Les Outils pour Ecrire un Livre Dont Vous Etes le Héros - Blogomadaire Ça y est, vous avez un Univers fictionnel unique, des héros attachants, une belle histoire, il va maintenant, pour obtenir un superbe Livre Dont Vous Êtes Le Héros, il falloir mettre le tout en forme. Et il existe des logiciels dédiés à cette création et gratuits. La liste n’est ni exhaustive et ne correspond pas à un classement, c’est juste une liste, à vous d’y trouver l’outil qui vous convient le mieux : Le premier, InkleWriter, (Web) à servi à réaliser la partie texte des applications Frankeinstein et Sorcery, c’est dire la puissance de l’outil. C’est « gratuit » (Vous pourrez transformer votre histoire interactive en ebook pour Kindle en payant moins de 10€) et ça fonctionne via une interface web. Il y a aussi Twine,(Mac, Win, Python). Voilà ce que cela donne pour le projet Girl With A Clawhammer : L’application génère un fichier HTML que vous pourrez publier sur votre blog ou site. Creating A Simple Story from Chris Klimas on Vimeo.Ensuite voyons ADRIFT (Win, Linux).
The Inform 7 Handbook The Inform 7 Handbook Hooray! The Inform 7 Handbook is now at version 2.0. This newly expanded edition of Handbook has been updated from start to finish for compatibility with Inform 7 version 6L38. I hope you'll send me reports on any errors you spot, as well as suggestions for improvements. Because others may wish to edit and adapt the Handbook for their own usage, I'm also uploading the file in OpenOffice format. For the convenience of folks who want to read the Handbook on small screens, the PDF is available in two forms -- 6x9 and 8-1/2x11. I7 Handbook PDF (6x9) I7 Handbook PDF (8.5x11) ODT word processor file Why write an entirely new handbook for Inform, since it already comes with two hefty built-in manuals? In teaching small classes of middle-school-age kids how to write their first games using Inform 7, I learned two things: First, kids take to I7 programming very naturally.
IF Italia - Il Wiki della Interactive Fiction Italiana - Come giocare ad un’Avventura Testuale Cosa sono le Avventure Testuali? Le Avventure Testuali (o Interactive Fiction, come sono chiamate in Inglese) in poche parole, e con una definizione forse semplicistica, sono dei giochi per computer, o dei racconti interattivi se volete, in cui tutto si svolge solo tramite testo scritto. Immagini e suoni, se anche ci sono, non sono altro che di contorno al testo, come le illustrazioni di un romanzo; alla fine solo le parole sono importanti. Vediamo un esempio pratico. Sei su di un piccolo vialetto di campagna. A questo punto potete intrudurre il vostro comando dopo il carattere >. > apri la portiera E il programma risponde Le portiere dell’automobile sono chiuse Senza darvi per vinti potrete tentare una strada più efficace > sfonda un finestrino Con attenzione rompi uno dei finestrini. > apri la portiera Spalanchi la portiera dell’automobile E via proseguendo, gustandosi la storia che si dipana. Come iniziare a giocare e come installare i giochi? Come giocare? Da che giochi iniziare?
ifiction.free.fr - Fiction-FR --- Le carrefour francais de la fiction interactive Format : zcode Titre : Le Cercle des Gros Geeks disparus Auteur : Adrien Saurat Présentation : Construction d'une machine infernale Genre : One-room Première publication (dans cette langue) : Description : Un mal de tronche terrible. Langue : fr Système : Inform Url : Licence : freeware mots clés : machine, nolife Longueur de jeu approximative : ** Page sur ifwiki : Page sur ifdb : Référence ifiction.free.fr : 005 fichier de jeu : cerclegeeks.z5
Beginner's Guide to Interactive Fiction with Inform 7 - Wikibooks, open books for an open world The design and implementation of interactive fiction (i.e., text-based computer games) began in the 1970s. At that time, games were written in general-purpose programming languages by professional programmers and/or computer science majors in universities. In more recent years, specialized languages have been developed for authoring interactive fiction (called "IF" for short). These languages, and the compiler software that they use, are available as free downloads. IF programming languages are widely used by hobbyist programmers, many of whom have little or no training in computer science. However, most IF languages closely resemble traditional programming languages such as C. Inform 7 (website) presents an entirely new approach to IF authorship, one that has proven to have wide appeal to new authors. Nonetheless, Inform 7 is an important development in IF.
