The Strategy Trap: Why focusing too much on strategy could be ki “They were worried that I would get bogged down in wanting to do things, not just create strategy.”- David Polinchock / @lbbinc One of the topics covered during the #LikeMinds Summit this past weekend was precisely this: The chasm between strategy and execution, especially as businesses struggle to understand how to leverage, integrate and operationalize Social Communications (what you do with social media platforms) in the coming 6-24 months. Unfortunately, because the C-suite tends to look to itself when it comes to “strategic masterminding,” the focus too often shifts from execution at the customer level (the most important thing a business should be focusing on on) to… being the guy who came up with the game-changing strategy that will secure more funding and increase influence within the organization. When this happens, strategy becomes a product, and that’s bad. Strategy isn’t a product.
The personal blog of Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » The Rise of the Cause-Architect The Rise of the Cause-Architect In 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed into law the famous Emancipation Proclamation, a piece of legislation that gave freedom to all of the slaves. But true freedom was still a century away for those who lived in the black vs. white world leading up to the Civil Rights movement, an effort that began in earnest in the 1950s. The movement for freeing the slaves was a social cause that tore the country apart, resulting in a civil war and a century’s worth of social scarring that needed to heal before the effort could begin again. In 1954 the stage was set with a Supreme Court ruling that made segregation illegal. After years of marches, protests, and demonstrations, the Civil Rights movement peaked in 1963 with Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech, in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
Top 20 Communicators Jeffrey Solomon and Charles Bronfman, authors of The Art of Giving. Whether writing a book, giving a speech at a philanthropy forum, sitting down for a national radio or television interview, connecting with people through social media outlets or sharing their philanthropic story with investors, employees or volunteers, these Top 20 Executives, Thinkers and Experts are some of the philanthropic sector’s best communicators. There were more than 350 nominees for Top 20 Communicators in the philanthropic community, which is a little more than we expected. 9 YouTube Tips and Tricks for Teachers Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates and/or follow me on Twitter. Info on how to contact me is on the About page.
How New Ideas Almost Killed Our Startup Odysseus resisting the Sirens Vinicius Vacanti is co-founder and CEO of Yipit. Next posts on how to acquire users for free and how to raise a Series A. Don’t miss them by subscribing via email or via twitter. Ho'oponopono Le Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono, parfois traduit en « remettre les choses en ordre », « rétablir l'équilibre ») est une tradition sociale et spirituelle de repentir et de réconciliation des anciens Hawaïens. Des coutumes identiques de thérapie familiale se retrouvent aussi dans toute la région de l'océan Pacifique. Le hoʻoponopono traditionnel était dirigé par un ou une kahuna lāʻau lapaʻau[1] (prêtre guérisseur) pour guérir les maladies physiques ou psychiques au sein des groupes familiaux. La plupart des versions modernes sont conçues de telle façon que chacun puisse le faire seul.
Setting Up a Repository ~ Start ~ Repositories Support Project This section provides information to help you create your repository and the administrative processes required to maintain it. Technical approaches This section explains the different options for setting up repository software. Metadata Opening up a world of educational content with YouTube for Schools When I was in school during the 90s, watching videos in the classroom was a highlight of any week. The teacher would roll in a television on a cart, pop in a VHS tape, and then we’d enjoy whatever scratchy science video my teacher had checked out from the school video library that week. Sight, sound and motion have always had the power to engage students and complement classroom instruction by bringing educational topics to life. We’ve been hearing from teachers that they want to use the vast array of educational videos on YouTube in their classrooms, but are concerned that students will be distracted by the latest music video or a video of a cute cat, or a video that might not be appropriate for students. While schools that completely restrict access to YouTube may solve this distraction concern, they also limit access to hundreds of thousands of educational videos on YouTube that can help bring photosynthesis to life, or show what life was like in ancient Greece.
Why Google can’t build Instagram Tonight I was talking with an exec at Google and I brought up the success of (they’ve gotten more than 500,000 downloads in just a few weeks) and asked him “why can’t Google do that?” I knew some of the answers. After all, I watched Microsoft get passed by by a whole group of startups (I was working at Microsoft as Flickr got bought by Yahoo, Skype got bought by eBay, etc etc). I told him a few of my theories, and he told me back what they are seeing internally. Turns out he was talking to me about these items because Google, internally, knows it has an innovation problem (look at Google Wave or Buzz for examples of how it is messed up) and is looking to remake its culture internally to help entrepreneurial projects take hold.
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Got the same idea. Will working on it ,-) by politicus Apr 10
Would be much better to have this in a pearltree... especially when considering the time it took for the author to collect all this in a pearltree by Patrice Dec 27