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Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript

Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps. Storage When web developers think of storing anything about the user, they immediately think of uploading to the server. HTML5 changes that, as there are now several technologies allowing the app to save data on the client device. It might also be sync'd back to the server, or it might only ever stay on the client: that's down to you, the developer. There are several reasons to use client-side storage. First, you can make your app work when the user is offline, possibly sync'ing data back once the network is connected again. Second, it's a performance booster; you can show a large corpus of data as soon as the user clicks on to your site, instead of waiting for it to download again. SQLite C/C++ Tutorial Installation Before we start using SQLite in our C/C++ programs, we need to make sure that we have SQLite library set up on the machine. You can check SQLite Installation chapter to understand installation process. C/C++ Interface APIs Following are important C&C++ / SQLite interface routines which can suffice your requirement to work with SQLite database from your C/C++ program. Connecting To Database Following C code segment shows how to connect to an existing database. Now, let's compile and run above program to create our database test.db in the current directory. $gcc test.c -l sqlite3 $. If you are going to use C++ source code, then you can compile your code as follows: $g++ test.c -l sqlite3 Here we are linking our program with sqlite3 library to provide required functions to C program. -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 7383 May 8 02:06 a.out-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 323 May 8 02:05 test.c -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 May 8 02:06 test.db Create a Table INSERT Operation SELECT Operation UPDATE Operation
