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Glyphter: The SVG Font Machine

Related:  graph&divers

Tutoriel : Débuter dans l'infographie avec GIMP ! Version en ligne Table des matières Débuter dans l'infographie avec GIMP ! "Vous avez toujours rêvé de vous lancer dans le graphisme, de pouvoir retoucher vos photos ratées, d'être capable de réaliser de belles images comme celles que l'on peut voir sur le forum Graphisme ou tout autre site ?" 50 Recursos de Referências essenciais para Designers Aonde encontrar suas referências? Suas fontes? Vetores? Cores? Montamos uma lista com 50 sites de recursos que você deve conhecer!

create custom css radial-gradients dragging your mouse draGGradients is as a simple tool to generate and customize multiple css3 radial gradients. I get back an old project that uses a multiple gradient jpg image as a background and started to generate the same image in css-only. Instead of code only this image I finished doing this little stuff. Générateur de texte aléatoire Crois-tu que nous n'hésitions pas, par un accord tacite, une sorte de voûte blanchâtre d'où tombait une bruine glacée. Aidée par les vents alizés. Veuf ou non, nous le sentirions. Laisser s'accomplir froidement s'il dépendait de vous, un jour d'été, à raffermir la confiance de son souverain, de son sourire d'autrefois, avant de vous lancer sur la voie. Considérons ensuite une pierre qui roula aux pieds de ces gueux. Ça ne servirait à rien, les bobines tambourinaient sur le carton, et qu'ainsi elle soit prise pour deux.

32 Inspirational Cat Logo Design – Very Adorable The cat is an adorable and funny animals, are generally very close to humans. Then what is the relation of the cat with logo design?. As is generally a logo with animal element therein, it is not easy to use animal element in a logo design, lest in our logo design which supposed to present something that is funny or friendly but it looks so scary, or should a cat but why are look like a tiger. In this post we’ll show 32 examples of logo design with elements of a cat in it for inspiration. Regarding they fit or not with what is represented by the logo, you own assessment. Which obviously is very cute and adorable, take a look. Free Online Barcode Generator: Make a Custom Barcode in Seconds Over 600 Million Barcodes Generated Use the CGI form below to generate a printable and scan-able barcode in Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128 A, B, or C symbologies. This free service can be used to generate individual barcodes or called via URL's to include inline PNG or JPEG images directly into your documents. For the ability to design and print your own barcodes, check out our barcode generator software from Seagull Scientific, Teklynx, and Niceware. We also have a wide selection of barcode labels to choose from, or fill out our custom label form to have one of our experts provide you a quote and lead time on your very own custom labels.

Material Design Color Palette Generator - Material Palette material palette Material Design Examples Palette preview Breathtaking Cinegraphs by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg If you haven't seen these animated gifs by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg yet, you are in for a treat. These aren't your run of the mill early 90's gifs, they're more aptly called cinemagraphs by their creators.The idea for cinegraphs came up when the pair was preparing for Fashion Week. They wanted to tell more of a story than a single frame but didn't want the hassle of creating a video. I love the ones where you stare at the image, waiting to see what will happen. For more details about these awesome images, read the articles on Gawker and My Modern Metropolis.
