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Supernatural brownies. November 7, 2010 § It seems like every baker has that one perfect recipe for chocolate chip cookies, that they’re so confident in that they need never try another.

supernatural brownies

I’m not generally capable of doing that, since I have a neurotic need to test a bazillion recipes – what if the next one is better? The world could end without me tasting the best possible cookie! Brownie en 5 minutos. La semana pasada me ofrecieron la posibilidad de compartir una receta en la radio, en el espacio que I love aceite tiene los viernes en Cadena Ser Jaén.

Brownie en 5 minutos

Podéis escuchar el audio pinchando en este enlace, y desde aquí quiero dar las gracias a Lola y a Fernando por darme la oportunidad de colaborar en este espacio. Para esta ocasión, me apetecía elegir una receta que pudiese preparar cualquiera: sin conocimientos de cocina, sin moldes, sin báscula, y sin necesidad de ningún equipamiento especial. Vegan brownie in Brownies recipes. David Lebovitz’s Best Brownies. Did I ever tell y’all about the time I ran away from home in an attempt to go meet Bob Dole? You remember Bob Dole, right? He was the senator of Kansas and I think he ran for president when I was in high school. Of course, he was also in Viagra commercials, and as a high school student, that was the selling factor for me. Viagra commercial + high school student = comedy gold Anyway, one day my bestie just let it slip out in regular conversation that her father’s cousin was somehow related to Bob Dole.

Our parents were thrilled. Okay, actually they called the cops and had to come pick us up somewhere in Missouri. Gluten-Free Pecan Fudge Brownies. It's July.

Gluten-Free Pecan Fudge Brownies

This means that it's the middle of the summer. Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies. This summer was pretty awesome.

Gluten-Free Fudge Brownies

Let me tell you about it. I applied for and managed to successfully land an internship with the NYC Department of Buildings to work as a graphic arts intern with the Community Partnerships Division (they handle all the mayor's special projects). These special projects included Urbancanvas, a project that is meant to help beautify construction sites by installing artwork on temporary construction protective structures (If you're in the NYC area, the specific projects I worked on are located on the MTA 2nd Avenue subway line construction sites, so check them out!) ; urbanSHED, which has the idea of replacing all of the city's unsightly wood and steel sidewalk sheds with completely new steel and polymer structures (they look SO GOOD); and NYC Cool Roofs, a project that promotes the cooling of NYC's rooftops by covering them in a white reflective coating to lower cooling costs and cut energy usage.

A brownie by any other name… Love brownies.

A brownie by any other name…

Love their shiny, flaky top that shatters into micro-thin shards that shower onto your fingers as you eat. Love their dark, gooey center. Their “chocolate nirvana” flavor. Sometimes can’t deal with the bake, wait to cool, cutting into squares messiness and fuss of brownies. Want something I can enjoy within 5 minutes of its exit from the oven. The Brownie That Will Change Your Life.

Let me start off by saying that viewer discretion is advised for today’s post.

The Brownie That Will Change Your Life

OK now with the story that preludes possibly the greatest brownie I have ever sunk my teeth in thus far in my life. Last Saturday Mrs. Zesty had a baby shower to attend and she was designated for a dessert/sweet treat for the girls. Last week was a bit of a zoo and I think I forgot about prepping this dessert until Friday afternoon at work. After work I did a quick scan for some ideas and came up with a chocolate caramel brownie. I knew time was tight and I didn’t want to spend all night Friday night to prep a dessert. This recipe, I cannot take any credit for and nor will I try as it is compliments of Nestle Toll House and as you can see from the reviews…. Ingredients 1 pkg. (18.25 oz.) chocolate cake mix1 cup chopped nuts ( Optional )1 cup Evaporated Milk1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, melted35 (10-oz. pkg.) caramels, unwrapped2 cups (12-oz. pkg.)

Method. Ad Hoc's Brownies. Brownies have a special place in American cuisine and a special place in the blue-eyeds' hearts (they are, after all, one of our Mummy's signature desserts).

Ad Hoc's Brownies

Um, but they are also kind of low-brow. Like, our Mummy used to whip them up (in about 22 minutes) and serve them poolside during the hot Chicago summers. It was very chic. And, you can get brownies at ANY DINER IN THE COUNTRY. Of course, people try to gussy them up with ice cream and nuts and call them brownie sundaes, but really, we all know what they really are. But, you wouldn't exactly serve brownies for dessert when the boss is coming for dinner. Fudgy Walnut Brownies. Amazing Brownies. Good Ol’ Homemade Brownies. Brownies in a Cast Iron Skillet. If you are a fan of chewy, fudge-like brownies, you’ll love this recipe.

Brownies in a Cast Iron Skillet

I did have to make this twice, to make sure I had the baking time right, but it was worth it. They are truly fabulous! Thick, chewy, rich! You won’t need any mixing bowls for this recipe, everything happens in the cast iron skillet. The only additional tools will be some measuring cups, a measuring spoon, a wooden spoon for stirring, and a rubber spatula. I developed this recipe myself. You’ll also notice that my oven temperature is set to 325, rather than the standard 350 that most brownie recipes call for. Don’t they stick to the pan?? Enjoy! Brownies in a Cast Iron Skillet Ingredients 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter 3 oz unsweetened baking chocolate, coarsely chopped 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar 1/2 cup granulated sugar 3 eggs 3/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Instructions Preheat the oven to 325 F.