Career Spotlight: What I Do as a LEGO Model Designer. Meet the 'Real-Life Q' Who Builds Secret Spy Gadgets for a Living. Hell explained by engineer.. Can't say I didn't expect that.. "Why do YOU believe in God?" Test Your Creativity: 5 Classic Creative Challenges. Fascinated by how brains and creativity work, we frequently share new research on the 99U twitter feed, showing how everything from drinking alcohol, to taking vacations, to moving your eyes from side to side can make you more creative.
What’s particularly interesting, however, is that most of these studies rely on just a small group of core creativity tests – and you don’t need any special lab equipment to take them. Below, we’ve collected five of the most commonly used creativity challenges for your self-testing pleasure. While creativity “testing” is far from an exact science, trying your mettle at these challenges could yield insight into when, where, and how you’re most creative. Or maybe it’ll just be fun. 1. Developed by J.P. Hold papers togetherCufflinksEarringsImitation mini-tromboneThing you use to push that emergency restart button on your routerKeeping headphones from getting tangled upBookmark The test measures divergent thinking across four sub-categories: 2. 3. 4. 11337-1389381318-4.jpg (625×3040) 51 Times In 2013 Jennifer Lawrence Proved She Was Master Of The Universe. 166697.jpg (460×583) Swanson_Pyramid_of_Greatness.jpg (1500×1240) 30 People You Wish You Could Be.
Here's What A Font For Dyslexic People Looks Like. Kelvin Doe, inventeur autodidacte de 15 ans. I am a champion - the greatest speech ever [ENG SUB] F**k the cats, dogs are awesome. Best Dog Adoption Ad Ever. 6204881_460s.jpg (460×6705) Jay-Z. Faith in humanity: Restored. 6189464_460s_v1.jpg (460×613) 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year. 31 Kids Who Are Too Clever For Their Own Good. 6610591_460s_v1.jpg (460×8633) Jacob Von Hogflume’s Blue Plaque. January 31, 2013 In February 2012, a blue plaque appeared on 11 Golden Square, Soho.
It’s not there anymore and neither was it up for long, which is a shame. It commemorated…well, have a look. The plaque was the work of Dave Askwith and Alex Normanton, who made the signs look as authentic as possible and then surrepticiously secured them to buildings. Some lasted weeks, some months. They released a book of their witty, realistic-looking work called Signs of Life in 2005. It’s in the grand tradition of fake English Heritage signs which seem to be attracted to Soho – for many years, one was pasted to a window in Berwick Street reading “Tom Baker, Bespoke Tailor…worked here but lived round the corner” and for a while, Gavin Turk’s was displayed inside the Groucho Club – but I think this is my favourite. A second Askwith-Normanton sign was on display a littler further down the wall when I took these photos.
Like this: Like Loading... Kevin Spacey urges TV channels to give control to viewers. Math Problem? Solved with Love. Voici peut-être le fonctionnaire le plus inactif au monde. Et il est Américain. Expert en changement climatique, employé le mieux payé de l’Agence américaine de protection de l’environnement, l’EPA, John C.
Beale risque au minimum 30 mois de prison. Son crime? Avoir fait semblant de travailler alors qu’il faisait du vélo, lisait des livres ou passait des vacances dans sa maison de Cape Cod pendant des années. En septembre 2013, explique NBC, Beale a plaidé coupable d’avoir détourné 900.000 dollars (653.000 euros) depuis 2000 au gouvernement des Etats-Unis.
Son salaire et ses bonus atteignaient un montant de 206.000 dollars (150.000 euros) par an. Publicité Pour justifier ses absences, celui que surnomme «le fonctionnaire le plus paresseux au monde» affirmait qu’il était en mission pour la CIA, au quartier général de l’agence ou à l’étranger. Chine : il achète un billet d'avion 1ère classe et mange gratuitement au lounge pendant près d'un an. "La faim rend plus malin.
" Telle pourrait être la morale de cette histoire. En Chine, à l'aéroport de Xi'an Xianyang, dans la province du Shaanxi (centre du pays), un homme est parvenu à manger gratuitement plus de 300 fois dans le lounge VIP, le salon d'accueil des premières classes de la China Eastern Airlines. C'est un employé de la compagnie aérienne qui s'est aperçue de la supercherie en faisant des recherches dans le système informatique, indique le Kwong Wah Yit Poh.
Il a remarqué qu'un billet d'avion de première classe avait été modifié à plus de 300 reprises au cours de l'année écoulée. Off The Felt with Dan Bilzerian, Episode 1: "I'm Just Being Me" SHAKE THE DUST. Neil Degrasse Tyson-Science vs Politics.