article is courtesy of Kate Barrett, The prospect of getting started with email marketing can be daunting – new terminology to learn, systems, strategies...phew! If you’re just starting selling your art or considering using email marketing to increase your art sales, how do you get started? Start with out with these top 7 tips and get yourself off to a flying start. 1. Without a list, you have no way to directly and quickly contact art lovers with information specific to them. 2. You know how fantastic your art is, but most people are only just finding you online for the first time and taking a leap of faith by registering to receive your emails. 3. That’s where firm planning comes into place. 4. 5. The majority of ISPs (such as Yahoo! 6. 7. Would you like 3 more FREE tips?
