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Multitouch, Multiuser Software for Museums

Multitouch, Multiuser Software for Museums

SWFTOOLS My Tours — Turn your city walks, museum tours and audio guides into an iPhone application Belmond Grand Hibernian, Irland – Inbetriebnahme 2016 | Luxuszug in Irland Erleben Sie an Bord eine Welt des Luxus – moderne Waggons, die sich an der Architektur Dublins inspirieren, feinste Küche mit lokalen Spezialitäten und faszinierende, abwechslungsreiche Landschaften. Der Zug bietet mit eleganten Abteilen mit eigenem Bad und WC bis zu 40 Gästen Platz. Das Intérieur des Zuges mit zwei einzigartig gestalteten Speisewagen und einem gemütlichen Panoramawagen spiegelt stolz die irische Tradition wider, ohne auf moderne Annehmlichkeiten verzichten zu müssen. Unsere Rundreisen sind mit zwei, vier oder sechs Übernachtungen buchbar. Abfahrtsort ist Dublin und angefahren werden Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Republik Irland wie auch in Nordirland. Der Zug Die einzelnen Waggons tragen Namen der irischen Countys und sind mit Dekorationselementen ausgestattet, die die traditionellen Stoffe und Muster des jeweiligen Countys widerspiegeln. Gäste können wählen zwischen 16 Doppelabteilen mit Stockbetten und 4 Doppelbettabteilen. Gastronomisches Angebot Rundfahrten & Ziele

swfmill swf2xml and xml2swf Stories from the stores » Not for the squeamish…. I often get asked what skills you need to be a curator. As a medical curator, the one I’ve found most useful is having a strong stomach. Unsurprisingly, we have large amounts of blood-related items in the collections including bleeding bowls, lancets, leech jars, cupping sets and even mechanical leeches. Lancets with a case showing a bloodletting scene 1750-1850 (A647881, Science Museum, London) Blood was let from patients to restore their the balance of their humours. For instance, a fever was a sign of too much hot blood running through the body so to return equilibrium, blood was let from a vein into a bleeding bowl. It required some skill to hit the right spot and to know when enough was enough. Barber surgeon's shop sign, England, 1680-1830 (A631340, Science Museum, London) But it’s not just people on dry land that require treatment. Richard Phillips' document wallet, England (A633734, Science Museum, London) Bloodletting was not only confined to humans – animals too were bled.

Google Hangouts || AS3 Bridge and Testbed | Hook - Labs Das Intro Oh the Google, so huge and so many new things going on at the same time. Recently we have had a bit of time to play around with one of Google’s newer experiences, the Google Hangout. If you don’t know what that is you can get a bit of a feel for it by watching their video here: The long and the short of it is that that you can create or join a hangout to video chat with up to 9 other people, making it a max of 10 people in the same hangout at the same time. Before we get into it all, here are the goods: (Source On GitHub): Start a new Hangout session with the Testbed app: Of course video chatting is neat and all, but it’s not all that new of a concept, so Hangouts doesn’t stop there. 1) Hangouts On Air - you can have lots of viewers of the hangout while still limited to 10 participants - anything sent through the video/audio stream will be recorded and posted on youtube . Yay!

Planning Your Desert Adventure - Alice Springs Desert Park Home > experience > Planning Your Desert Adventure These web pages are designed for teachers and students who want to make their tour of the Australian deserts the experience of their life. Learning packages and interactive planning tools will allow you to focus on the most rewarding aspects of these amazing deserts and diverse cultures. Enter via the navigation on the left. You will never look at the desert in the same way again!

Using FlashVars with ActionScript 3.0 I was building a small app in Flash/ActionScript 3.0 over the weekend and needed to find out how to use FlashVars (Using FlashVars to pass variables to a SWF) to pass variables to my SWF file. Previously, in ActionScript 2.0, you could pass variables along the query string or using FlashVars and the variables would be available in _level0, in ActionScript 3.0, it is a bit tricker: The previous code passes two variables (one and two) along the querystring (main.swf?one=1&two=2) and makes those variables available in your SWF file in the root’s loaderInfo object (or more accurately, within the loaderInfo’s parameters property). Also, the same technique works if you pass the variables within a FlashVars parameter, as seen below: &lt! But enough of my rambling, how do you access these from within your FLA document? Nothing ground breaking or overly fascinating, but hopefully this helps somebody out there or saves them about 3 minutes of searching.

The Collection processingas - A port of the Processing programming language to ActionScript. is a port of the Processing programming language to ActionScript. It includes a fully functional parser and evaluator, as well as an API layer, to run many existing and new Processing scripts. To check out in action, take a look at the following examples: The processing.swf file can be placed in any webpage and loaded with a Processing script dynamically via JavaScript. var Processing = null; ProcessingAS.onLoad = function () { // movie loaded, get object reference Processing = document.getElementById('processing'); // start interactivity Processing.start();} ProcessingAS.onStart = function () { // drawing APIs are now available Processing.size(200, 200); Processing.fill(255, 0, 0); Processing.rect(0, 0, 100, 100); // run some Processing code'line(0, 0, width, height)');} ProcessingAS.onResize = function (w, h) { // Processing canvas resized; resize embedded element Processing.width = w; Processing.height = h;}
