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Grasshopper: Parametric CurvesThis module covers the basic parametric properties of curves along with common grasshopper methods for evaluating and dividing curves. ARCH 598 Summer 2011information >> n-formations FABRICS // LATTICES // FIELDSThis course is designed to introduce and explore computational design, algorithmic thinking, and digital manufacturing–both: the larger ramifications that emerging digital technologies and ideas are having architectural theory via readings, discussions, presentations; and the practical application of these ideas and tools through a series of hands-on, iterative modeling and fabrication assignments. ARCH 581/498 : Fall 2010Digital Design + Fabrication Foundations I Grasshopper: Surface to Planar TrianglesGrasshopper : Surface to Planar Triangles : Fabrication Layout of Planar Components Laser Cutting: Adobe IllustratorLaser Cutting from Adobe Illustrator Related:  fedemergent

090711-parametric bridge – Thesis Final project- « eSCRIPT-O Some images from my final project for my master degree thesis. its a parametric bridge with a parametric skin – (hexatect). All the project it´s defined by scripting (rhinoscript) and some specific grasshopper definitions ( . I finally presented my thesis (to get the architect title and a master degree (2×1 super combo, hahaha) last month, and i got the maximum calification ( 7.0 out of 7.0!!!). stay tuned to eSCRIPT-O Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... Tags: algorithm, arquitectura digital, attactors, BST, cad, cam, cnc, digital architecture, digital fabrication, diseño paramétrico, generative components, grasshopper, hexagon mesh, laser cutter, laser cutting, marq, maxscript, paracloud, parametric, puc, rhinoceros, rhinoceros 4, rhinoscript, rhinosript, scripting, surface

Co-de-iT | Computational Design Italy Мебель для города — INTERNUM 25 июня 2009 годаПрокомментировать В общественных пространствах бетон всегда играл важную роль, в XXI веке эта роль становится главной. Согласитесь, обставить город мебелью можно только в том случае, когда мебель сделана из бетона. В обзоре дизайнеры и производители, увлеченные городской бетонной мебелью всерьез и надолго. Nola, Швеция + Komplot, Дания Специализирующаяся на дизайнерских продуктах для городских пространств шведская компания Nola в коллаборации с датчанами Komplot выпустила бетонное кресло Concrete things chair. Скульптурные формы Concrete things chair повторяют естественные изгибы человеческого тела, поэтому в нем хочется развалиться как в старом кресле у телевизора. При создании Concrete things chair дизайнеры Komplot вдохновились застывающим бетоном, податливым и принимающим форму всего, что на него давит; эту форму бетон способен сохранять столетиями. Betonware, Германия Escofet, Испания Gitta Gschwendtner’s design, Лондон

SoftRigid architecture These are a series of experiments, in which the designer try to use parametric and digital method to realize these interesting optical illusion effects and generate 3d geometry or space rather than just 2d painting. Continue reading The design task of this project was to design a multifunctional theatre inside an old gasholder in the Hague the Netherlands. In the a new developed masterplan he Gasholder is placed in a small lake surrounded by different thematic islands. This project is a renovation of an old monumental building, we apply the new generation process, new material and manufacture method, new structure and construction logic to transfer the old building to a fire new thing with also new functions. In this project, our essential design emphasis focuses on organization of overall rule and open system, rather than on each segments of this project. This project explored the possibilities of employing computational means in the creation of architecture.

Parametric World a3reel: Prove di voxelizzazione dipendente dai vettori del campo fluidodinamico.Catalogazione dei risultati variando:-il numero di celle in cui è diviso il campo-soglia-parametri di coesione,allineamento,separazione degli agents-viscosità,diffusione,influenza del fluido sugli agents,influenza degli agents sul fluido.I risultati ottenuti forniscono una gamma di mesh più o meno compatte a seconda della variazione dei parametri. design playgrounds Posts Tagged ‘Parametric Architecture’ We are happy and excited to announce that finally after a long time we have a launch day for ThinkParametric. Hy-FI is the winning proposal for this year MoMA´s PS1 competition, a tower-like topology volume composed by compostable bricks that use corn stalks and mushroom roots in their process of elaboration. In this tutorial you will learn how can you create shell-like surfaces made of planar hexagons using Kangaroo´s Planrization Forces. The Centenial Chromagraph is an installation/ data visualization portraying the history of the University of Minnesota School of Architecture.Their creators refer to it as an exercise in data spatialization where the use of computational tools were employed to generate formal and spatial constructions with large quantities of data. Pudelma is a pavilion inspired by the traditions of Finnish wood-working and created as part of the European Capital of Culture Program.

3DVizART O P E N S Y S T E M S Earthscrapers, by Rael San Fratello Architects. Display table demonstrating the tools and outcomes of rapid manufacturing and rapid prototyping with concret Earthscrapers is an installation for the 2010 Biennial of the Americas that imagines the potential of employing CAD and CAM processes in the construction of a proto-architectural landscape—one where the building material source and the building itself are seamless. It also demonstrates the internal design, research and experimentation process by Rael San Fratello Architects in hacking a 3D printer to rapid proto­type and rapid manufacture clays, ceramics and ultimately cement. Mining, desertification, dredging and erosion are a few of the many examples of natural and anthropogenic processes for shaping the landscape and have become the theoretical material sources, sites and contexts for the forms and spaces created. A rapid manufactured concrete tower maquette: Linear and vertical modularity using rapid manufactured concrete 3D printed concrete form

no boxes! Fritz Obermeyer’s Jenn is a nicely crafted java application that allows a playful examination of structures in non-Euclidian space, more specifically Coxeter polytopes in stereographic projection. These complex geometric structures are the 4-dimensional Sisters to the polyhedra and have, what seems like, recursive interiors and packing formations that resemble bubbles in foam. The applet allows you to fly through these structures and orient the camera view according to your whims; other controls include toggles for the kind of rendering display settings. The word ‘polytope’ was introduced by Alicia Boole Stott , the daughter of logician George Boole. You might experience a feeling of non-Euclidean déjà vous while roaming around Jenns polytope space , the experience of space is a lot like being in one of Escher’s drawings. Inspired, Escher used this figure as a source for his series of ‘Circle Limit’ etchings.
