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"La Révélation Des Pyramides - Vous n'aurez plus jamais la même vision du Monde" (TheDoc2Choc)

"La Révélation Des Pyramides - Vous n'aurez plus jamais la même vision du Monde" (TheDoc2Choc)

Pyramid Age love story comes to life in Egyptian tomb's vivid color She was a priestess named Meretites, and he was a singer named Kahai, who performed at the pharaoh's palace. They lived about 4,400 years ago in an age when pyramids were being built in Egypt, and their love is reflected in a highly unusual scene in their tomb — an image that has now been published in all its surviving color. The tomb at Saqqara — which held this couple, their children and possibly their grandchildren — has now been studied and described by researchers at Macquarie University's Australian Center for Egyptology. Among the scenes depicted is a relief painting showing the couple gazing into each other's eyes, with Meretites placing her right hand over Kahai's right shoulder. Such a display of affection was extraordinary for Egypt during the Pyramid Age. This scene, along with other works of art recorded in the tomb, suggest that women in Pyramid Age Egypt enjoyed a greater level of equality than some scholars believe.

Desert Breath Desert Breath is a group project created by D.A.ST. Arteam, (Danae Stratou, Alexandra Stratou, Stella Constantinides). It is an Earth Work that covers 100.000 m2, in the eastern Sahara desert bordering the Red Sea in Egypt. Sous les pyramides des vestiges gênant d’une science avancée… De nombreux témoignages historiques ou contemporains permettent d’être convaincus de la présence, sous le plateau de Gizeh et l’ancienne cité du Caire, d’un savant enchevêtrement de passages, conduits, salles, cavernes naturelles, de lacs, et d’une grande cité, renfermant des artefacts sophistiqués révélant un très haut niveau de technicité. L’information relayée par les médias jusqu’ en 1935 est depuis soustraite au public par les autorités archéologiques. L’histoire oubliée des pyramides…

Mystery of the Great Pyramid Missing Capstone PERHAPS the most awe-inspiring and majestic structure built by man, the Great Pyramid at Giza, has been gazed at, studied and explored for centuries. No one knows how old it is, though many have tried the guessing game and even scientifically tried to explain its origin. But the mystery does live on.
