Errores que cometen los centros educativos al adoptar las TIC Durante más de 10 años he trabajado en tecnología con centros educativos en España y he escuchado sus problemas frecuentemente en la adopción de las TIC. Desde esta experiencia profesional he identificado errores comunes que se cometen y planteo pasos a seguir para evitarlos o rectificarlos. Baja fiabilidad de la tecnología que se instala. Uno de los mayores problemas que se encuentran los profesores en el aula es la fiabilidad de la tecnología que utilizan. A menudo se contrata un acceso lento a Internet, se instala una PDI que se estropea con frecuencia, se usan bombillas que se queman con facilidad, se instalan aplicaciones de software que son incompatibles entre ellas o se confía en software obsoleto. Consejos: 1) Comprar tecnologías de calidad probada, no las más económicas. 2) Definir claramente de quién es responsabilidad el comprobar y el mantener la calidad de las tecnologías del aula, especialmente en centros en donde se comparten las aulas entre varios departamentos. Consejo:
Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom By Kimberly Moore Kneas, Ph.D. and Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. Early Childhood Today: Are young children's brains (ages three through six) well suited to the use of technology? Dr. I see technology doing the same things today. Modern technologies are very powerful because they rely on one of the most powerful genetic biases we do have — the preference for visually presented information. The problem with this is that many of the modern technologies are very passive. Sitting young children in front of a television for hours also prevents that child from having hours of other developmental experiences. On the other hand there are many positive qualities to modern technologies. ECT: Do you see the use of specific things like computers as part of an early childhood curriculum as being powerful enough to change brain development the same way you've just described television? Dr. Back to top Dr. Children need real-life experiences with real people to truly benefit from available technologies.
Top 5 Tech Advancements Changing the Face of Education There is no doubt that technology has become heavily integrated into our everyday lives. There is almost no escaping it. We rely on our cellphones and laptops for everything whether it be finding a recipe for dinner or researching the hottest stocks. Education has also been heavily influenced by the integration of technology as it is fast becoming the only way to reach students. In addition to the use and promotion of several LMS , there have been several other tech advancements that have forever changed the face of education. Social Media While the use of social media in classrooms has raised a bit of alarm, the overall benefits of using social media far outweigh the detriments . Online Classrooms Not everyone has the schedule that fits into the traditional university setting. Tablets Classrooms are becoming more technologically involved than ever before. Smartphones Free Online Resources Access to education online has by far been the biggest advancement in education.
Smartboard Links SoftwareUse the following link to install the latest version of the SMART Board software onto your computer. Some Smartboard Interactive Sites Secondary Interactive Smartboard Sites Sites endorsed by smart technologies Interactive Math Sites for The Smartboard Smartboard Lesson Podcasts Interactive White Board Resources Educational Resources Site One - This is the educational resources site provided by Smart Technologies. Site Two - Kenton County SMART Board resources - This site has several good links, some lessons, and handouts on how to use your smart board. Site Three - An educational website with lots of good links. Site Four - Download free software applications for use on SMART Board interactive whiteboard. Other Interactive Websites (Resources) NASA's Web-site This site contains, lessons, pictures, movies, simulations, and many other resources for math and science IMMEX This is a site with a large number of interactive lessons.
Siete pasos para un mejor ejercicio de generación de ideas « LÍDER DEL CAMBIO Las empresas funcionan con buenas ideas. Todo directivo quiere generar mejores y más creativas ideas en los equipos que forman, y que manejan. Sin embargo, en algún punto experimentan el dolor de buscar ideas nuevas por medio de las tradicionales sesiones de brainstorming (técnica de grupo que estimula el pensamiento creativo, a veces traducido como “concurso de ideas”)., que sigue siendo el método más común de usar grupos para generar ideas en todas las empresas del mundo. La escena es conocida: un grupo de personas, por lo general escogidas por razones políticas, comienza escuchando pasivamente mientras un moderador (a menudo alguien de afuera que sabe poco del negocio) invita a la gente a ser creativa y a pensar lateralmente mientras recuerda que ninguna idea es mala. Partiendo con esa experiencia previa, Kevin P.Coyne y Shawn T. 1. 2. Es más fácil mostrar esas preguntas en la práctica que describirlas en teoría. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fuente: Revista Mercado
100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom Facebook isn't just a great way for you to find old friends or learn about what's happening this weekend, it is also an incredible learning tool. Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings. Read on to learn how you can be using Facebook in your classroom, no matter if you are a professor, student, working online, or showing up in person for class. Note: Check out our updated version of this article for even more suggestions on Facebook in your class. Class Projects The following ideas are just a starting point for class projects that can be used with Facebook in the classroom. Follow news feeds. Facilitate Communication An excellent way to ensure students are more engaged in the learning experience, whether in a traditional classroom or at accredited online colleges, is by strengthening the communication between students and student-to-teacher.
Technology’s Role in Transforming Education Technology integration into classrooms across the country has taken on a new urgency. That’s a huge success for students and educators alike. But moving beyond the first flush of victory when schools adopt technology will require innovative use of new technologies and understanding how technology will shape the future of education. Regardless of which form new technologies take—whether students access classes through laptops or tablets, and how much of their curriculum will have an online component—the emphasis needs to shift from viewing education technology as just the addition of cool new gadgets plugged into the same old classroom environment. How Do We Get There? For technology to reach its full potential in transforming the education process, we need to fundamentally change the way we view it. Getting Students Engaged Introducing online engagement with educational materials can become a tactic in a teacher’s toolkit. When students are engaged, education happens. When the U.S.
