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How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch | Technology The more we learn about the breadth and depth of the NSA and GCHQ's programmes of spying on the general public, the more alarming it all becomes. The most recent stories about the deliberate sabotage of security technology are the full stop at the end of a sentence that started on 8 August, when the founder of Lavabit (the privacy oriented email provider used by whistleblower Edward Snowden) abruptly shut down, with its founder, Ladar Levison, obliquely implying that he'd been ordered to secretly subvert his own system to compromise his users' privacy. It doesn't really matter if you trust the "good" spies of America and the UK not to abuse their powers (though even the NSA now admits to routine abuse), you should still be wary of deliberately weakened security. It is laughable to suppose that the back doors that the NSA has secretly inserted into common technologies will only be exploited by the NSA. One important check against the NSA's war on security is transparency.

privacy tools - encryption against global mass surveillance □ Le malware CryptoPHP infecterait plus de 23000 sites dont 1000 en France CryptoPHP est un malware que la société de sécurité Fox-IT vient dévoiler dans un livre blanc. Ce malware qui s'en prend aux sites web sous CMS Drupal, Joomla! et WordPress a pour originalité de ne pas profiter d'une vulnérabilité de ceux-ci pour s'y installer. Après tout, pourquoi se fatiguer, quand il est plus simple de demander aux webmaster de l'installer eux-mêmes sur leurs propres sites ? C'est toute l'idée de CryptoPHP qui vérole des applications payantes, thèmes ou plugins, mais dans ce cas proposées en téléchargement gratuit. Une fois installé, CryptoPHP, dont il existerait déjà au moins 16 variantes, est là et bien là. CryptoPHP est très discret, c'est pourquoi, selon Fox-IT, de nombreux sites sont infectés, sans même le soupçonnerne serait-ce qu'un peu. Une simple petite ligne de code PHP dans le plugin ou le thème vérolé : charge ceci, d'où le nom de CryptoPHP donné par Fox-IT à ce malware : Ces scripts peuvent être téléchargés sur Git Hub.

O&O ShutUp10 -Free antispy tool for Windows 10 O&O ShutUp10++ means you have full control over which comfort functions under Windows 10 and Windows 11 you wish to use, and you decide when the passing on of your data goes too far. Using a very simple interface, you decide how Windows 10 and Windows 11 should respect your privacy by deciding which unwanted functions should be deactivated. O&O ShutUp10++ is entirely free and does not have to be installed – it can be simply run directly and immediately on your PC. More control over your operating system Disable Windows Copilot+ RecallAdapt your security settingsProtect your privacyControl location servicesDisable telemetry for Microsoft OfficeDo not pass on your user data and diagnostics Further information Portable Version – no installation requiredFree of charge for private users,companies and educational institutionsOperating System: Supports all Microsoft® Windows 11 and Windows 10Available in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese (simplified)

Facebook privacy and kids: Don’t post photos of your kids online Photo by Hemera/Thinkstock I vividly remember the Facebook post. It was my friend’s 5-year-old daughter “Kate,” (a pseudonym) standing outside of her house in a bright yellow bikini, the street address clearly visible behind her on the front door. A caption read “Leaving for our annual Labor Day weekend at the beach,” and beneath it were more than 50 likes and comments from friends—including many “friends” that Kate’s mom barely knew. The picture had been uploaded to a Facebook album, and there were 114 shots just of Kate: freshly cleaned and swaddled on the day of her birth … giving her Labradoodle a kiss … playing on a swing set. I completely understood her parents’ desire to capture Kate’s everyday moments, because early childhood is so ephemeral. Last week, Facebook updated its privacy policy again. Six thousand respondents to Slate’s survey show a clear trend. The problem is that Facebook is only one site. That poses some obvious challenges for Kate’s future self.

Tor Browser Download the file above, and save it somewhere, then double click on it. (1) Click "Run" then choose the installer's language and click OK (2). Make sure you have at least 80MB of free disk space in the location you select. If you want to leave the bundle on the computer, saving it to the Desktop is a good choice. If you want to move it to a different computer or limit the traces you leave behind, save it to a USB disk. Click Install (3) Wait until the installer finishes. This may take a few minutes to complete. Once the installation is complete, click Finish to launch Tor Browser's wizard. Once you see Tor Browser's wizard click Connect Alternatively, you can launch Tor Browser by going to the folder Tor Browser which can be found at the location you saved the bundle at (Default: Desktop) and double click on the Start Tor Browser application. Once Tor is ready, Tor Browser will automatically be opened. Once you are finished browsing, close any open Tor Browser windows by clicking on the

Portail officiel de la sécurité informatique - ANSSI - République française Download Destroy Windows 10 Spying - MajorGeeks Destroy Windows 10 Spying is a portable app that can block anonymous data being sent, remove apps and more. Video tutorial available.I liked that Destroy Windows 10 Spying can delete some of the Windows default programs that are not removable under Apps & Features, an annoyance I immediately discovered since I prefer to “slim” down Windows.However, some actions are irreversible, so you should know what, and how, you can restore should a particular problem appear. Here's how.

Mailpile: Let’s take email back! Privacy Badger Skip to main content Email updates on news, actions, and events in your area. Join EFF Lists Electronic Frontier Foundation Donate Privacy Badger Share It Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Copy link Privacy Badger Privacy Badger automatically learns to block invisible trackers. Install Privacy Badger and Enable Do Not Track v2019.2.19 Install for Opera Install for Chrome Install for Firefox on Android Back to top Follow EFF: Contact About Issues Updates Press Press Contact Donate

Protéger son site Internet des cyberattaques L’actualité récente a entrainé un accroissement significatif du nombre d’attaques informatiques visant des sites Internet français. La très grande majorité de ces attaques sont des défigurations de sites Internet* (ou défacement), ou des dénis de service* (DDoS) qui exploitent les failles de sécurité de sites vulnérables. L’ANSSI rappelle qu’il est possible de se prémunir de ces types d’attaques en appliquant les bonnes pratiques présentées dans les fiches qu’elles a préparées à cet effet disponibles ci-dessous : une fiche destinée à tout internaute et une fiche destinée aux administrateurs de site Internet. Enfin, l’application des recommandations du guide d’hygiène informatique et de la note sur la sécurisation des sites web est fortement recommandée. *Défiguration (defacement) : Résultat d’une activité malveillante visant à modifier l’apparence ou le contenu d’un serveur Internet.

Download Ashampoo AntiSpy for Windows 10 - MajorGeeks Ashampoo AntiSpy for Windows 10 is another solid anti-spy option that allows you to reconfigure those pre-configured settings in Windows 10 to block access to your calendar, emails, your location, and many other settings.With Ashampoo AntiSpy for Windows 10 in your arsenal, you are in charge of deciding what gets shared. Also, you will still have easy access to all of your settings, and the fact that it's portable makes for convenient use on the go.Windows 10 has to collect massive amounts of data for some of its features to work - for instance, Cortana Virtual Assistant. It also analyzes user profiles to display user-tailored ads, as Microsoft openly acknowledges. So by default, Windows 10 is set to collect more data than many users would allow. Even the recommended express installation later states that you'll have to disable it yourself if you don't want a particular setting.
