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Enra " pleiades "

Enra " pleiades "

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Violet By Ultra, Inc Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Men don’t seem to worry about skin cancer that much, but the fact is that they should. Yes, men aged 15 to 39 are more than twice as likely to die from melanoma as women. Maybe it’s time we start paying attention to how much sun we’re actually getting. How local wise-women who carried on ancient traditions were exterminated by Christianity By Barbara G. Walker | October 2008 Freethought Today During the last 50 years, scholars have established a very different view of our Stone Age ancestors from the one we used to imagine. It seems there weren’t all those women dragged off to caves by their hair by boorish male savages with clubs. Quite the contrary.

A Wakeup Call - Starseeds The term starseeds has its roots in Native American beliefs that the early inhabitants of this planet were genetic creations by visitors from other planetary systems. Many believe these people come from the Pleiades star system, although others believe the Pleiadians are just one of many star groups that have seeded this planet. The awakening and activation of these starseeds is set for a specific time and purpose, relative to the evolution of this planet, which has been likened to a grand enlightenment, a graduation into a higher awareness, for the planet and its peoples. Fiirst, to understand the concept of starseeds awakening and activation, one needs to have a clear understanding of reincarnation and also time and space. If we consider that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, then are any of us really from this planet Earth?

Sensory Speed Dating Explores The Science Of Attraction I’m sitting in the lounge area at the House of Yes. Everything is red. The lighting is red. The tablecloths are red. Pleiadian Teachings From Ancient Egypt I’ve written a bit already about my past life memory of the 6D teachings from the Sirian Sacred Architect in ancient Egypt. In this entry I’d like to share a scene from this same past life in Egypt of 12,600 B.C., but with the 5D Pleiadian teacher and what he taught us. After this I’ll share about the 8D Orion, what he was like, his physical appearance, and what he taught me that I remember.

Collapsus - Energy Risk Conspiracy Collapsus is an immersive web experience set in a near-future world after peak oil, where conspiracy and treason are rife. Against a dramatic backdrop of global energy politics, Collapsus combines interactivity with animation, fiction and documentary, inviting the user to embark on a quest to collect information, find solutions, and make crucial decisions that will leave their mark on a national and a global See also our interview with the creators and producers of Collapsus and our walkthrough of Collapsus with audio commentary by director Tommy Pallotta. The 10 Best Sex Podcasts 2017 - Podcasts About Relationships and Sex It's 2017 and everyone has a podcast. That includes a good number that talk about sex—240 under the "sexuality" category in iTunes alone. We checked out dozens of the funniest, smartest, smuttiest sex podcasts out there and picked 10 favorites with a four-category rating system, so you can weed out what you like.

The 5D Pleiadian to 6D Sirian Shift This article is an expansion on something I talked about here In that article I mentioned about seeing and realizing that my etheric entourage, my higher dimensional “Ascension Assistance” Crew had changed (again) at the start of 2014. In that article I talked about this Ascension related process happening on an individual, personal level and why the changing of our individual nonphysical “Guides”, “Ascension Assistants”, “Helpers” etc. becomes necessary at different stages of our lives and ongoing development. The EcoSexual Awakening From the anthology Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love I hesitate to start an essay with definitions as if I could compel you with force of logic to accept conclusions that follow irrefutably from premises. Nor would that be very sexy: an imposition rather than a seduction. Defining terms contributes to the delusion that our disagreements arise from imprecise language, when actually our precision might exclude the erotic heart of the issue: the inchoate, the qualitative, the mysterious. Especially when we are talking about sex, any definition seems to make it less than what it is.
