Dessine-moi un Scrum Master! Que vous soyez un Scrum Master en devenir, fraîchement sorti de formation ou un directeur de projet à qui on a vendu les bienfaits du Scrum et les pouvoirs mystiques du Scrum Master, vous avez la tête pleine de rêves et de grandes théories sur ce métier. Mais, c’est quoi un Scrum Master? Dédié ou Intégré ? Avant de vous présenter ce qu’est un Scrum Master, il faut savoir qu’il existe 2 grandes écoles. Chacune a ses avantages et ses inconvénients et aucune d’entre elles n’est meilleure que l’autre. La 1ere école est celle du Scrum Master dédié. La seconde école est celui du Scrum Master intégré. Dessine-moi un Scrum Master Son caractère Contrairement à un chef de projet, le Scrum Master n’est pas là pour gérer une équipe, mais pour la guider, la comprendre et l’aider. Il est donc humble et bienveillant, mettant en avant l’équipe pour ses succès, ne blâmant pas, mais ne trouvant pas d’excuses aux échecs. Ses connaissances / son expérience Ses compétences Le quotidien du Scrum Master Transparence
For Amusement Only: the life and death of the American arcade If you’ve never been inside a “real” arcade, it could be hard to distinguish one from say, oh, a Dave & Buster’s. Authenticity is a hard nut to crack, but there are a few hallmarks of the video game arcade of days gone by: first, they have video games. Lots and lots of video games, and (usually) pinball machines. To say that Nolan Bushnell single-handedly created the arcade would probably be overstating it: coin-operated machines had been popular in America for decades by the time he got his start in the early '70s, and the pinball arcade had a storied (and notorious) spot in American history. Sticky TOC engaged! Youth Gone Wild Youth Gone Wild The arcade has always been aligned with the coin-operated amusements industry, and — since the birth of pinball — with youth. The first full-fledged and highly publicized legal attack on pinball came on January 21st, 1942, when New York City Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia banned pinball in the city, ordering the seizure of thousands of machines.
Just so we don't forget: Timeline of Scrum in 1 slide ! Mots clés Technorati : SCRUM in one slide July 2011 : The creators of Scrum released a new version this month. Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland published “The Scrum Guide” in many languages ( To keep it as simple as possible, I skipped on purpose some concepts.However, alsthough it is not part of Scrum as such, I have added in bracket “Continuous Build and Deploy”, as I find that a keystone to Agility,The “Definition of DONE” is applicable at many level and could also be representing “Behavior”, if you do “Behavior Development Driven” (BDD).x²Feel free to use it / modify it, and if possible send me your feedbacks so I can make it evolve too. © Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Well, obviously, Scrum is much more than that, and answers many other questions such as : - Agile Estimating and Planning (Mike Cohn) as well as some of his other books "Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum".
Scrum in a Nutshell - What is Scrum Here you get a quick but detailed overview on the Scrum Framework. The whitepaper Scrum in a Nutshell describes the most important Scrum roles, Scrum artifacts and Scrum Ceremonies. Scrum - The Agile Framework Scrum is a Framework that enables iterative and incremental product development, allows toget things done at the right time, maximizing the value of what is delivered. Tasks are performed faster and with higher quality by self-organizing Teams. High levels of self-motivation are achieved and are the reason why Scrum allows teams to reach higher productivity faster. A Scrum project mostly starts with a vision of the product or system to be developed. At the start of an iteration (Sprint), the Product Owner is presenting the prioritized Product Backlog to the team, which selects what it believes it can turn into an increment of potentially shippable functionality by the end of the Sprint. Scrum Roles Scrum knows 3 roles: Product Owner,TeamScrum Master Product Owner The Team Burndown Chart
Agile and the Fine Art of Gathering Application Requirements -- Agile and the Fine Art of Gathering Application Requirements Bloated enterprise systems are taking more time and money without providing what organizations really need. Learn how Agile methods can help. By Paulo Rosado Experience has taught many IT professionals that large systems are more complex to build, customize, and maintain. Although IT professionals have also learned that large systems are a necessity in many cases, do they really need to be as large as they are? A 2002 study from The Standish Group ranks the usage factor of features across the average enterprise software system. Faced with these numbers, organizations must assess how much they are spending for application functionality that will never be used. Why do organizations spend good money developing, purchasing and maintaining large, complex applications when they only really need half of what they are paying for? In the case of a purchased software package, the explanation is simple. In such a scenario, "more" is "less."
Comment représenter un modèle économique d’entreprise ? | Modèles Economiques Selon une approche « Business Model » de la création d’entreprise, on commencera par décomposer le concept de son projet, au moyen d’outils adaptés. Puis on décrira ce concept à l’aide d’un organigramme, dans le but de décrire les processus à mettre en œuvre. Enfin, on s’intéressera aux chiffres, afin de démontrer la viabilité économique du projet. 1. La description du concept Nous avons pu voir qu’il n’existe pas de définition unique et officielle d’un modèle économique. Le « Business Model Canvas », au point par Alexander Osterwalder. La proposition de valeur faite au clientLa division de la clientèle en segmentsLes relations avec cette clientèleLes canaux de distribution auxquels on a recoursLes activités clés qu’il faut maîtriserLes ressources clés auxquelles il faut pouvoir accéderLe réseau de partenaires que ceci implique d’avoirLes coûts de la structure de l’entrepriseLes flux de revenus 2. Mais aussi faire apparaître : Sans oublier : 3.
