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Curriculet Curriculet frees up my time outside of the classroom - no more collecting reading questions, trying to spot-check them, giving points for writing something down, whether or not they actually did the reading or understood it. - Jessica Rice, English Teacher at Summit Preparatory High School With Curriculet, I can not only change our reading instruction on a classroom level by flipping the instruction, but also influence reading instruction on a departmental level by encouraging the department to expand the curriculum: we can read MORE in less time with Curriculet. - Kate Baker, English teacher at Southern Regional high School I cannot WAIT to share this with my colleagues. This is going to revolutionize the way I can teach info texts, short stories, and excerpts from novels! - Morgan Toal, English teacher at Lakewood middle school

20 collaborative Google Apps activities for schools Google Apps are collaborative, which makes them highly powerful. They offer opportunities for students to engage unlike ever before. Here are 20 ideas. Google Apps is beginning to revolutionize education. With its highly collaborative, online/offline format — and its attractive price tag (free!) The way that Google Apps is interactive and easy to share is powerful. There’s so much you can do with these apps in class to get students — AND teachers — working together. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. What are other ways to use Google Apps to help students, teachers and others at schools collaborate? (For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links, “like” Ditch That Textbook on Facebook and follow @jmattmiller on Twitter!) Related Google Apps "GAFE Smashing" activities -- Part 1: Dynamic Docs Google Apps make so many fantastic classroom activities possible. April 25, 2016 In "Ed Tech" October 2, 2014

Free Printable Worksheets for Preschool through Sixth Grade. 5 Pinterest-like education sites worth trying out As one of the fastest-growing social networks, Pinterest's popularity can be attributed to its ease of use and vibrant Pinboards. Recently, a number of similar social curation sites developed specifically for students and teachers have popped up, emulating Pinterest in key ways while focusing on learning. In some cases, they have even made improvements. Here are five such sites that could be contenders for the title "Pinterest of Education": 1. Edcanvas features grid-like "canvases" for teachers and students to organize educational materials. (Image credit: Edcanvas) 2. EduClipper is an educational platform for students and teachers to explore, share and contribute resources. (Image credit: EduClipper) 3. Learnist is a social media learning site where users can pin text, images, video and audio to create “learn boards” about certain topics or subjects. (Image credit: Learnist) 4. (Image credit: Mentormob) 5. (Image credit:

inklewriter - Education Education inkle is looking to bring interactive stories to the classroom, and give teachers free and simple get-stuck-right-in software to use with their students. From within a web-browser, the inklewriter will let students make and play interactive stories with no programming required. Why make stories interactive anyway? The way our stories work is simple: the reader is given the text of a story in a small chunks, and after each, they get to make a decision about what happens next. Our first project, Frankenstein, uses interactivity to explore the different facets of Mary Shelley's original novel - allowing the reader to discover different aspects of the world, follow up hints and allusions in the text, and maybe even take some narrative paths that Shelley herself considered. How can students get involved? In the classroom, interactive writing offers an innovative, fun environment in which to write stories. Oh, and it's all free. Sign-up and email addresses That's no problem!

Have Fun Teaching 20 Ways Libraries Are Using Pinterest Right Now The 10 Rights Of A Reader 3.97K Views 0 Likes What are your rights as a reader? First off, you have the right NOT to read. My 10 Favorite Learnist Boards Of The Year 2.66K Views 0 Likes I wanted to take a moment and share my favorite Learnist boards from the past year. An In-Depth Report On Social Media’s Role In Education 2.40K Views 0 Likes Students, teachers, and parents have all gotten onto the social media train. Edudemic Is Giving Away 30 Free Citelighter Pro Accounts! 576 Views 0 Likes We think Citelighter is a great tool for both students and teachers, and what better way to try it out than for free?

Research, create, and present school projects online - Biteslide The Premier Education Portal! Free materials for K-12 Teaching Students to Become Curators of Ideas: The Curation Project I know a lot of people view curation as a buzz word devoid of meaning, but I like the metaphor! I think it beautifully captures the process we need to go through to best make sense of the vast amount of information available on the web. Of course, it doesn’t help that a lot of people use the word curation to describe activities that don’t live up to the metaphor. The Curation Project & the PLN As part of the social media class, my students are required to set up a network of online mentors using social media tools. In essence, I tasked students with creating the ultimate resource on a particular topic and to share it with the world. The Student Projects: This was without a doubt one of the most rewarding assignments I’ve graded. As far as curation services are concerned, it seems most students gravitated towards and Storify. Storyful Projects: Branding Insights from a Journalist (Meredith) Projects: Storify Projects:

Explain Everything ™ Elementary Elementary Communication Arts Reading Writing Listening Speaking for Parkway Readers and Writers Welcome back! We completed 87 units of study! We added literacy coaches to every building! We had 157 Parkway teachers participate in our First Annual Parkway Literacy Institute! The theme for 2008-2009 is SYNERGY! Please check the following links for information on Units of Study, Classroom Libraries, Literacy Coaches, Dominie, and other wonderful resources. Happy Reading and Writing, Lisa Department Goals Reading Intervention Specialists Elementary Communication Arts Committee Literacy Coaches Curriculum: Units of Study Dominie Early Childhood - New Resources Ordered for Buildings Preschool and Kindergarten

Get Revising - Smart Study Tools and Revision Resources Teaching + Learning Sea of Liberty Providing interactive tools for teaching, exploring, and sharing the power of Jefferson’s ideas across cultures and borders. Learn More | Visit the Site 100 Leaders Encouraging exploration of leadership and legacy in world history through voting, classroom activities, and teaching resources. Learn More | Visit the Site Sharing quality content, tools, and strategies to improve teaching and learning American history. Learn More | Visit the Site Ford’s Theatre Videos Bringing to light the value of quality professional development for teachers through video. Learn More | Visit the Site Popular Romance Project Rethinking the concepts of love and romance through study of popular fiction and popular culture. Learn More | Visit the Site Hidden in Plain Sight Nurturing historical thinking and investigation skills via an asynchronous online course focusing on objects. Learn More | Visit the Site
