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Mind Your En And Em Dashes: Typographic Etiquette - Smashing Magazine

Mind Your En And Em Dashes: Typographic Etiquette - Smashing Magazine
Advertisement An understanding of typographic etiquette separates the master designers from the novices. A well-trained designer can tell within moments of viewing a design whether its creator knows how to work with typography. Typographic details aren’t just inside jokes among designers. They have been built up from thousands of years of written language, and applying them holds in place long-established principles that enable typography to communicate with efficiency and beauty. Handling these typographic details on the Web brings new challenges and restrictions that need to be considered. Setting Body Copy Good typography comes down to communicating information, and the basis of information is good old-fashioned body copy – simple blocks of text. Indentation or Space After a Paragraph? When signalling the end of a paragraph and the beginning of another, you can generally either indent or insert a space between the paragraphs. But there is no hyphenation control in CSS. The Hyphen (al)

Fancy Scrolling Sites In the last year or so, there's been enough sites that do fancy things when you scroll down that it's kind of a trend. I thought I'd blog it, you know, for the sake of history. By "fancy things" I mean something happens when scrolling down besides the site scrolling down. So how do they do that? JavaScript. Know any others? Add them in the comments. Share On is not available @font-face Solutions & Suggestions In the last post I talked about the design aspect of using CSS3 @font-face, today I would like to extend this topic to the technical side on implementing custom web fonts. So what are the options for implementing web fonts? I'm going to review the three main methods of incorporating @font-face and explain the pros and cons of each method. 1) CSS3 @font-face Standard @font-face First, let's talk about the native way of implementing custom web fonts — @font-face. Bulletproof @font-face Syntax Because every browser supports different font formats (IE supports EOT only, Firefox supports EOT & TTF, and Safari supports OTF, TTF, and SVG), additional font formats are required to be cross-browse. @font-Face Generator If you need to export the fonts in different formats, there is a generator which allows you to generate various font formats from an existing font. Premium @font-Faces Pros & Cons PROS: Full control because the fonts are hosted on your server. 2) Font Service Providers Installing Typekit

Taylor & Francis Author Services - Writing your article Are you new to academic writing, or do you provide support for those who are? We hope you will find our tips and information about how to get published useful. ... Valuable tips for writing paper and the submission FAQs. Why not start here, and then browse our Preparation pages which will tell you all you need to know about choosing a journal and writing your article. How to write a research paper Skip to navigation Tips on how to get published from people in the know – our journal editors Allan Luke, Pedagogies: An International Journal Audio file 4: What do you look for when considering articles and submissions? Abstracts Your abstract is what readers will use when they are deciding whether to read your article. In approximately 100-200 words, you will need to summarize your findings and what the implications of those findings are. The abstract must be accurate as a reflection of what is in your article. Read some more guidance on writing informative abstracts Acknowledgments Audience

10 HTML Entity Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit It has been over a couple of years since I posted my HTML tag and usability crimes posts, both of which are amongst the most popular articles here on Line25. There’s something about this title people just can’t resist! Let’s take a look at ten crimes you may be committing in your HTML content. Crime 1: Not converting your ampersands One of the most common HTML validation errors I see when checking the code behind Sites of the Week features are unconverted ampersand characters. Crime 2: Making your own ellipsis Did you know those three dots used to indicate a pause in a sentence are called an ‘ellipsis’? Crime 3: Incorrect use of the em dash I’m definitely guilty of this one myself. Crime 4: Incorrect use of the en dash Similar to the Em dash crime, the En dash is another form of dash often misused in our body copy. Crime 5: DIY Copyright symbol I’m sure we’re all familiar with the international copyright symbol—the letter C with a circle around it ©. Crime 6: DIY Trademark symbols

The Basics of Typography Typography is a central component of design. It gives us an understanding of the heritage behind our craft. It’s one of the primary ways we, as a society, pass on information to others. What Is Typography? From a descriptive and simplistic point-of-view, typography is the arrangement of type. For me, how typography is used in a design is deeply rooted in its overall theme, tone and message. Your choice of typefaces and your technique of setting type give your composition its character, pace and style. A simple illustration of how influential typography can be is to look at the same text with different typefaces. It’s this level of integration with a design theme that makes typography one of the most powerful tools in the designer’s toolbox. Next, let’s go through a few basic typography terms and concepts. Lines A line of characters has at least five lines that it can be aligned to. Here are the five lines: Baseline: The one you might be most familiar with is the baseline. Leading Tracking

Using the comma For a printer-friendly PDF version of this guide, click here This guide explains how the comma (,) can be used to make your writing clear, unambiguous and easy to read. It gives examples of the main uses of the comma, and highlights some commonly encountered problems. Other Useful Guides: Using the semi-colon and colon, Using the apostrophe. Why use commas? Commas are used to divide or separate parts of a sentence in order to make the meaning clear and the sentence easier to read. Using commas to separate items in a list Commas are used to separate the individual words or phrases that together make up a list. The fish kept in the ponds were eels, tench, pike, perch and carp.The main reasons for the closure were low enrolment, poor learning material, staff recruitment problems and inadequate funds. Note that a comma is not normally used before the last item in the list, unless it is needed for clarification. Here, a comma is used before the last item in the list to avoid confusion. Warning!