Game Developer Magazine Archive NOTE: You can find out how to obtain an unofficial full copy of this archive from a third-party website by reading the info found in this tread. Game Developer, an in-depth monthly magazine for exposing 'the art and business of video games', was published by UBM Tech (which also runs Game Developers Conference and from 1994 to 2013. Following the magazine's closure in July 2013, we've compiled an archive and made them freely available here for all to enjoy. Digital Edition Archives Source Code & Utilities Archive
Ruminations From a Tortured Mind Sous ce titre qui peut paraitre provocateur se trouve un constat plutôt amère, d'autant plus amère que tout cela était prévisible depuis bien des années. L'Agile est devenu mainstream, on en parle régulièrement dans les journaux de décideurs (c'est bien la preuve de sa reconnaissance non ?), les développeurs disent le pratiquer au quotidien, les responsables de projet assurent en faire. Alors pourquoi ce pessimisme ? Parce qu'il ne se passe un mois sans en avoir la preuve, par exemple quand quelqu'un se pose en face de moi et me dit : L'agilité, c'est vraiment de la merde ! Et cela m'arrive très souvent (certes ce n'est pas toujours aussi vulgaire). Oh, je vous vois venir : «mais qui es tu pour définir ce qui est de ce qui n'est pas Agile ?». A mes yeux, l'agilité se résume en trois points dont leurs présences sont faciles à juger. La recherche de la valeur J'écoute les besoins.Je conçois et valide les spécifications.Je développe.Je teste.Je livre. Il n'y a pas plus rapide. Conclusion
Agile Non-Functional Requirements | Tyner Blain Just because your requirement is not a user story does not mean you have to throw it out when planning your next sprint. See one way (that is working) for managing non-functional requirements with an agile team. Product Backlog Stories Every article* I can remember reading that explains how to manage a product backlog talks about user stories. Those articles are necessary, but not sufficient . *One loophole – scheduling refactoring (or the payback of technical debt). Atomicity What is really important, when scheduling sprints (or releases, if you are not doing scrum) is that you are scheduling solutions to atomic, measureable, valuable problems. The problem is, not every atomic requirement can be represented with a user story. Non-Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements always seem to be under-emphasized when writing requirements. Product managers and business analysts tend to neglect non-functional requirements. Agile Non-Functional Requirements Conclusion
Schématiser son modèle économique Je viens de lire le livre de Alexander Osterwalder et Yves Pigneur, Business Model Generation. J’ai trouvé leur canevas très intéressant et facile à utiliser pour tous ceux qui cherchent à créer un modèle économique pertinent et original. Je vous propose donc de reprendre les points principaux qu’ils développent dans le chapitre 1, intitulé logiquement “business model canvas”. Modèle économique Avant de rentrer concrètement dans la description de leur canevas, je me permets d’expliciter pour ceux qui ne se sont pas spécialement penchés sur la question ce qu’est un modèle économique, communément appelé business model. Les 9 blocs Les auteurs ont identifié 9 blocs fondamentaux, qui permettent de saisir la logique de captation de valeur. 1. Les segments de clientèle représentent les groupes d’individus ou d’organisations que l’entreprise vise. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Les activités clefs dépendent du modèle économique retenu. 8. 9.
Slawa Deisling's Blog - How to get on consoles as an Indie The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. My name is Slawa Deisling and I'm Co-Founder and programmer at Behind The Stone, a really small indie-studio from Hamburg, Germany. We're so indie, you probably never heard of us, and that's ok. Maybe you're asking yourself now: "Alright. No-Name indie. Besides working on our game I'm active in my local indie-dev-community as one of the organizers of our regular local meetup (if you should ever be in or around Hamburg at the right time, come and at the last one I did a talk: "How to get on consoles as an indie" Though we develop a PS Vita-exclusive title we're also licensed developers for the XONE and the WiiU. Now you might say: "Well, developing for consoles is nothing exceptional anymore, isn't it?" It is. As mentioned above getting on consoles is easier today.
Integrating Agile into a Waterfall World Every project manager can successfully integrate agile in a waterfall environment to improve project predictability, cost effectiveness and ultimately success. Agile was once considered by project management professionals to be a fad. In the 10 years since the agile manifesto was written agile has matured; it has moved from being fringe to being a core methodology and from small software companies to the point where it is used, to some extent, in a majority of enterprise organizations today. Agile isn’t a silver bullet though and agile methods need to adapt to the changed context of the enterprise. The purpose of this paper is to examine how project managers can successfully apply agile to their projects in an enterprise context. I contend that agile is optimized for product management but can be used to effectively manage projects. Introduction This year the Agile Manifesto celebrates its 10 year anniversary. There is a third grey area company that we need to address as well. Exhibit 1