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50 Of The Best Teaching And Learning Apps For 2016

50 Of The Best Teaching And Learning Apps For 2016
50 Of The Best Teaching And Learning Apps For 2016 by TeachThought Staff What are the best teaching and learning apps for 2016? That’s a good question this post looks to answer. Every year, we put together a collection of what we believe are the best teaching and learning apps for that year. (Here, for example, is our 2015 version of the list below, where you will notice about half the apps are the same, and half have changed. This year, we were asked by the good folks at Easelly (the infographic and visual data platform) to create a collection of resources that while including their apps, would curate a lot of good stuff teachers would benefit from in 2016. Additionally, Easelly has created a free eBook–How to Use in your Classroom–which is a useful tool for teachers integrating Common Core standards, for example, which call for students to work with different mediums to extract key ideas and data. Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored post.”

Related:  Flipped 3Teach/ IdeasK-12

Crossword puzzle maker The Crossword puzzle maker is used to make simple crossword puzzles. It turns out that good crossword puzzles of the type found in newspapers are fairly hard to generate, and require a pool of lots of words, not all of which are used. This program puts all of the words you specify (no more, no less) into a simple crossword puzzle. The puzzle that is generated will remain on this server for about two months. If you want to ensure that you have a copy of the generated puzzle, make sure you save a copy. If you want help with international characters, you can call up an Alphabet chart to use for cutting and pasting letters that are hard to type.

Top 20 Greatest Inventions of All Time Technology is a core component of the human experience. We have been creating tools to help us tame the physical world since the early days of our species. Any attempt to count down the most important technological inventions is certainly debatable, but here are some major advancements that should probably be on any such list (in chronological order): 1. FIRE - it can be argued that fire was discovered rather than invented. Certainly, early humans observed incidents of fire, but it wasn’t until they figured out how to control it and produce it themselves that humans could really make use of everything this new tool had to offer.

80 Open Education Resource (OER) Tools for Publishing and Development Initiatives Many Open Education Resources (OER) have been introduced by governments, universities, and individuals within the past few years. OERs provide teaching and learning materials that are freely available and offered online for anyone to use. Whether you’re an instructor, student, or self-learner, you have access to full courses, modules, syllabi, lectures, assignments, quizzes, activities, games, simulations, and tools to create these components. 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students - 12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students by TeachThought Staff Many of the most successful apps–in any category–are characterized by their ability to adapt to a variety of user and user goals. Minecraft is a perfect example of this–a game that the player can use as they wish to create what they want. It can be played by users of a huge range of ages and ability levels.

theLearnia - Free Online Whiteboard Create Awesome Video Lessons In Minutes Flip your classroom. Tell your story. Inspire your students to learn. Sign with Teaching kids empathy: In Danish schools, it’s … well, it’s a piece of cake We all know what a Danish pastry is — that delightful caloric bomb of glazed breakfast deliciousness. But what about a Danish classroom cake? And moreover, how can this help teach empathy?

200 Free Kids Educational Resources: Lessons, Apps, Books, Websites... This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 students (kindergarten through high school students) and their parents and teachers. This page is being updated and cleaned up during the COVID-19 crisis. Please tell us if we’re missing something valuable. 13 iPad Apps That Promote Close-Reading 13 iPad Apps That Promote Close-Reading by Terry Heick Close-reading is the product of a dynamic and deeply personal interaction between the reader and a text. It is an active process characterized by questioning, adjusting reading rate, judgement thinking, and dozens of other “strategies” readers use to make sense of what they’re reading. This is an interaction that doesn’t require technology, but can be changed by it.

Vizia - Create Interactive Video Quizzes Vizia is a free tool for creating video-based quizzes. On Vizia you an import a video from YouTube or from Wistia and then add questions along the timeline of the video. You can ask multiple choice questions as well as short answer/ open-response questions. Adding a poll question into the video is also a possibility in Vizia.