Javascript in Modern Web Design In today's web design, Javascript is a must-have component. Aside from its functionality, Javascript can enhance user experience by creating transitional effects such as fading and sliding animation. Thanks to the open source Javascript frameworks, we don't need to write custom Javascript from scratch anymore. Here are 47 Javascript plugins that you can use to enhance the user experience and functionality of your website. Don't forget to check out the sample sites, which show how the plugins can be used. The Two Popular Javascript Frameworks Right now, the two commonly used Javascript frameworks are: jQuery and MooTools. Loading ... Image Zoom and Popup Lightbox You're probably very familiar with Lightbox — a light Javascript used to display overlay images on the current page. jQuery lightBox Plugin This is exactly the same as Lightbox JS, but written on top of jQuery library. Thickbox Thickbox is a jQuery plugin that is very similar to Lightbox, but comes with more features. Highslide JS Tabs

10 New High-Quality Free Fonts We know that every designer needs new fonts once in a while to have some backup elements to count on, and that is why we are here for, to help you searching for resources to use on your projects. So knowing that every one is looking around for high quality fonts to spice up their designs we decided to do this new roundup with a collection of some new and fresh fonts to give your projects a whole new look. Enjoy!! Sheep Sans Mangosteen BUUG Typeface Legion Slab Typeface Facebook Letter Faces Dunn Typeface Dash Typeface About the Author Hi, I'm Prakash Ghodke, a 19 year old from India working as freelance Web Designer. Related Posts 931 shares 10 Best New Free Fonts We’ve been on the prowl for some new free fonts to share with you. Read More 1138 shares 9 Free & Useful Fonts for your Designs Whether it’s PSD’s or icons, we love finding high quality free files and sharing them with our readers.

One Sentence Wonders | Rock Your Talk One Sentence Wonders Can you sum up what you are saying in one paragraph? What about one sentence? This is a challenge I set myself every time I do a talk. If I put all that in, I would go so far over my allotted time, I couldn’t even see it with a telescope. Hence where my “one sentence” comes in. While this sometimes takes time, it soon gives me a solid start for where I want to go and what I need to say. It really is that simple. Like this: Like Loading... About Jonathan Downie I am a conference interpreter, public speaking coach, preacher and researcher.

The Science of Looking Good in the Inbox CSSHow do I add margins to my image so text will wrap around it? Outlook 2007 and 2010 do not support the margin or padding CSS properties when placed within an image. Try using hspace and/or vspace:<img src=“ align=“left” vspace=“10” hspace=“10” /> Or add the additional spacing to the image itself (in pixels). CSSHow do I make a long text string wrap to the next line? If you have text within a table, for instance “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” and you want it to wrap, try adding this style: This is a Microsoft only property so it should not adversely effect other clients. CSSI see a 1px white border around my table cells. If you are using a background color in your table cell, you might see a 1px white border around the contents of the TD. Or you can add it inline:<td style=“border-collapse: collapse;”>... Check out this post from Campaign Monitor for more info. If you are trying to “right” or “left” align multiple nested tables, the fix is a little more involved.

CSS3 @font-face Design Guide Although CSS3 @font-face is supported by most major browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari), but not all. When it doesn't, your custom fonts might break the layout or come out with undesired results. In this article, I will explain the common issues with using custom fonts, picking the matching fallback web safe fonts, and how to create a perfect fallback font style with Modernizr. Common Mistake One common mistake that most people make when implementing custom fonts is not specifying the fallback fonts or picking the wrong fallback fonts. Web Safe Fallback Fonts When using custom fonts, it is important to include the web safe fonts as fallback. Layout Issues Because every font face has its own width, height, weight, kerning (letter-spacing), etc., some fonts are not substitutable with the web safe fonts. This might causes layout issues as shown in the image below where the fallback font extends off the boundary. Modernizr Fallback Font Styles With Modernizr (demo) Including Modernizr

PEARLS OF WISDOM: THE BLOG | The Professor Is In | Getting You Through Graduate School, The Job Market and Tenure… Strong stuff: Cardozo writes, “For many if not most, being an adjunct is the professional equivalent of domestic abuse, PTSD and Stockholm syndrome rolled into a single despairing plight that has only one feasible resolution: as with any dysfunctional relationship, at some point you must first DECIDE to go, then GO. The terrible thing is that we lack the professional equivalent of transition shelters. However, The Professor is providing one kind of safe space with the Alt/Post-Ac Initiative, and I mention others below. ” by Karen Cardozo Karen Cardozo I began my visit to The Professor’s virtual office with a post on the problems of tenurecentrism, followed by musings on freeing the academic elephant from its limited range of motion. Not everything begins with a strategic plan; being open to what the universe sends is another option (read: you can thrive despite being clueless and indecisive). Once again, I discovered that I. Meanwhile, what can I tell you?

Bootstrap, from Twitter Need reasons to love Bootstrap? Look no further. By nerds, for nerds. Built at Twitter by @mdo and @fat, Bootstrap utilizes LESS CSS, is compiled via Node, and is managed through GitHub to help nerds do awesome stuff on the web. Made for everyone. Bootstrap was made to not only look and behave great in the latest desktop browsers (as well as IE7!)
