VPT 7 | Conversations with spaces VPT 8 by HC Gilje, released may 2018. Video Projection Tool (VPT) is a free multipurpose realtime projection software tool for Mac and Windows. VPT 7 was downloaded over 100000 times, so in spite of a lot of other options available VPT still is popular. Among other things it can be used for projecting mapping on complex forms, adapt a projection to a particular space/surface, combine recorded and live footage, for multiscreen HD playback, for interactive installations using arduino sensors or camera tracking ++. VPT 8 is recommended for mac OS 10.12 or later and Windows 7 and 10 (although VPT 7 works great on Windows 7).and yes, it is still FREE! VPT 8 has a lot of under-the-hood changes. System RequirementsMacAn Intel® Mac with Mac OS X 10.7 (or later). WindowsPC with Windows 7 (or later); Multicore processor; 2 GB RAM; 1024×768 display, an OpenGL-compatible graphics card, and OpenGL 1.4 (or later) VPT 8 online manual Download NB Google Chrome users! VPT 8 windows VPT 8 mac NB! NB! extras:
RFF et SNCF, un vieux couple qui reprend la vie commune ! | film d'entreprise Un film d’accompagnement du changement pour la récente fusion entre la SNCF (l’opérateur) et RFF (les infrastructures). Leur séparation datait de 1997. Les salariés de ces 2 entités vont devoir s’adapter à la nouvelle organisation du Groupe. Inquiets, ils avaient fait une grève d’une dizaine de jours. Ce film donne la parole aux collaborateurs, face à un changement anxiogène et à une histoire pleine de rivalités. Ce film est un montage de propos croisées qui s’assemblent pour donner forme à une incitation au dialogue et à la (re)découverte de l’autre. Le parti-pris d’un cadrage très serré met en avant l’humain en le sortant de tout contexte. La force d’un camaïeu de points de vues est de prendre en compte une variété de réactions, même extrêmes. Une réalisation de ?
Surprising Parallels Found Between Solar Activity And Hurricane Development Cat 5 Hurricane “Dorian” showed a development parallel to a solar storm lasting several days, which reached the earth from 27 August to 4 September 2019. By Snowfan The strength of particle radiation of a solar storm is given as a three-hour value in the Kp index, the daily value is called the A index. The following table shows the development of hurricane DORIAN compared to solar activity in the daily values of the A index. Source: The parallels are astonishing: It would seem DORIAN was “fed” by the strength of the solar storm in its development, especially in its peak around September 1, 2019. It’s well known, of course: correlation isn’t causation. So the question arises: How could solar storms influence earthly hurricanes? A commentator made the following interesting comments on hurricane activity in 2017 (including IRMA), and 2018 in the North Atlantic and a connection of solar activity with regard to changes in the jet stream: Snowfan 2015
Symmetry and Balance Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The CERES satellite dataset is a never-ending source of amazement and interest. I got to thinking about how much energy is actually stoking the immense climate engine. Of course, virtually all the energy comes from the sun. So let’s start from the start, at the top of the atmosphere. Figure 1. However, we don’t get all of that energy. Figure 2. Once I had the available energy, I subtracted out the seasonal variations. So here is the first look at how much energy is available to drive the great planet-wide heat engine that we call the climate, divided by hemispheres: Figure 3. Bear in mind that the amount of energy that enters the climate system after albedo reflections is a function of highly variable ice, snow, and clouds … and despite that, there is only very little variation over either time or space. Figure 4. Now, I noticed a few curiosities about this graph. Second, the two hemispheres generally move in parallel. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. w.
outdoor flush mount ceiling light Chez Heineken, les collaborateurs ont le micro ! | film d'entreprise Cette vidéo présente Heineken Green Room, une plateforme on-line de contenus, produits par des collaborateurs pour les collaborateurs. Un endroit où ils racontent et partagent leurs expériences du terrain sous forme de vidéos, de blogs, de photos, … La mise en forme de ce film original et ludique, traduit bien l’esprit de ces productions. Des approches ludiques et authentiques qui inspirent les autres et canalisent une énergie positive en faveur de la marque. 78% des collaborateurs sont fiers de travailler chez Heineken et sont d’excellents ambassadeurs de la marque sur les réseaux sociaux. Destiné à un public interne (81 000 collaborateurs), la majorité de ces contenus sont ouvert à l’externe. Green Room, créé en mars 2015, remplace un magazine numérique interne et un autre magazine externe (papier et on-line). Une réalisation de Ben Wickham pour l’agence Flickering Wall.
Sunspots, Verse 25 Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [See update at the end] I started out as a true believer that sunspots (or something that changes in sync with sunspots, like heliomagnetism, cosmic rays, solar wind, etc.) had a strong effect on the weather. When I was a kid I read that the great British astronomer William Hershel had said that British wheat prices were affected by the sunspot cycle. Made sense to me … So when I started looking into the question, I figured it would be a piece of cake to find evidence supporting the connection … but nothing in climate science is simple. Undaunted, I continued to look for correlations, and I’ve done so from time to time ever since. Yesterday, a chance comment about sea surface temperature (SST) gave me a new thought about how to look for the signal. Since the original idea was about sea surface temperature (SST), I thought I’d start with that. It’s available here as a NetCDF document. Figure 1. Next, I thought I’d take a look at a global dataset. Figure 2.
Take the Climate Challenge Last night PBS aired the most impressive presentation yet of “Official” climate doctrine. I don’t say “science” because it mounts a powerful advocacy for a particular viewpoint and entertains no alternative perspectives. The broadcast is extremely well crafted with great imagery, crisp sound bite dialogue and sincere acting. With all the invested effort, talent and expense, it is probably the strongest yet Blue Team argument for climate alarm and against fossil fuel consumption. As such we can expect that large audiences of impressionable people of all ages will be exposed to it. The telecast will be repeatedly aired this month on NOVA on US PBS stations. Update April 20: An independent review of the documentary is added at the end. Decoding the Weather Machine Discover how Earth’s intricate climate system is changing. Program DescriptionDisastrous hurricanes. Outline Of Themes (Excerpts in italics from the transcript with my added images and pushback) Alarming Weather and Wildfires
Optical Illusions - grade 5 I just adore doing optical illusions, and kids really seem to love them too. This is a great one that students can easily experience success with (especially if you use my template!) Let me start by talking about the template. I debated for a while if I would give them one, wondering if I was giving them too much of an advantage or not. First, have students trace the lines on the template. I gave the students the option to add a T to the tender of the circle. Once they are done this part, they can start the fun part - coloring them in! I advised them to color the background first, then do the circles. This project is definitely a 3 period project - we have done two one hour periods, and only two kids are done so far.
Alstom facilitateur de belles rencontres ! | film d'entreprise Voici une communication corporate qui parle plus des bénéfices de l’offre que de l’offre en elle-même. La conception de moyens de transport devient un lien qui permet à des personnes de se rejoindre. Avec ce film, Alstom cherche à renforcer sa proximité avec ses clients finaux, en célébrant l’importance universelle de la rencontre. Des moments différents selon les contextes, mais toujours intenses émotionnellement. Aujourd’hui, la dimension émotionnelle est devenue indispensable dans la communication corporate. La réalisation image fonctionne bien parce que les plans sont beaux, très variés et émotionnels. Une réalisation de Thibaut CASTAN pour Capa Entreprises.