Search lessons by keyword Jeopardy [SMART Notebook lesson] A jeopardy game template to be used for a chapter review, or end of year testing review. It takes a while to g... Subject: Special Education, Mathematics, Other, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Science, Health and Physical Education, Art and Design, Citizenship, Modern Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Cross-curricular, ICT, English as a Second Language, Music Grade: Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Post-Secondary Submitted by: Harvey Search terms: Jeopardy, Games Download 0.96 MB Open in SMART Notebook Express
menos del 1% de influencia en las sociedades del conocimiento Las sociedades del siglo XXI dependerán cada vez más del conocimiento científico y tecnológico para poder alcanzar niveles más altos de bienestar y desarrollo económico. Para ello, tenemos que vencer a la ignorancia que muchas veces se disfraza de valores espirituales o sociales, pero que en realidad lo que defienden es permanecer en una constante ignorancia para que unos pocos tengan privilegios. En México, desde hace ya varias décadas el sistema educativo sigue en "reforma", el problema es que tales reformas parecan no reformar gran cosa. Ayer se habló de reformar la educación básica, ahora se habla de la educación superior: La educación y la investigación científica no sólo requieren un enorme esfuerzo financiero en los próximos años, sino reformas profundas, de lo contrario, nos condenaríamos a quedar siempre un paso atrás del porvenir y de no estar en posibilidades de correr más rápido que el tigre, afirmó el subsecretario de Educación Superior, Rodolfo Tuirán.
How Teachers Learn While some maintain that reluctance to use new technologies is simply rooted in a lack of skill and confidence, there is evidence from Becker and Fullan that teachers need to be recruited. They must be convinced of the value of the new activities and then given ample time to work on teams to invent effective lessons. In many schools, teachers are isolated from each other and preoccupied with what Fullan calls "the daily press" of getting through their schedule, focused according to Becker on state standards. Quite a few of these teachers are likely to cling to routines they have enjoyed in the past until they are equipped and encouraged to find, invent and test new routines that are suitable and reliable replacements. This creative exploration, invention and testing will require a change in schools that breaks down isolation, facilitates the work of teams and provides ample time for program development. Effective Strategies and Projects Orchestration Resource Issues But it need not be so.
Part 1: Flipping The Classroom? … 12 Resources To Keep You On Your Feet Welcome to another post rich in resources. If you have come here looking for links that will guide you to videos and multimedia to use in a Flipped Classroom that is coming in a future post. Perhaps you have tried a little Flip of your own and want to learn more. If you are beginning to investigate what a Flipped Classroom is, with the thought of possibly trying some kind of Flip yourself… then this is also the right place. I have researched and tried to find you the very best resources to get educators in all positions thinking about what a Flipped Classroom” really is”? Many educators are beginning to become aware of the growing teaching method referred to as “Flipping The Classroom”. You see, at first this definition does make a lot of sense, and like so many “best practices” I see great value in the idea. Yes, I am a proponent of incorporating various multimedia and online learning in a blended environment. The Twelve Resources To Better Understand Flipping the Classroom Like this:
Cinco razones para compartir contenidos en redes sociales - Revista Summa Fuente: Alto NivelMartes, 13 de Diciembre de 2011 17:57 Según un estudio del NYT, existen 6 tipos de internautas que publican información en Facebook y Twitter y otras plataformas por razones muy específicas y diferentes. En el mundo actual donde las redes sociales son uno de los principales canales de comunicación entre individuos y ente marcas y consumidores, el contenido relevante, útil y compartible es el rey. Una vez que logras generar un tema que le interesa a tu público, ellos serán los responsables de darle vida y viralidad al compartirlo con sus amigos y seguidores. Pero, ¿qué motiva a una persona a compartir contenido en su red? Según el gurú del marketing digital Jeff Bullas, el compartir es parte de la naturaleza humana ya que se basa en la idea del intercambio de valor. Destaca que en cada 60 segundos se realizan 700.000 búsquedas en internet, se publican 80,000 mensajes en muros de Facebook y se suben 600 videos a YouTube. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Apela a su sentido del humor.
Teachers Report Educational Benefits of Frequent Technology Use Research | News Teachers Report Educational Benefits of Frequent Technology Use Teachers who use technology frequently in their classrooms perceive greater benefits to student learning--particularly learning 21st century skills--than teachers who are less frequent users. The report, titled "Educators, Technology and 21st Century Skills: Dispelling Five Myths," was based on a survey of more than 1,000 K-12 educators and school administrators in the United States, specifically 783 teachers and 274 principals or assistant principals. What it found was a great disparity between teachers in terms of their uses of technology, although, contrary to expectations, the frequency of technology use wasn't predicted by teacher experience. Use and Perceptions of Technology About 22 percent of those surveyed were considered frequent users of technology, spending 31 percent or more of class time using technology to support learning.
"Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students." Technology and Education Reform. April 21, 2012.
This source provides informations about how incorporating technology into classrooms is benefical to the students. Giving the students technology allows for them to improve their technology skills as well as improve their self motivation to do things in class. This ties into the story by showing how the schools in the book allow the students to use a wide variety of technology to improve themselves. By giving the students so much technology they are also able to learn how to use it for their own benefits much life in the story. by rachaelm47 Apr 22