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jQuery Learning Center

jQuery Learning Center

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10 Awesome jQuery Image Galleries and Sliders One of the most common requests I get from clients is to have some sort of image gallery on their site. Whether it’s a sliding image gallery on a homepage displaying promotions or a robust gallery full of portfolio images showing off the quality of work, jQuery image galleries area a great way for displaying multiple images on a website. They are search engine friendly, iPad and iPhone friendly, and lighter weight than a lot of the Flash slideshow galleries on the market. JS keyCodes When a KeyboardEvent fires, you can test which key was pressed because that event contains information you can write logic against. document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { console.log(event.which); } For example, by pressing "a", you'll get 65. Apparently it's best to write logic against which, as keyCode and charCode are complicated: The event.which property normalizes event.keyCode and event.charCode. It is recommended to watch event.which for keyboard key input.

.mouseleave() Description: Bind an event handler to be fired when the mouse leaves an element, or trigger that handler on an element. This method is a shortcut for .on('mouseleave', handler) in the first two variations, and .trigger('mouseleave') in the third. The mouseleave JavaScript event is proprietary to Internet Explorer. Because of the event's general utility, jQuery simulates this event so that it can be used regardless of browser. This event is sent to an element when the mouse pointer leaves the element. Any HTML element can receive this event.

The C# Value Type and Boxing Even though with the .NET framework we don't have to actively worry about memory management and garbage collection (GC), we still have to keep memory management and GC in mind in order to optimize the performance of our applications. One of the things we need to be aware of is how the Common Language Runtime (CLR) deals with references to value types. When an instance of a value type is converted to a System.Object type or to an interface, the CLR needs to convert the value type to a valid reference type.

Datatable demo (Server side) in Php,Mysql and Ajax Grid view is a very important web component in modern web. Sorting, searching, pagination is not a easy job in HTML tables. So many grid view framework out there, DataTable.js is the most popular among them. It is open source, light weighted, highly flexible and customizable, features like AutoFill, inline editor, sticky header, responsive, Supports bootstrap, foundation. In version 1.10 DataTable has changed and improved over version 1.9. 10 Outstanding jQuery Zoom Plugins jQuery Zoom plugins can be really useful for showing image details. There are lots of jQuery plugins and tutorials on the web which will help you create great websites. We’ve looked around the web and fount the 10 best jQuery zoom plugins, both free and premium, for you to use and save precious coding time. Here are 10 of the best jQuery zoom plugins. Which one do you think is no. 1?

Javascript RegExp - MDN reference The RegExp constructor creates a regular expression object for matching text with a pattern. For an introduction to regular expressions, read the Regular Expressions chapter in the JavaScript Guide. SyntaxEdit Fancy jQuery & CSS3 Based Hexagon Image Gallery Hex Gallery is a jQuery plugin used to display your images in a CSS3 based hexagonal grid layout with hover caption support. See also: jQuery Plugin For Responsive Hexagon Grid Layout - Honeycombs

Boxing and Unboxing in C# .Net Posted by suhail banday under ASP.NET category on 5/1/2008 for Beginner level | Views : 14831 If you found plagiarised (copied) or inappropriate content, please let us know the original source along with your correct email id (to communicate) for further action. Rating: 4 out of 5 4 vote(s) In this article I will explain the concepts of Boxing and UnBoxing. C# provides us with Value types and Reference Types.

Removing, Replacing and Moving Elements in jQuery Home : Articles : Removing, Replacing and Moving Elements in jQuery Tutorial by Matt Doyle | Level: Beginner | Published on 8 June 2010 Categories: Learn how to use jQuery to easily remove elements from the page, replace elements, and move elements around. In Adding Elements to the Page in jQuery, you explored a number of ways to add new HTML elements — such as paragraphs and images — to a page. In this tutorial you learn how to manipulate existing elements in the page, including:

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