Half Baked Harvest - Made with Love
Oh um hi, I’m Tieghan and I’ve taken loving fall to a whole new level. No Seriously, I think I have an issue. I just realized that all of my recipe ideas for the next two months are SO fall-like that you guys might actually start to get annoyed with me. AND I have so many recipes I want to share with you that I wish I could post like two times a day. I mean, I would if I could, but I’m already a crazy person as it is, so adding more posts to my schedule really isn’t too realistic. Everything I have in mind for upcoming posts is either squash, pumpkin, apples, figs, pomegranate, brussels sprouts, stews, soups, PASTA
Mamina jela
Avocado Pasta Recipe
Avocado pasta has been floating around the internet forever but even though I have a major obsession with avocados, I was never compelled to give it a go. I just couldn’t really imagine warm avocado sauce. It’s not that I had a problem with warm avocados – I’ve had avocado fries (deep-fried tempura avocado) and they’re delicious!
Best Food Blog Awards 2014: Winners
Each year we've hosted the Best Food Blog Awards, we're astounded at the depth, variety, creativity, and ingenuity of the food blogs nominated, and this year was no exception. They've inspired us to pull out our cameras, travel to experience new foodways, and most importantly, inspired us to get in our kitchens and cook. Congratulations to this year's winners, and a big thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for them!
The 2013 Best Food Blog Awards: The Winners!
's ongoing mission to chronicle a world of authentic cuisine, we find what we're looking for more and more in one place: online. Of the tens of thousands of nominations that came in this year—blogs great and small, visual and textual, humorous and profound, technical and amateur, exuberant and austere—we found not just great writing, great photography, and a great commitment to the importance of food to storytelling and community-building, but also some blogs that truly spoke to us. We're thrilled to shine a light on the sixty-eight unique blogs that are finalists in the fourth annual Best Food Blog Awards—and even more delighted to announce the winners in each category.
Modern Iranian aka Persian Food & Culture Blog – Cuisine, Recipes, Stories , Photos, Pictures, DIY tutorials
Amoo & dokhtar amoo | Kermanshah, Iran 2014 During my epic trip to Iran last year, I mostly stayed in Tehran, the cosmopolitan capital of the country and the city of my childhood, but luckily I got to make several memorable short forays into a few other cities as well: I visited Esfehan (nesfe jahan) with my fabulous Khaleh Farzie; went to Yazd with Haleh, my dear childhood/family friend; visited my vivacious aunt in Shiraz; went to the holy city of Ghom with my uncle; took a short and sweet road trip jaunt to the Caspian sea with good friends where we stayed in a beautiful villa and explored the amazing wonders of the Babolsar food market; and near the end of this truly epic and sentimental journey to my homeland, I also went and visited my father’s side of the family in Kermanshah. The statue of Hercules in Bisotun, 480 BC and discovered in 1957. Near Kermanshah, Iran Historic Taghbostan at Night
Homemade Labneh
You may be wondering why on earth you would want to make your own Labneh at home. Well, I’m glad you asked! Allow me to enlighten you:
farm stands and tomato galettes. – Reading My Tea Leaves – Slow, simple, sustainable living.
A summer tomato fresh from a farm is a thing to eat if you’re feeling like you need a boost of the spirits or a restored faith in magic. That a summer tomato starts as a seedling in a farmer’s shed while the earth is still mostly slumbering and then grows into a crown jewel so dark and delicious that it causes anyone eating it to simultaneously smile and groan is a small miracle. It’s the kind of improbably normal magic that’s worth just sighing over for a minute. This past weekend we walked down the street from my mom and dad’s to our neighbors farm (the place where we got married and one of my favorite corners on the planet). We gathered a bundle of zinnias and snapdragons and rudbeckia from their stand, tucked tomatoes into our bag until it got heavy, and then weighed out our spoils and counted out the requisite dollars for leaving in the wooden cash box.
Easy Homemade Pretzel Bagels. - Half Baked Harvest
The easiest Homemade Pretzel Bagels with double the salt and a little extra butter too. A mix between a soft, buttery, salty pretzel and a slightly chewy bagel. They’re airy, perfectly salted, and every last bite is oh so buttery…the best of both worlds. These bagels are made using only pantry staples, require very little prep work, and are truly easier than heading out to your local bagel shop.