IF Italia - Il Wiki della Interactive Fiction Italiana - Home Page Benvenuti alla home page di IFItalia! IFItalia è il portale italiano sulle Avventure Testuali e la Interactive Fiction. Se vi state chiedendo cosa sono queste Avventure Testuali, potete iniziare da qui. Se invece cercate Avventure da giocare, potete controllare la nostra lista dei suggerimenti o andare alla pagina dei giochi. IFItalia è il sito ufficiale del Newsgroup it.comp.giochi.avventure.testuali. Questa è terza ‘incarnazione’ del sito, precedentemente gestito dalle mani sapienti di Simone Zanella, David Cappelli, Tommaso Percivale e Marco Falcinelli. 12 Ottobre 2012 Dallo scorso mese di settembre, il sito di IF Italia è entrato a far parte della grande famiglia di OldGamesItalia, con una sezione del portale di retrogaming interamente dedicata al mondo delle avventure testuali e dell’Interactive Fiction più in generale.
Inform 7: An Unofficial Documentation Index Writing with Inform — aka "the Inform 7 manual", the one that comes with the compiler — is an exceptionally detailed and valuable book about the language. But it doesn't have an index. There may be an index someday; see this post on the I7 suggestions forum. For the moment, we struggle on, leaning heavily on the IDE's "search" function. A few years ago, Sean Barrett put together an Unofficial Documentation Index, with topics linked to the manual web site. I7 has been updated several times since then, so his page is fairly out of date. (If you're interested in how this file was generated, you can download the data files and scripts that I used.) This index refers to Inform 7 release 6G60. In general, fixed-width text refers to phrases in Inform source code.
Inform Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Inform è un linguaggio di programmazione ed un sistema di sviluppo di avventure testuali, creato nel 1993 da Graham Nelson. Introduzione[modifica | modifica sorgente] Il sistema Inform consiste di due componenti principali: il compilatore Inform che genera story file dal codice sorgente Inform, e la libreria Inform, una raccolta di software che gestisce le parti più difficili del parsing dell'input del giocatore e tiene traccia del modello del mondo del gioco. Il compilatore[modifica | modifica sorgente] Il compilatore Inform genera file in codice per Z-machine da codice sorgente Inform. Andrew Plotkin ha creato una versione non ufficiale di Inform capace di generare file per la macchina virtuale Glulx, che elimina molte delle limitazioni della Z-machine, però le macchine virtuali Glulx non sono ancora state portate su tante architetture. Il linguaggio di programmazione[modifica | modifica sorgente] Ecco un esempio di codice sorgente Inform.
How to Build Your Own Productivity System with OmniOutliner - Tuts+ Computer Skills Tutorial It’s all but impossible to find the perfect to-do list app for your own needs. You might need something simple just to keep track of the stuff that needs fixed in your house, or you might want a full-featured project manager that can keep track of your projects, tasks, due dates, and how much each task will cost. Simple to-do list apps tend to be too simple, and advanced ones are so complex they’ll take you forever to learn how to use. So build your own to-do list app instead. Short of actually coding your own to-do list app—which is far too much work just to simplify your own tasks—the next best option is to use an app that’s customizable enough to let you turn it into a productivity system. OmniOutliner is only available on Mac and iPad, but if you’re using a PC you can use UV Outliner which is similar enough that it’ll work almost the same as the steps in this tutorial. But first, you need to think through how detailed you'd like your to-do list. Let's start with the due date.
About- i-Docs: a site dedicated to interactive documentary This site is for people involved with or interested in interactive documentary. We call this work “i-docs” – a term coined by Sandra Gaudenzi who was one of the co-founders of the i-Docs project. The website is a space for news, analysis and dialogue between practitioners, researchers, students and enthusiasts – a place where we hope you can learn, reflect and expand your understanding of the field. The website is run on a community model. If you would like to contribute a post on the aesthetic, ethical, political or business aspects of i-docs then we would like to hear from you. We welcome shorter news-based posts as well as longer academic work and dissemination of research – contact i-Docs Research Fellow Anna Wiehl for more information. Interactive documentary structure from i-Docs 2012 What is an “i-doc”? You will find a number of definitions and points-of-view on what constitutes an interactive documentary.