( home | blog ) bootchk has taken over maintenance of Resynthesizer. The latest version is available from the GIMP registry: GIMP registry page Resynthesizer is a Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis. Creating more of a texture (including creation of tileable textures) Removing objects from images (great for touching up photos) Creating themed images (such as the Resynthesizer logo above) For details of the algorithm, see my PhD thesis. Download Downloads from GIMP registry Source code on github Older version Source: resynthesizer-0.16.tar.gzCompiled Windows version: resynthesizer-for-Windows-0.13b.zipLinux Fedora Core 4 RPMS (at Cru apt repository) Debian: apt-get install gimp-resynthesizer Previous versions... Note: A "feature" that has confused some people -- If there is a selection in the input texture image, Resynthesizer will take texture from everywhere but that selection. Links This plug-in was developed as part of my PhD with the CEMA group at Monash University. CEMA homepage
Category: gimp100podcast |
Corto pero sencillo, podcast #37, mejorando la temperatura de la fotografía, especialmente paisajes, algunos tips para hacer cambios en selecciones con difuminados y una forma sencilla de hacer un viñeteado. Espero lo disfruten! Link: No olviden que este sábado 23 de Febrero se estará dando un taller en Ciudad de Guatemala para explicar esto y mucho más! Hola hola! Si ya vimos podcast para eliminar gente de tus fotos y también para multiplicarte muchas veces, era justo que tuviesemos un tutorial de como agregar gente a tus fotos. En esta oportunidad, uno de los usuarios de los podcast me envió un par de fotos para preguntar como hacer el efecto de Instagram. Finalmente de vuelta!!!
3 complementos útiles para GIMP | Bitelia
Una de las características a mi parecer poco explotadas de GIMP es la posibilidad de extenderlo mediante complementos. Dentro del sitio oficial existe un lugar maravilloso llamado GIMP Plugin Registry donde poder descubrirlos. Aunque me vaya a comentar tres complementos en concreto, lo cierto es que hay muchos más complementos interesantes, como Cheap HDR que como su nombre indica crea un efecto parecido al HDR o Draw Arrow para dibujar flechas. Una vez aclarado esto, ahora sí, os dejo con una breve explicación de estos tres complementos: Blur & Shadow, RSS Lightsaber y Colour Match junto con unas pequeñas pautas de instalación y primeros pasos. Blur & Shadow crea un marco decorativo, añadiendo una sombra sobre una versión difuminada de la misma fotografía. Para instalar Blur & Shadow debéis descargar el archivo blur_and_shadow.scm y copiarlo dentro del directorio scripts de vuestro directorio de configuración de GIMP. El problema de Colour Match es que hay que compilarlo.
Tutoriales de Diseño Gráfico con Gimp | Web de jEsuSdA 8)
Página Web de jEsuSdA 8) Diseño, GNU/Linux, Howto's, Proyectos, Diseño, Gimp y mucho más! Introducción Colección de Tutoriales de Diseño Gráfico con Gimp de jEsuSdA 8). Tutoriales de Nivel Básico Tutoriales de Nivel Intermedio Tutoriales de Nivel Avanzado NOTAS: Más Información Sobre Gimp: Hardware relacionado con Diseño: Otros enlaces de interés:
10 Websites to Help You Master GIMP
GIMP – which stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program – is a testament to how open source applications can successfully compete with their proprietary, commercial counterparts. Rich with an amazing set of useful tools and effects filters in a user-friendly GUI, GIMP is an excellent application for image editing and graphics creation. In this article, you’ll find 10 excellent sites that feature design tutorials and information about GIMP. 1. is a blog-format site that also features user-submitted tutorials. 2. GimpTalk is a large community site for anything and everything GIMP-related. 3. Gimpology is a place that allows users to submit their own GIMP tutorials or share links to tutorials they’ve found on the web. 4. The official GIMP site has a tutorial section that features detailed tutorials to help users get up and running with GIMP. 5. is a site dedicated to sharing information about photo-editing and photo-manipulation in GIMP. 6. 7. 8.
1000+ FREE High Resolution GIMP Brushes | Noupe
Last week we published our first GIMP post “30+ Exceptional GIMP Tutorials and Resources” and saw a great appreciation from our readers. So this week, i would like to share with you 1000+ high-Resolution GIMP brushes that will be perfect for any project you may happen to be working on. Also you will find some useful tutorial to teach you how to create your first GIMP brush-set and how to convert Photoshop brushes into GIMP brushes and more. Please note that Photoshop Brushes are now Fully Compatible with Gimp 2.4 and up. Important: Licenses of every brush set varies, so be sure to check that information before using them. 1. 1.1 GIMP Grunge Brush Pack 2 10 grunge GIMP brushes. 1.2 GIMP Scratchies Containing all six brushes in this set for the GIMP 1.3 Grunge brush set 3 Includes an imagepack and brushes for Gimp. 1.4 More grunge brushes 13 grunge brushes; includes .gbrs for Gimp and an imagepack. 2. 2.1 Floral I 2.2 Floral Part 2 There are 6 big brushes of flower brushes. 2.3 Floral Brushes 3. 4.
Top 40+ GIMP plugins — TechZilo
GIMP is the undisputed king of image editing in Linux platforms, and is next only to Photoshop in popularity in Windows and Mac platforms. With a large community of developers and an even larger pool of users, it is no surprise that GIMP is very popular. Much like Firefox, GIMP’s strength lies in its plugins, which are developed by the open-source toting community. Since the users themselves develop them, they know all the needs and conceive a plugin for everything. And what better way for me to endorse GIMP than a list of good plugins? You might also want to read our previous posts on GIMP: GIMP plugins for Web Design Anti-aliasing: Smoothen and fix straight lines.Adaptive contrast enhancement: Intelligent adjustment of contrast.Fourier Transformation: GIMP plugin version of Fourier Transformation.Refract/Reflect: Refraction effects to simulate falling water drops.Borders: Add borders to your image. Photography plugins for GIMP Miscellaneous GIMP plugins Further GIMP plugin resources
Best of GIMP brushes: 35+ brush sets (1400+ brushes) — TechZilo
GIMP is an open-source image editing program, one of the most popular image-editing programs. GIMP has a large library of free brushes that can be downloaded, to improve functionality of GIMP. Here is a large collection of GIMP brushes that you will find useful for various purposes. You may also be interested in related posts: Free GIMP brushes collection Feathers for GIMP NeverWinter Snowflakes I WinterBreeze GIMP Scratchies brushes Grunge Brush set 3 Grunge Brushes Splatter Brushes GIMP water brushes Butterflies brushes Butterflies brushes Blood brushes GIMP Brush sets/collections Grunge Brush pack Dead Trees Cubes