Startups 101: The Complete Mint Presentation
Building 101 – Last night I posted the video of Mint CEO Aaron Patzer’s 45 minute presentation on building startups from the ground up. If you are an aspiring startup entrepreneur, you’ll want to watch that more than a few times. The candid disclosures and advice he gives is rarely seen in Silicon Valley. Some readers requested to see the presentation deck as well, so here it is. Patzer shows how he raised and spent money, and generated revenue, throughout the lifecycle of Mint, from the very beginning to the $170 million acquisition. I’m also re-embedding the full video below.
Startup Tools
Startup Tools 1. Startup Tools Click Here 2. Lean LaunchPad Videos Click Here
Guide des Startup, seizième édition
Comme le coucou qui sort de l’horloge toutes les heures, voici venir la nouvelle édition du Guide des Startups qui suit à peu près un rythme de publication de deux éditions par an. Seizième édition et six ans d’existence pour ce guide, mazette ! Quelle pérennité n’est-ce pas ? Au départ, il faisait 32 pages. Consultez par curiosité l’édition de septembre 2006 avec ses 40 pages ! Cette nouvelle édition en gagne 30 par rapport à la 15ième pour en contenir 274.
Chuck Eesley
Some of you have been asking for feedback on the 2nd assignment. Overall, I was very happy with the creativity and energy people showed in creating these! I'll be highlighting some of the most viewed and up-voted ones here soon. Here are three of the videos that have received the most views and upvotes thus far: The 2nd assignment was intended to help you practice see the flaws in a business model and then changing that business model or idea in some way to improve it. This is one part of what you will be doing during the rest of the course. These "worst" ideas all had some fairly obvious flaw in one or more aspects of the business model.
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