Curso de Java: Sintaxis
Iniciación: página 13 [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ] Para comprender mejor la sintaxis del programa debemos pensar en términos de ámbito o alcance. Primero hay que saber que los comentarios están fuera del programa, no están dentro de su ámbito, el compilador no los interpreta, son señales que el programador usa para facilitar la comprensión del código. El ámbito más externo es donde importamos los recursos que se requerirán para el programa y donde declaramos el programa mismo. Aquí está el principio de todo.
Concevez votre site web PHP/MySQL
Le MOOC Concevez votre site web avec PHP et MySQL, vous permettra de rendre vos sites web dynamiques, en leur ajoutant des fonctionnalités : forum, espace membres, paiement en ligne, réservations… Pour cela, vous aurez besoin de connaître un langage supplémentaire, comme le célèbre langage PHP qui vous sera présenté dans ce cours. Combiné à la puissance de stockage d’une base de données comme MySQL, vous allez pouvoir réaliser de grandes choses ! Inscription *
TELL ME MORE - Accueil
Rosetta Stone Inc., leading provider of education technology and language-learning solutions, acquires global language software company Tell Me More S.A. Rosetta Stone Inc. (NYSE:RST), leading provider of education technology and language-learning solutions, announced it has agreed to acquire Tell Me More S.A., a global language-learning software company with significant presence throughout Europe, as well as in the U.S., Latin America and China.To learn more, view the complete press release.
40 websites that will make you cleverer right now
The indexed web contains an incredible 14 billion pages. But only a tiny fraction help you improve your brain power. Here are 40 of the best. – Learn about our awe inspiring past all in one wonderful place.
Objetivos del curso y nociones básicas indispensables
El curso está ideado para ser desarrollado por una persona que no conoce nada de programación y se utilice Java como primer lenguaje. El objetivo fundamental de este tutorial es permitir que el estudiante pueda resolver problemas de distinta índole (matemáticos, administrativos, gráficos, contables etc.) empleando como herramienta la computadora. Hay que tener en cuenta que para llegar a ser programador se debe recorrer un largo camino donde cada tema es fundamental para conceptos futuros. Es importante no dejar temas sin entender y relacionar. La programación a diferencia de otras materias como podría ser la historia requiere un estudio metódico y ordenado (en historia se puede estudiar la edad media sin tener grandes conocimientos de la edad antigua)
Tuto . com Formation Photoshop, After Effects, Photo, Lightroom, HTML, CSS
Lectures: Cohen
An Introduction to Demography and Populations Study Through an Examination of the World's Population. JOEL COHEN, Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of Populations, Rockefeller University, Mathematical Biologist, Columbia University Lesson Overview
Floating University Launches New Model for Education – A Liberal Arts Education in 12 Hours!
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--This week, for the first time in more than three centuries, Harvard and Yale will concurrently offer the same course — and its primary "text" won't be a book, but rather a video lecture series comprising the world's greatest thinkers and leading scholars. “Floating University will be a major catalyst in changing the business and economic model of education by unbundling the traditional silos which house university curriculum, and providing access to leading scholars and the best minds in their field for a fraction of the cost – to anyone, anywhere.“” Philanthropist and investor Adam Glick and the global knowledge forum Big Think are proud to announce the launch of The Floating University (, a new educational media venture which presents an entirely new model for Higher Education. The company’s first multimedia lecture series, Great Big Ideas: An Entire Undergraduate Education While Standing on One Foot!
Blackboard buys Moodlerooms...And no, this isn't an early April Fools
My first reaction when I saw this news today was something along the lines of, "Wait, what? lolz! Gotta retweet that one!" Then, of course, I realized that it was true.
Digital Textbook Initiative
About Us Additional Options "From government to non-profit organizations, teachers to textbook publishers, we all have a role to play in leveraging 21st century technology to expand learning and better serve California's students, parents, teachers and schools. This initiative will ensure our schools know which digital textbooks stand up to California's academic content standards - so these cost-effective resources can be used in our schools to help ensure each and every student has access to a world-class education." - Governor Schwarzenegger
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File: GUIDE.txt
This guide is meant to get you started using Spreadsheet. By the end of it, you should be able to read and write Spreadsheets. Reading is easy!